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Car parking in Summertown for residents only

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My gripe is about Oxford City Council who have a crazy scheme to introduce residential parking all over Oxford.  In the area I work (Summertown) they recently held a meeting so residents and the public could air their view. 

The outcome was that the majority of residents were not in favour of the scheme as there is plenty of parking in this area (even when the rush hour has arrived) and they resent the way they will have to apply to park outside their own homes and in some cases pay for the privilege to do so.

Result: The Council are going ahead - for the good of the residents.  Are they mad?

They say that the new Park and Ride being built in Kidlington will take the demand.  This in itself is crazy as the location of this Park and Ride smack band in the middle of an existing traffic hot spot (almost stand still in the rush hour).

Yes I drive a car to work.  Is this a crime because the way I am being treated makes me feel as if I have done something wrong.  If there was another practical cost effective commuting solution - I would take it.

I feel this is a vendetta against motorists in order to exclude commuters like myself from parking in the many available spaces in the Summertown streets.  In most cases - we commuters are considerate to the local residents - ensuring we do not block them in and allowing plenty of space for them to manoeuvre.

Residential parking in Oxford City - parking mayhem! Even when the rush hour has arrived each morning - there are still plenty of free spaces so I do not feel it is fair to say we are depriving local residents of their rights to park.  I used to use the local pay and display car parks until I was forced into the streets by exorbitant price increases.

I live in Witney and am aware of the various forms of public transport.  I have tried to use them in the past but they are completely inadequate.  To do so would steal an additional 3 hours from my life each working day.  I was educated in Oxford and used to bus daily.  At this time - the bus from Witney would alternate its route via Botley and then Summertown.  However when I commenced work - the Summertown routes were scrapped.  Thus from my experience - public transport has let me down and forced me into a car.

Even using the park and ride will impact my daily journey for at least an additional hour and in my case increase pollution as I will be forced to head out of the city and then double back on the bus. I also feel there will be considerable traffic bottlenecks created by concentrating vehicles into areas surrounding the Park and Ride.

I wonder what the residents of Kidlingdon will feel as the Summertown commuters descend on their already overloaded traffic system.  Oxford has recently been criticised as having the worst transport system in the UK resulting in an article on BBC Top Gear.  The strategy is to impact the car drivers - forcing them to use alternatives.  What is not considered - is the fact that there are no practical alternatives - such commuters are forced to continue using theirs cars in a system that has reduced in its ability to cope.

I pay my local and Government taxes including a road tax, which should entitle me to some rights yet it seems to me we commuters are being treated as second class citizens simply because we do not live locally.

We bring considerable revenue into the area.  I calculated that I have spent over £1500 last year with Summertown businesses.  I saw an article recently in the Oxford Mail stating these businesses felt they would not be impacted by the introduction of this scheme.  However - I beg to differ.  They simply are not considering the sizeable revenue delivered by us commuters.  This scheme will force us away from the area and potentially steal more money from our pockets. This extra money will have to come from somewhere and people will cut back on lunches, luxury purchases etc.  I know I will be bringing in sandwiches and voting with my pocket if this scheme is introduced as it seems this is the only message that is understood.  I will be urging other people affected to do the same.

Finally and I also think most importantly, is the impact this scheme will have on working parents with children in school.  The Government is keen to encourage parents - especially mothers - back into work.  They rely on their cars to drop their children off and then commute to work. There is simply no practical way they can do this using public transport.  Even the introduction of using the Park and Ride will reduce the number hours they can work.  It will also potentially put their children under additional risk if they are late picking them up due to public transport delays out of their control (full/late bus, additional journey, strikes, overloaded traffic queues leaving/entering the parking area).

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Complaint with the Local Government Ombudsman has gone from the assessment team to the formal investigation team. So my complaint against Cowley Marsh CPZ has been accepted.
08/05/21 Petrolhead


Oxford residents in Blackbird Leys have rejected the proposed CPZ by a massive 81%, staggering result. Council says CPZs are indefinitely paused, continuation is dependent on funding.
23/03/21 Petrolhead


Currently got a complaint in with the Local Government Ombudsman, against Oxfordshire County Council, over Controlled Parking Zones. its in with the assessment team at present, so we'll see how it goes.
21/03/21 Petrolhead


Vote out of office all those who impose low traffic neighbourhoods, these schemes are really childish Ken Livingstone style stop cars from being able to be driven anywhere measures.
20/03/21 Petrolhead


The new proposed Blackbird Leys controlled parking zone, CPZ, has been withdrawn and pulled back off the table by the County Council, after the residents en masse complained, and refused to accept it. I have submitted a formal complaint against Oxford CPZs, and defective parking restrictions, to the Local Government Ombudsman, the Secretary of State (SoS) for Transport, and the Select Committee on Transport at House of Commons. Currently awaiting response from all three.
18/03/21 Petrolhead


Oxford residents are kicking off over low traffic neighbourhoods, residents are getting increasingly angry with the council over this issue. LTNs are not popular in Oxford, and one councillor I have spoken to, is coming out against them.
13/03/21 Petrolhead


double yellow lines have to be 150mm from the kerb, they have to be solid, continuous, and of one uniform shade of yellow, with no deviation, each of the two yellow lines has to be 75mm, and the gap between them has to be 75mm, they are not allowed to vary in width, if they do, they are not legal, if they are broken, and discontinuous, they are also not legal, if they change colour then they are not legal, to be legal they have to have an end cap marker on both ends, if one or other of the end cap markers is missing then the lines are not legal, if the end cap markers do not point in the same direction, then the lines are not legal. Double yellow lines are in operation for four months at any one time, seven days a week, 24 hours a day.
09/03/21 Petrolhead


Parking bays with double end termination bars at both ends are not legally enforceable, parking bays with end termination bars missing are also not legally enforceable, parking bays with double end termination bars at one end, and single end termination bars at the other end are also likewise not legally enforceable
09/03/21 Petrolhead


Penalty Charge Notices, if the colour of the vehicle is wrong, challenge the ticket, if the make and model of the vehicle is wrong, challenge the ticket, if the registration plate spacing is wrong, challenge the ticket, if the street name is wrong, challenge the ticket, if the contravention code is wrong, challenge the ticket, if the CPZ code letters are wrong, then challenge the ticket, if its been issued inside the five minute observation routine period, then challenge the ticket
09/03/21 Petrolhead


Residents apparently are getting warning notices on their cars, in Marston, which is littering and fly posting, its also potential criminal damage, plus its money with menaces, and its also threatening behaviour with intent. Its also public nuisance, which is a breach of the public order act, and its anti social behaviour. Placing notes on vehicles without consent, in a public place, is unsolicited advertising which is an offence.
03/03/21 Petrolhead


In order to stop this latest CPZ, in Black Bird Leys, the residents need to be targeting the 1984 RTRA, schedule 9 part 6, section 35b, which is the full on legal challenge to a permanent TRO. And the residents also need to cite the 1996 Local Authorities Traffic Orders (Procedures) England and Wales Regulations, section 8 to section 14, and section 6 to section 8, objections, breach of consultation, sub sections 1, 2, and 3.
27/02/21 Petrolhead


Its all kicking off in Black Bird Leys over Residents Parking Permits, that the council are proposing yet another CPZ, which the residents have just told the Oxford Mail, that they dont want.
27/02/21 Petrolhead


Been a really great week long thread on Next Door Neighbour website, about controlled parking zones in Oxford, that discussed people's views on resident parking permits, and the associated charges, and people's opposition to the increasing spread of CPZs in general.
19/02/21 Petrolhead


oxford council might owe thousands of motorists refunds from PCNs that were handed out on defective hybrid unenforceable parking bays.
19/09/20 Petrolhead


Temporary stop notice about to be served on Oxford Council due to their unlawful behaviour at Cowley Marsh Cpz. Possibility this may go all the way to cease and desist proceedings
02/09/20 Petrolhead

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