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I have recently been parking my car on a side street near work as there aren't any spaces in the office car park. The street in question is St Peters Way, near Timothy's Bridge Road, Stratford Upon Avon. There are quite a few offices in the area and parking is often very limited. Although there is a Park and Ride not too far away, there are also a fair number of side roads with no obvious parking restrictions.
threatened to report anyone who continued to park in the street to their employer
I arrived back at my car yesterday after work to find a sheet of A4 paper folded underneath my windscreen wiper and upon opening it up found a rather snotty letter written by one of the residents. I also noticed the same letter posted on the windscreens of several other cars parked nearby. I found the general tone of the letter quite intimidating and in the last paragraph they even threatened to report anyone who continued to park in the street to their employer who would then take disciplinary action (which they had apparently agreed with the residents they would do in such cases).
I can't actually see a good reason why these residents (or this one) would object people parking where they do other than them simply being territorial and perhaps a bit snobbish. My car (and the others) were not parked outside someone's house, they were parked on the opposite side of the road. All these houses have their own courtyards with parking anyway and no one was being inconvenienced or blocked in.
No road markings or double yellow lines... no signs prohibiting parking
There are no road markings or double yellow lines. and there are no signs prohibiting parking or limiting it to residents only. There is no reason at all why someone can't legally park on this side road and the feeble excuse about 'access for emergency vehicles' is just that, because there is plenty of room on the road. Perhaps it's because I drive a scruffy old VW Polo and it's lowering the house prices in the area - who knows!
Why do some people have to behave this way? I could understand if the cars were parked outside a house or blocking someone in, but to react in this way is just petty. I found the letter quite distasteful would have thought that a polite request would be a much better approach. Resorting to threatening people is pretty low really and I suspect the person who wrote the letter may be nothing more than a busy-body who likes to wield a bit of power and has nothing better to do with their day.
For now though I'll park somewhere else because these small minded people are just the type to take the law into their own hands and start causing damage to vehicles parked on what they see as their own personal territory.
By: Fed up office worker
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I parked my car a little up the way from the station on Lincoln Way and walked to the station as parking fees at railway stations are a rip-off generally. When I got back to the car I had a snotty message on my windscreen worthy of a form of hate mail to an innocent motorist which read:
You MUST NOT leave your vehicle in a dangerous position or where it causes any unnecessary obstruction of the road.
ROAD TRAFFIC ACT 1988, [SECT 22 & CUR REG 103] 243
DO NOT stop or park opposite or within 10 meters of a junction, except in an authorised parking space.
Other cars were parked on top of the junction nearer than I was - but I suppose they were locals. The pieces above from The Highway Code and Road Traffic Act are there for opportunists to treat those they wish to reject as being in the wrong. In this case it is just an opportunity for the locals to have a go at outsiders parking their cars on their roads. They seem to have it in for commuters and label us as “inconsiderate”. I have paid my Vehicle Excise Duty which means I can park anywhere which is safe – and where I parked on a straight stretch was safer than some of the other cars parked on the bend.
Nowadays I live in a private estate (3 housing associations, shared ownership). Opposite is one house (2 flats, neither car owners), and the church. Few houses down to the right, then another larger estate, and our allotments where there is parking for about 6 cars. A few years ago the council put down yellow lines in the main road as two way traffic was getting gridlocked due to the church goers parking everywhere. Now, they park on and in our estate, on the tiny stretch of road between our dropped down kerbs and the entrance to the estate - so causing an obstruction, down the road, and anywhere they can find! There is also a school in the main road, and the staff use our road too. We have constant compost deliveries to the allotments and there have been times when the lorry has simply not been able to get through. Vans, lorries and other larger vehicles always have problems negotiating the road when parking is heavy.
I would LOVE it if the council were to paint yellow lines down our road, in particular my side, where they obstruct our entrance. I often wonder what would happen if a fire engine were needed. They just wouldn't make it in, with the tightness of cars, and 2 way traffic is impossible.
Early next week my neighbour and I will be meeting the Minister, and the parking issue is one we will be addressing.
Too many of you voted Labour, who destroyed the social fabric and innate decency of the population, then allowed unlimited immigration and loony leftism to rule.
I also get men in white vans parking there, sitting eating their lunch and then staring at me as I walk into the house! I'm popping back for lunch and leaving my car round the corner and THEY are glaring at me! And yes, I've tried knocking on the van window and explaining the situation and the response is either patronising "All right love, don't get your knickers in a twist. I'm moving in a minute - just finishing my flask of coffee." or abusive - I can f--ing well park where I LIKE!"
Britain used to be such a nice place to live. What happened?
I work for the police and the amount of calls we receive regarding legitimate parking that is seen as a nuisance is unbelievable. Some people even use 999 to report it, honestly.
I imagine that eventually enough pressure will be put on the council and Neighbourhood Policing Team by this individual and parking will eventually be made an offence there.
It will probably take 2 or 3 years however the amount of money spent to deal with it will be astronomical.
And we all wonder what we do with public money.
I agree there is no sense, but it's the planning authorities who impose this regulation, the idea is to 'encourage' people to use public transport, bikes, skateboards, etc.
Likewise all newly built hospitals (around London anyway) are deliberately allowed less parking, both staff, visitors and patients, that is actually required, again by the planning authority. The result is staff parking in surrounding roads or enterprising locals renting out their front drive. In both cases it's one of those ideas that sounds great in a committee meeting, but less fun when a young doctor or nurse finishes their shift at 10:15pm in December and has to walk a mile to the car as the public transport finishes at 10:00pm.
Just for the record, and to correct those thinking that you can park wherever you like (provided no restrictions are in place), it is actually an offence to leave a vehicle parked unattended on a road! Bizarre but true! Of course, with the amount of vehicles on the road today it is hardly enforceable any more.
I cannot understand the lack of parking in the UK now. Even on new developments the construction company only provide sufficient parking for one car per house. Where is the sense in that? I know this is brought about by the company wanting to build as many houses on a patch of land as possible to maximise profit but I think it is time that they are made to provide adequate off road parking to prevent issues like this. Our company recently moved offices to a new build complex. There are 56 people in the offices yet only 14 parking spaces!!!! Apparently this is intentional. It is supposed to make people think green. Public transport and car sharing is being actively encouraged by local authorities at the expense of those to whom it is not a viable option.
I am interested as to how they would know your employer? Assuming they do have the agreement with the employers in the area, I find it odd that your employer (or any others) have not circulated a note to that effect at work?
The phrase 'trying it on' springs to mind.