The Weekly Gripe

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Compensation for devaluation of property only fair

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Our house and neighbours have enjoyed great views over the golf course and countryside.  A recent development by Taylor Wimpey will obliterate our views.  The buildings are so close to us, like 2 metres from our back fence!  According to the planning department views do not count and this is true in planning.  However as we ALL know views are important in selling a house and do add value to a house. This is borne out by those who levy council tax.

If you have amenities such as golf course views you are taxed for this amenity.  I have applied for a reduction in council tax due to loss of amenity.  If successful surely this proves that a view is an asset and has a monetary value.  Surely you cannot tax on one hand and not give compensation on the other if the amenity is lost?

Property developer should compensate those affected

Property developers It would also mean that new developments which ruin views contribute to a lowering of revenues collected by council tax.  It is time for all bodies to coordinate.  How can it be on one hand that a view is not to be considered and on the other that it is a consideration for tax!  Thus if a building plan reduces the value of a property but must be built for extra housing and of course affordable housing (a joke and a con) then the property developer should compensate those affected by the approved plan and pay compensation accordingly.  This would only be fair don't you think?

I am sure the Taylor Wimpey's of the world would back down on exploitative and speculative property developments if compensation had to be paid out.  "Where can we build?" they would bleat!  Well not in my back-yard for a start!  There is plenty of land around and plenty of brown sites without ruining the fortunes and lives of those who happily pay council tax in the hope of having value for it.

Nice to see the value of Taylor Wimpey reduced by 84% over the past year. Nice!  Well serves them right another example of unbridled greed such as Northern Rock and many more.  Sadly those who they employ end up losing jobs as a result.

So views do count and it is time planning and the tax man sang from the same sheet.  I urge for a change in law that values the amenity of view from one's home.

By: Jim Currie

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We live on a single road with 22 other properties on this side of the road and the open field behind us has been lost to Miller homes who are building 120 homes on the site, which by the way was greenbelt land. I can't see us getting any compensation from Miller homes so have applied to the Council for a reduction in council tax. They have replied saying I should contact the valuation office agency but I should be aware that they may consider my house and that of my neighbors may need to be increased to a higher band. The houses being built are as your other correspondants say buil as close as possible. We have also had a boundary dispute with Millers but hopefully this has been sorted.
09/01/23 Ringo
frustrated Lin.

frustrated Lin.

Bellway homes have purchased fields at the back of my bungalow Green Belt and have built 148 houses . At the back of my bungalow 2 3 story houses have appeared.
I cannot sell my bungalow people are horrified when they see how close they are to mine I have reduced the price by 50,000 and still I cannot sell it . Surely I must be able to claim compensation !
04/07/22 frustrated Lin.
Losing my view

Losing my view

I'm with you.
29/07/19 Losing my view
speedy boy

speedy boy

I have UK land that cant get any services out of the land because the roots of four protected trees are in the way.
Why cant people have vital services because of protected tree roots
21/06/18 speedy boy


I absolutely agree, I have also enjoyed peaceful views over adjacent Shipley golf course for 10 years.

That is until Arncliffe Homes won the right to build houses immediately next door to me on Hazel Beck Bingley.

They leave mud on the road for says / weeks on end from vehicles leaving the site (concil does nothing).

The works generates excessive noise from mobile plant at all times of the day including very early in the morning (council does nothing).

Dust is everywhere contaminating washing out on the line, cars covered in dust from the site (council does nothing).

These people consenting planning permission should grant permission where they live and experience for themselves but that will bever happen.

YES WE SHOULD BE COMPENSATED FOR OUR LOSSES and loss of value REMEMBER owners of properties in lovely locations paid a premium in the 1st place to occupy such lovely homes.
06/11/16 Tony


Instead of weekly gripe, a more fitting comment would be "Weakly tripe".

Jim Currie, your argument is based on a false premise. When someone buys a house next to someone else's undeveloped or open land, they do not buy the amenities (the benefits of the surroundings, including the view, tranquility or privacy), nor do they have any legal entitlement to them. The amenities do not form an integral part of the property value, so if the amenities are lost because of the land being developed, none of the neighbours will suffer devaluation of their homes. Who ever heard of a new housing estate devaluing existing housing adjacent?

Every time somebody in this country objects to new housing being built close to their home, they are condemning millions of young adults to being locked out of the housing market, unable to purchase, trapped in private rented accommodation with high rents, or living longer with parents - and for what? To protect the free view with no legal right for some selfish person.

I am a retired Town Planner and fed up with selfish miserable NIMBYS.
25/08/16 GBen


A local councillor who is part of the planning department, has managed to build 10 new properties in his farm fields – in my village - calling them affordable housing.

Surely this cannot be legal. For a start its green belt, he’s a councillor and on the planning committee. Are there no checks and balances to stop these people getting into office and doing what they like?

And they call me a criminal for getting caught speeding.

I’m clearly in the wrong crime league.
28/01/14 Ripoff
Yukketty Yuk

Yukketty Yuk

The processes which have completely destroyed UK's town and cities are the movement of shops to a shopping mall on the outskirts of town, accessible only by cars, and the "boutiquification" of the high streets, the same old boutiques everywhere selling grossly overpriced rags imported from and made in the Far East.

50 years ago every department store had a hardware department, with buyers knowing their products. Alas no more. Today every department store is simply and only yet another shopping mall, internally filled with "fashion" boutiques, but largely staffed with people on minimum wage, the braindead.

Our local high street is "dead": 10 Italian "Barista" coffee-houses: I loathe the froth and grunge they serve. Ladies nail bars, hair dressers, and snobby up-market charity shops, not the thrift-shops of former times all these thrive. The Butchers, the Bakers, the Fruiterers, the street markets have all deserted us. All we have is a weekly "farmers' market", a completely artificial nonsense, like organic foodstuffs. Where are the promised GM foodstuffs I have been waiting for?
29/12/12 Yukketty Yuk
angry guy

angry guy

Unfortunately, this is the way of the world these days.
People with alot of money seem to be able to do whatever they want, even if it involves walking all over somebody else.
The people without money are the ones that get walked all over and simply have to put up with it.
20/11/10 angry guy


Another thing, I have contacted Channel 4 Dispatches and Panorama today to see if they would be prepared to investigate this unfairness. Long shot but worth a try. Maybe if some more of you did the same they might pick it up and shame these people if nothing else. But the law definitely needs to change. Wasn't it Labour that made it more relaxed in the first place so that they could get away with turning the South East into one big airport? My poor Mum and Dad have to live with this nightmare. Everybody it would seem, apart from Greedy Property Developers are being dumped on from a great height
24/09/10 Unlucky


We have the same problem. A greedy property developer has bought the semi-detached house next door to us and plans to shoe horn two houses into this space, a metre from our property towering over our bungalow and casting a shadow over our small garden. Some of the planning that has gone ahead in this area is shocking and surprising, sea views being obliterated just for peoples greed and total lack of consideration towards others in an attempt to make as much money as they can. Leaving others devastated with de-valued properties. It is not only our property that is going to be seriously affected by this, the other side will become an end of terrace instead of a semi. Why on earth are these people allowed to get away with this. I feel like a victim of a terrible crime. Just waiting now for somebody to take my sea view away, which I have paid for, then I might as well just hand in the keys.
24/09/10 Unlucky


We are now in a similar position with Wainhomes building a home 1 metre across the back of our house- this being 30feet away from ours. Yes, let's be honest- it's not just the view we've lost- it's the thousands of pounds reduction in the price we can ask for our property. This is how much more we had to pay for the view. If people never had views on their property they did not pay for this in the first place. We did pay and feel we have had our money stolen and are not young enough to claw this back.
14/02/09 Wendy
Manx Hound

Manx Hound

If you genuinely suspect maladministration or fraud write to the following at the council:
Head of the planning dept
Chief executive
Chairman of the council
Leaders of the political groups
Head of audit
using non-controversial terminology. Be very careful not to libel an individual but be as critical of the council as you like

Ask for a full investigation including an independent review of the current planning decision as against all previous refusals and also voice your serious concerns over possible conflicts of interest. Give them a set time in which to respond to your concerns. Make it clear you will not leave the matter if no satisfactory explanantion is forthcoming. Do not agree to resolution in camera or via telephone.

If they do not respond or try to fob you off or attempt to bully you into withdrawing, contact the LG Ombudsman: and send a copy of all correspondence.

This can be extremely entertaining especially if the cluncil do not follow very precise guidelines. I have seen several cases of public bodies putting up stiff resistance only to trip themselves on their own bureacuracy.

Good luck.
03/02/09 Manx Hound


I have had the same experience. The builder in this case was my local councillor and vice chair of the planning committee lol. He had been unsuccessfuly applying for planning permission for 17 years before getting onto the council. He has built a 7mtr high house with a flat metal roof 1 meter from my boundary. Goodbye my views or even outlook - I don't even like to look at my backgarden any more with the monstrosity at the end of it. I was told I had no ground for complaint because my garden was 23 meters long. The building is hideous and looks like a retail outlet or barn. It seems to me that builders can do whatever they like and planning departments don't really care. I was told that my considerations didn't have to be taken into account. I have also tried unsuccessfully to get a reduction in my council tax. I am planting trees as fast as I can to try and screen the building but the builder threatened me under the high hedges act if I planted evergreens - can you believe it!!!!!!!
03/02/09 Michelle
Sensitive Nose

Sensitive Nose

This gripe was logged by a member of the subprime class, one unable to pay their mortgage -let them gripe: they will soon find themselves amongst the trailer trash that they really are.
01/10/08 Sensitive Nose

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