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There's no such thing as a quiet Sunday morning in bed any more is there? I wasn't up all night partying and I'm not nursing a hangover, but I'd like to have a bit of a lie in until maybe half ten eleven O'Clock. I don't think it's too much to ask. After all, Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest, a day to take it easy and unwind before the stressful working week ahead. Is this possible? No of course it's not possible and here's why.
I basically live next door to Homer Simpson and his family and I've always ended up living next door to Homer Simposon types. There I was lying in bed at around 9am this morning, kind of dozing in and out of dreams whilst enjoying the bird sounds wafting in through the slightly open window (necessary when it's a little stuffy at night).
All of a sudden - "THWAK!" and my peace is shattered as the plasic bucket makes contact with the pavement. Let the noisy car washing begin! Radio blaring, clanging and thumping, the singalong, the kids yelling as they run in and out of the house to help, shouting across the street to anyone who will listen. I was lucky today, because at least he waited until nine O'Clock before getting started. I've seen them all out there before 8am on other occasions!
I'm sure some of you must have come across these people. If they're not out washing the car early on a Sunday morning then they're cutting the grass with the noisiest mower they can lay their hands on. Failing that, there's an endless list of DIY jobs that need doing. This usually involves banging a nail in something or using a drill. If there's no DIY, gardening or car washing to be done they'll start tinkering with something (usually a car or a lawnmower). The toolbox will be out, radio on and the sound of spanners clanging will go on for the next hour or two, perhaps interrupted by the odd noisy phone call and a bit of singing or yelling at the kids.
And she's no better than him when it comes to being considerate. Sometimes it's either a Saturday or a Sunday but the hoover goes on at quarter to eight and the first room to be done is quite often their bedroom, which happens to be right next to mine. For goodness sake how many times can you whack the skirting board with the hoover anyway? Grrrrr...
By: Sunday Snoozer
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Never say "I can't move because..." You can always move; there are always answers and solutions to every problem.
Entitled to sleep, I completely sympathise with you about your inconsiderate neighbour and her child. Since when is it ok for her to have a get together with friends at 8am on a Sunday morning outside? You also say there is a place she could take her kid to that is only 5 mins away to run and scream, same with my neighbour's kids as there are two lovely parks they can go to in my area just around the corner but these neighbours just dump them in the back garden to inflict me and other neighbours (who don't have kids of our own) with their aggressive playing and incessant screaming. Does this neighbour bother you on other days of the week as well? It is not fair that you are ill and you can't properly recover because of the stress, sleepless nights and anxiety this is causing you. You have a right to get better! My neighbour's kids are also giving me stress and it is making my blood boil. Why can't these kids parents restrict how much they can play outside? They have to understand that there are others who have a right to a quiet life like you do especially if you are ill.