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Queue jumpers show no consideration for others

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Does anyone know how to be queue anymore?  I only ask because I am seeing more and more of a decline in people knowing how to do this boring yet polite gesture.  I do not like to queue up personally, but I do it because I have to to maintain some sort of social grace.

There have been countless occasions when I have been the first to stand at a bus stop.  After waiting 20 minutes or so, the bus will arrive and lo and behold, about 5 people with barge in front of me to get on the bus without any thought of queuing as they should do.

After pushing everyone out of the way, elderly persons included

On another occasion, I was about to board a train.  Usually I am considerate enough to let the elderly on first, but this horrible scrotey woman with her 6 kids just took their place right in front of the train doors (after pushing everyone out of the way, elderly persons included) and stormed on the train!

Queue jumpers show no consideration Had she asked politely if she could get on first due to the fact she was carrying a pushchair, a number of bags and a number of insolent kids, I may (and I repeat, MAY) have allowed her to queue jump and get on before me.  But she didn't even utter an 'excuse me' and just pushed past to get on anyway!

This has happened too many times now and it has become a pet hate of mine.  Usually things like this do not bother me, but as I see this on a daily occurrence (in shops, post offices, supermarkets, taxi ranks, music venues etc.) it makes my blood boil.

By: How to be Polite

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I mean like people obviously need to go back to school or college course on mannerism or re-educate
20/02/22 Carina


I agree with you it makes me angry I've had experiences like you and I have mild autism too and learning disability it happened to me about an hour ago while waiting for the bus it was pouring down with rain having like waiting 20 minutes or so the all of a sudden these girls like late teens or so and another woman had decided they would push in the queue I was going to say something to them and tell them excuse me we was waiting before you you can't just push in.
20/02/22 Carina


It happens to me ALL THE TIME, it is so bloody annoying. At first I thought I was being singled out, now I find out it is happening everywhere. Social graces have long gone to the pits, as the majority of people act like savages.
23/10/18 Marni


@Queue God, I'll bet your'e no stranger to road rage encounters?
01/11/15 Next
Queue god

Queue god

A guy just tried to queue jump me in a fast food queue.
My response 'I don't fucking think so - I was here first' the lady then served me and not him.
So invigorated- I am really hoping that guy learnt a lesson. Probably not but still I feel great for making sure I was seen and served first 😈
30/10/15 Queue god


I love the Tube - always let people off the train first but queuing to get on the train is ridiculous. I always get on the bus first where I live regardless of any queue, since this so-called "queue" is for various different buses, and when the different buses arrive, there's a free-for-all as the queue breaks up anyway - so what's the point? I simply stand further down the road where my bus usually stops - I do not see the point of standing in a row like a lemon halfway up the road, but I would never deliberately push in front of anyone. The buses are never crowded even at peak-time traffic so everyone gets a seat. Queues are for losers.
18/05/13 Marty


As a calculated guess I bet the train was full and if any seats were free Scroaty woman And six kids in tow would have bagged them. Now the point I'm trying to make is not much to do with queing but more of an observation that people who do not generally queue usually have a me myself i attitude with little thought for anyone else. When I was a kid I was always brought up to give your seat up for your elders and I still stand by that rule, my point is and I bet that Scroaty woman and kids were not prepared to give up their seat for someone who really needed it.

16/05/13 JanieQ66


As somebody else pointed out on here in an earlier comment, it just maybe that sometimes people don't realise they are queue jumping especially when there is no apparent queue, or when the bus pulls up 10 or 12 feet from the start of the queue, or when people could be waiting for any one of 5 buses.
If someone upsets you in this situation its always best to try the civil approach first because if you just wade in and start being abusive, insulting, name calling, even physically threatening etc, as your 1st point of call, the chances are you can end up getting the same verbal back. Then what happens? either you keep quiet or do you start getting physical?
I've Seen fights start like this. Normally I wouldn't say anything, but if I get really annoyed with someone I would point out in a non aggressive manner that I believe I was first, or something along those lines, I wouldn't start being abusive, swearing or threatening violence. If the other person doesn't take the hint, then there's not much you can do about it. I would just put it down to their ignorance.
Remember at the end of the long day, you just want to get home.
15/05/13 Stevo
angry queue man

angry queue man

I'm going to end up in a full-blown fight one of these days, I hate queue-jumping with a passion.

Waiting to get served at the bar, on the road or in a shop. Utterly uncivilised and anti-social.
18/12/12 angry queue man
There's Danger in Complain

There's Danger in Complain

Whilst waiting in a "queue" for a night bus outside Victoria station, a queue jumper became very aggressive with me when I claimed he had pushed rudely in front of me. He was going to punch my face in. He accused me of being a class-snob.
16/07/11 There's Danger in Complain
Queue JumperPuncher

Queue JumperPuncher

I called someone out for jumping the queue today, then was told I am not gentleman becuase I didnt let someone who blatanly just disrespected me to get away with it (incredibly dense logic) because of my actions. lol people are hypocritical scumbags nowadays, I suggest everyone calls out these queue jumpers more often, people didnt do it in older times cause they would have got an earful. Stand up for yourselves!!!!
03/03/11 Queue JumperPuncher


Queue jumpers are 100% aware of there actions and jump the queue intentionally. These types of people do not deserve to live. Every week I have to deal with these retarded lowlife's who want to play russian roulette with their life by jumping the queue.
02/03/11 Dan
Material girl

Material girl

I have never come across anyone who queued because they think they are better than us.

I do plenty of shopping and know the queuing system well in each shop. And yes, you got the odd woman/man who seems to stand in front of me totally ignoring me. And each time, politely told them that I am in the queue before them - they apologise because they genuinely were not aware and 'miles away' in their thoughts.

Shopping in general can be a stressful experience and you will get people unknowingly doing things without realising it. Thankfully, most I have come across have been genuinely apologetic and not some idiot who has jumped the queue on purpose.
02/11/10 Material girl
Harsh But Fair

Harsh But Fair

If you mean me, then read my response again and take note of the word 'blatant'. I have no problem with accidental queue jumping. It's those who see or walk past a queue and go to the front of it because they think they are too good to queue like the rest of us do.
02/11/10 Harsh But Fair
My best got killed by speeding

My best got killed by speeding

Why judge somebody so harshly? They might have been there in error. People do make mistakes and I am sure you have made some too. It is weird though, how many old people stand in front of you.

Everyone is so keen to jump on their high horse and shout like a council scum. Why not ask the person to move in a civilised manner as they might not have known? Otherwise shouting and being abusive, then you are no better, because you could be wrong too.
02/11/10 My best got killed by speeding

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