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What really annoys me is when you have to stand in a queue, say at the bank or corner shop, wherever, and the person standing directly behind you doesn't appear to understand the concept of personal space.
I always leave space in front of me in queues, it's more comfortable for everyone that way, yet still clear that I'm queueing. I've never had anyone attempt to take my place in a queue, just because I've left a bit of space between me and the person in front.
However, the majority of people in this country (England) seem to live in absolute dread of the fear of losing their place in the queue if they don't attempt to crawl up the backside of the person in front and breathe down the back of their neck.
I've often had people literally walk into me
The neurotically manically regimented way in which English queues step forward together is insane. I've often had people literally walk into me from behind just because I haven't followed the herd and stayed put instead of attempting to crawl up the backside of the person in front of me as soon as they step forward.Lighten up England - you won't get served any quicker by being so manic.
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I actually pulled someone up on it once, they'd tried to pretend they hadn't seen the queue in a general store, and I said to them, in a loud voice, "Excuse me, the queue starts down here". They went as red as a post box at being caught out!
100 hours Community Service for pushing to the front of the queue.
500 hours Community Service for mishandling one's change or credit cards when paying for one's goods.
There's a whole new tariff for these "new" and modern crimes!
Who would want to stand next to me then.
PS, I don't really do this, well not always LOL
Perhaps you're the type of person who people wouldnt do that to, but I'm young and I dont wear particularly tidy clothes, and usually it's old people who push in front of me.
I guess they assume that as I'm young and 'scruffy' I'm obviously up to 'no good' and no way could I possibly be indulging in a polite english tradition of waiting my turn!!.
The Traveller