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Well not quite, but going back to that old gripe about women who won't get a round in, some people it would seem are quite happy for you to carry on buying them drinks all night without ever putting their hands in their pockets. For example, I am usually on my own when I attend family gatherings such as weddings and birthdays etc. I will therefore quite often share a table with my brothers, their partners and their children.
The group can consist of about ten people and from that ten, the three women do not ever buy a round of drinks because of some archaic idea that women don’t buy rounds of drinks.
This idea extends to their sons and daughters who are a bit older and in their twenties now. Of course because the parents have always supported them financially, they assume that they will also be covered when out socializing at occasions such as this!
The drinks bill for the evening therefore usually falls on the shoulders of myself and my three brothers. This can be an expensive evening for me as a single person and I feel that I am subsidizing the drinking habits of the entire family.
I don't think that this is very fair really and it would be nice if everyone at the table made an effort to go to the bar and buy a round of drinks. Should I mention them how I feel about the situation or should I remain the mug who's just there to get the beers in for everyone?
By: Mean or Mug?
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If you think about it If you drink any aren't you drunk? Not the same as you were before drinking.
IE: If it takes 6 cans to get you drunk and you decide to drink only one aren't you 1/6th drunk?
I guess I am a bit slighted anyway! My Aunt was killed by a man whom had only half a glass of beer. He was actually drunk, weaving and everything. Her friend had some scratches. I have 3 children. My heart just dies when they get hurt let alone the stitches and staples we have already went through. I would have to be strapped to the floor in a rubber room if some idiot that was buzzed (by drinking or some other means) or drunk hit and killed one of my children!
I wonder how much that beer is worth then?
Just buy your own in future, and let the others support themselves.
It's a small feline (tabby cat I think) found in some of the more exclusive clubs and pubs. The drinks kitty is small and nimble, therefore able to get under the tables and between legs. It will go round everyone and collect their money in a little pouch around its neck. There's also a little scroll with a note of what everyone is drinking. The drinks kitty will scuttle off to the bar with the money, order the drinks and bring back the change. Some places even have a dog that brings the drinks back to the table. Hope this helps
I've never heard of the concept of a 'drinks kitty'. Can someone enlighten me further?
Same as opening doors, or giving up seats, ( I only do this for pregnant women) they arn't SUPERIOR to us are they.?
More than likely, it's the man who thinks he's going to get his "leg over" if he flashes his cash around LOL.
They'll soon get the mesaage 2nd or 3rd time you do it.
Hope that helps.