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People oblivious to others when out shopping

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One thing that really annoys me is people who block your path when you are trying to get somewhere or do something.  They don’t do it deliberately I’m sure and this might come across as me being a bit petulant, but its one of those things that I find so frustrating.  The shopping centre can be a stressfull place at the best of times.

In particular, why is it that some people stand right in the middle of busy shopping centre talking to other people and so blocking the path of other shoppers.  There are cafes around that they can go and sit in or benches to sit on but no they insist on blocking everyone else’s way.

How irritating.  My husband and I were recently shopping in Asda and two women who work there were standing blocking the aisle with two huge crates full of groceries and so my husband rightly had a bit of a go at them.  It is just sooooooo annoying!

People who drive too slow on the road are dangerous too. Similarly, people that put their shopping trolleys in stupid places.  They’re busy trying to decide whether or not to by the low fat cheese, but they’ve stuck their trolley right in front of them along the counter blocking you from getting at the produce.

You basically have to stand around waiting until this person decides to mosey off somewhere else before you can have a look at the shelves.  It's almost as if they're completely unaware of people around them.

It’s not a big thing to complain about, but I wish some folk would have more consideration for others when they are out in the supermarket etc.  It’s nice to be able to go around in your own little world when you're out doing your shopping, but you get in my way when you do!

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Agreed ! Ive found a quieter super market its better than Aldi anyway!
12/09 Cheese


I know what you mean, I have this problem all the time when I`m in the supermarket. I say excuse me, but I`m all too often ignored. It`s like a zombie movie. If I could afford it I`d order my groceries online, because what with screaming kids & zombies with trollies, shopping in the supermarket becomes more of an ordeal every week.
18/05/13 hairyfairy


Do as I do...

I say "excuse me please" firmly when an obstruction is caused by another shopper or staff member.

Hide abandoned, obstructive trolleys or be mean and fill the other trolley with loads of items from that immediate area so that they have to start again or empty out the unwanted items themselves to continue.

If your ankles are hit, simply drop to the floor like a footballer holding your ankle. You would be surprised how many peole will say sorry and help you up to avoid charges of ABH. Things like that make people more careful and if you are struck by a impatient electric mobility scooter user, report them to the store manager as there are rules that mobility users must obey when in public!

Screaming kid syndrome has only two options.
1. Put your fingers in your ears as you pass by (Pushing your trolley with your stomach).. it reduces the noise. We were all noisy and unaware of it when we were kids, deny that and you may as well do online shopping, which is option 2.

Shelf stacker blockages can be resolved by speaking to an assistant about the blockage, who will then warn the operator of etiquette when the store is open. I do not blame shelf stackers for doing the job in hand, but if they do not see the problem being caused, they need to learn that the shoppers trolley must pass through at all times. Additionally if you are near your closest fire exit with said blockage, the 2 meter rule applies to allow disabled access. A rule the store manager will quickly put right.

As stated before, if you are that vexed with the sheer lack of shopping is the best way to avoid all the problems, especially if you see red. Do not die early with stress just because someone had poor parenting or they are oblivious to the rest of the human race.
21/04/12 1rule4all
Weston Babe

Weston Babe

I hate people who reach or move in front of me when I'm getting something off the shelf. I hate screaming, tantrum throwing kids - they shouldn't be brought shopping, leave them with other parent. I hate kids on wheelies, whizzing around you. I hate ditherers who wander slowly up the main ailses, going left then right and constantly changing their mind. All shoppers who regularly shop at a supermarket, should know where produce is and be able to go straight to it - unless the managers at the store keep moving stuff around. I hate loud, in-store music blasting at me. I've even changed from using one shop because of the awful, loud music they play - and I told the staff - apparently they liked that music and didn't care about losing customers. Rant over.
28/11/10 Weston Babe


everything you said was true I agree with you, but you spelled buy wrong
15/11/10 e.m


The focal point in the original gripe is "consideration for others"

How many of the gripes on this site would be solved if consideration for others was adopted by all.

It's a selfish society that we live in now.
02/01/10 Sandman


Why are some supermarket exit and entrance doors always blocked by a couple of women who seem to be simply standing there and not moving? People need to get in and out through that door, but there are always these precious pairs of fat women who stand there sludging it up. It is always very slow to get in and out as they move slower than tortoises. It is rarely anyone with a genuine reason to be slow, such as an old person or someone with a baby buggy. Wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't always a big issue seller there who curses at you if you try to avoid all eye contact with him, and scares you enough to keep you away from that supermarket most of the time.

I find this sludge at the door and being emotionally blackmailed by a young man with probably more money than me really stressful, so how much more stressful for a woman with small kids being harangued for money and cursed at as she struggles to get through her shopping. They only pick on the vulnerable, they seem to leave mesdames precious alone.

I feel angry at the supermarkets for allowing these. There must be ways to bite back at them, pesky little rules in the local authorities elf 'n' safety about people being able to get in and out....
08/09/09 73jsk


Talking about people standing in shopping centres chatting and blocking the path of shoppers. When I'm talking to friends, I would quickly tell them to move out the way!
31/07/09 Terry
Mr Hicks

Mr Hicks

I think I will take peejays advice.I will say "excuse me I wish to PURCHASE a newspaper" in a firm voice.
15/07/09 Mr Hicks
Mr Hicks

Mr Hicks

The thing I find is that when you go to the newspaper rackings there is always,always,always somebody blocking the whole stand whilst getting a free read of a paper.
15/07/09 Mr Hicks


Or just say excuse me in a very firm voice, they'll only be aware then that they are being an pain in the whatsits!!
19/02/09 Peejay
Mad dave

Mad dave

I quite agree, additionally I wish I could insert a firework up the backside of people who dither and walk at about one footstep every five secs in shopping centres in their tracksuits.
05/08/08 Mad dave


That's the problem these days and its not just confined to shopping centre's. People are in their own little world with their iPod's, mobile phones and sat nav. They just don't give a damn about the people around them anymore.
19/10/07 Voodoo
Young pensioner.

Young pensioner.

I see the older people are getting the blame here again! Personally I am sick of being attacked by wayward kids racing around the supermarket with the trolleys, screaming spoilt kids, and their parents who feel they must push across in front of me to reach something instead of politely going the other side of me! If we should not block the aisles or put trolleys in front of the shelves...where should we put them?? Actually this does not apply to me as I use a basket.
05/09/06 Young pensioner.


Can't the fools that run the trolley into my ankles more than once and look at me like it's my fault.
25/07/06 Holsten500

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