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Parent and child parking spaces - who are they for?

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My major gripe is when people without children park in the 'parent and child' parking spaces at the supermarket.  How selfish is that?  The elderly and the disabled think it's absolutely THEIR RIGHT to park in these spaces, but god forbid if I park in a disabled spot which quite rightly something I would not do.  We all have to wait for a space.

People should try carrying a baby in a car seat following a cesarian section (major surgery!).  Not only that but stretching over in the car and fitting the car seat properly, or getting the baby out is very difficult following child birth.

This is very difficult in a normal parking spot, it is much easier in the wider parking spots.  These spots are also closer to the trolley collection points.  Trust me, you do not want to leave a baby for a second alone in the car whilst you return your trolley.

Parent and child parking It's not just the people without children I find irritating.  The thing that really annoys me the most are those people who sit and wait in their car (in a parent and child parking spot) with their brood of ten and think it is perfectly okay for the wife to nip out and get the shopping; meanwhile the husband and kids stay in the car and basically waste that space!  It's ok we've got kids they're probably thinking!  Well actually IT IS NOT, because you could just as easily park elsewhere and WAIT.

The parent and child parking spots are for the convenience of parents who are taking their children shopping with them!  Abuse of Tesco's Parent and Child Parking Scheme - online petition

By: Crossmama

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Well, there's another one. "Breaders"?
20/05/22 grumpyoldwoman
Kenny (site admin)

Kenny (site admin)

Time I got my finger out and put some work into the old site then. Been preoccupied with building Real Ale Finder.
19/05/22 Kenny (site admin)


There is a vast difference between hitting a double letter twice quickly and the keyboard missing one hit, and thinking pedestal is spelled "pedal stool". Even so, your posts are nowhere near as bad, by a long way, as a lot of the trash posted on here.

I'm retired and so look at the gripe and other websites most days just after breakfast, it's my version of social media!
19/05/22 grumpyoldwoman
Very annoyed Mother

Very annoyed Mother

I am a very busy person and the weekly gripe is not my priority, not that I need to explain it to you! I do not know how you can call me semi-literate after your last messages! Maybe you just need to go to specsavers and become a school teacher.
18/05/22 Very annoyed Mother


Spelling that is! Must get new glasses & slow down when hitting a double letter.
11/05/22 grumpyoldwoman


Ha, ha! I was just surprised to see you commenting again. It seems odd to me that you would not check in on a conversation for six years that you were so involved with then!

By the by, I've given up trying to stem the tide of semi-literate posts, there are just too many. I finished school half a century ago, back then speling and grammar were taught properly.
11/05/22 grumpyoldwoman
Very annoyed Mother

Very annoyed Mother

Well I don't live on this site like some and only came across these horrible comments recently. You seem really bothered about the fact I've accused you of being different people, even after 6 years!
10/05/22 Very annoyed Mother


If you're the same Very annoyed Mother who was posting six years ago, well you took your time! You seemed to care then (if it was you) about who was who, accusing other gripers of using different names.
09/05/22 grumpyoldwoman
Very annoyed Mother

Very annoyed Mother

Getufacts right, why do you think it is ok to imply to women to have an hysterectomy?
Fed up, I am really sorry that you are unable to have children. The parent and child spaces are not about walking distance, it is also not about having to manoeuvre to get the child out the car. It is about keeping your child safe and having room to get your child out without your door touching another car door. Also, most parents will agree that your children are precious to you. Your right, there was not parent and child spaces before but there also was not the amount of cars on the road, increased parking restrictions, smaller car park spaces, bigger cars and more inconsiderate people.
Nano, if people did not breed then there would be no human life and who's children are you implying are toxic? Get a life!
Grumpyold woman, I don't care who you are! Do not assume that my children will grow up to be self-centred and selfish. My children are very kind and considerate. If you are telling me that your children have never had a tantrum then I would say you are a liar. Children have to be taught right from wrong, they have to learn how to behave, they are not born with manners! I am not going to apologise for my children acting like a child, of course I will correct them but I will not apologise to anyone else because they are being too loud for them! they don't call it the terrible two's for nothing. Why do you feel the need to correct my spelling and grammar, I finished school a long time ago. Yes, no one has said that I am a single mother recently but it's implyed throughout posts if you look! It's pathetic that there are people out there that are very anti-child! Some of the comments are also very sexist, Terrible!
09/05/22 Very annoyed Mother
Getufacts right

Getufacts right

What about hysterectomys!
02/06/19 Getufacts right
Fed up!

Fed up!

Nonsense!! Me and my wife cannot have children through no fault of our own so these farcical parking spaces are a discrimination against us! Go forbid you have to walk a distance with your child or manoeuvre to get your precious child out of a car. This was never a problem in the past so why all of a sudden!?
09/10/17 Fed up!


They should be abolished. Why make it easier for the breaders filling this country up with toxic children.
08/04/16 Nano


Very annoyed Mother, are you under the impression that I'm Nikki? Well, that's a laugh! If you look back over a few gripes you'll see that we are 2 very different people. Unfortunately Nikki has not returned to the site since it's re-vamp. Stalag is someone else too.

It sounds to me as if you are teaching your children that they are more important than anyone else, so they will grow up self-centred. This is not good. They have to learn to behave in public and be considerate to others, or they will not have people be considerate to them in return. I brought up 2 boys who were always well behaved in public and were taught not to be selfish.

I'm not actually against parent & child parking spaces, although I don't remember there being any when the boys were little.

I am against people who waste their years at school and don't properly learn to use their own language, as in you getting posters names wrong and then referring to a "pedal stool".

By the way, I binged "travel system". It turns out to be a fancy new name for a convertible puschair/pram/carrycot. I had one when the boys were babies. Very useful it was.

Where did anyone say you are a single mother? Not recently it seems.
06/04/16 grumpyoldwoman
Very annoyed mother

Very annoyed mother

Free your mind 10, that's if it is you and not Nikki again. It might be worth you looking at previous posts that Nikki has posted to see how she has insulted not just me, but others before. You will then see how rude and disrespectful she actually is. Yes, you are correct there is no law stating that these spaces should be used by parents and children, however I think there should be, to stop abuse of them - purely my opinion. I don't know why you felt the need to put "we do too much for single parents as it is" as I feel that this is directed at me. I have read a lot of stereotypes on this site and just because I'm a parent you assume I'm single ? Previously, it was assumed that I did not pay taxes, which I do. Anything else anybody wants to assume and presume about me ?
06/04/16 Very annoyed mother


you're all parents and adults clearly. start acting like it , swearing and insulting each other on a webpage is very embarrassing. And the older generation believe younger people are rude and disrespectful , I think that's pretty funny considering most posts on here are off middle aged women arguing over a parking space.

I agree these parking spaces should be used for parents and small children , if they were used correctly then maybe the 'dings' in your door side wouldn't have happened , as this is predominantly caused by young children as the weight of the door is too much for them to handle.

However there is no law outlining the conditions to use these spaces. where as disabled spaces are protected by law and can result in the person being fined.

so actually there is nothing similar in comparison between these two types of parking spaces as it kind of cancels all facts out when one has its rules protected by law / authority and the other is completely looked over probably... " because we do too much for single parents as it is " -one comment read. we also do too much for other countries who wouldn't put their hands in mug yet alone their pockets for us - but that's another debate for another time.
04/04/16 freeyourmind1010

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