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M&S Christmas advert was disappointing this year

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This year's M&S Christmas advert is an eye sore.  Sure, every year I'm not entirely thrilled about seeing Christmas adverts appear on the television set whilst Halloween and Bonfire Night haven't even come and gone yet, but one thing I always look forward to at this time of year is the new M&S Christmas advert.

Every year they pull off something entirely different and you can see that a lot of money has been put into the end product to make it stand out in the supermarket competition in the lead up to Christmas and New Year - may it be a cabaret-style video featuring loads of dancers or a James Bond Style video featuring greats like Shirley Bassett, regulars like Twiggy and a very catchy tune to go with it.  Yes, the M&S advert is almost as anticipated as the Coca Cola 'Holidays are coming' video, or the Scottish Irn Bru advert.

Think of the dissapointment when I see an advert featuring the X Factor finalists and seeing at the end that it's an M&S advert...  but not any M&S advert, the Christmas M&S advert, the one which is supposed to be full of dancers, celebrities and a real catchy tune has been replaced with the X Factor finalists, and for what reason?  To gain the television show more publicity and to attract younger (presumably more financially viable) audiences to the supermarket chain.

Christmas bauble on a tree I mean no offence to younger individuals or families, but part of the reason why people chose to shop at M&S (from any background - not just middle class or working professionals) is because of the shopping experience.

The customers in M&S are generally politer than they are in supermarkets such as Tesco or Asda where you are constantly fighting past buggies and groups of people chatting in front of the isles whilst you are trying to gain access to the food you want to buy, and not to mention the trolleys which constantly get shoved into the back of your heels in a bid to get you moving, or people queue cutting, or letting their unruly children run wild.  If M&S are serious about targeting their products towards these types of people then they are going to lose more customers than they gain.

By: Twiggy's not in the advert

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Oh wow, talk about 'First World Problems'.
17/01/18 Timelord


First there was Black Friday, then Cyber Monday and Mad Friday, and now they are telling us to beware of Manic Monday. Not sure if that means we have to shop till we drop while listening to the The Bangles?

Does every day leading up to Christmas have to have a name now?

Can I nominate Had To Wear That Horrible Pink T shirt Someone Bought Me Last Christmas Because I Couldn’t Be Bothered To Do Any Laundry After Having Flu All Week Sunday.

I know, not very catchy.


Kenny, it's still hard to navigate. I'm sure there used to be some gripes about Christmas but I couldn't find them.

Maybe the flu burned up my dwindling supply of brain cells.
21/12/14 Petra


I know you're disappointed, but it's not just a Christmas advert-it's an M&S Christmas advert.
02/06/12 Holloway
Smart arse

Smart arse

Kharma. Spreading about as much Kharma as Warlords on a blood diamond field trip.

Companies would never go bust if they were not allowed to advertise on television. Do you know how many thousands upon thousands of pounds it takes to advertise on television? Advertisers know this is the main market so charge to the hilt, they also know Companies are that DESPERATE for their brand to be marketed everywhere, they'll pay anything. Why do you think advertisers are so rich?

It's great that Children are bombarded with adverts stating 'must have toys' on a daily basis in the comfort of their own living room with their Parents. What a joy that is!

Funding from the Arts Council and Government would stop advertisers ruling the airwaves. Then, these big companies would have to try a lot harder to get our attention. This could only be achieved by making economic changes which our Government have zero balls to do. Just stating that as something for an ideal World....

'So yeah, maybe a few of you guys need to think before posting' Thanks for the advice, I did think what I was going to type and am extremely happy with the result. No badge needed either....
09/05/12 Smart arse


"Why does anyone want to watch an advert??."

A very good question...A few people say to me: "you know such and such or that thing on that advert", and I say no, I have no idea, never watch adverts, not ever. Mute or switch channels every time.

Yet I believe they absolutely dominate commercial television, and that new insipid creation of every programme now having to be "sponsored by" something - including ITV's weather.

Somebody must watch them. But who?
28/12/11 Oi


I have a TV with a remote, so I never watch adverts, ironically I usually switch to a shopping channel when adverts come on as they are very entertaining. Watching the presenters trying to keep a staight face while they try and persuade you that the junk they want you to buy is cheap when a quick search online always finds it elsewhere at half the price. Adverts whether on TV or in the Press treat the 'potential' customer like a total idiot and tell you nothing about the product, so I don't understand how they can possibly be effective!!! Why does anyone want to watch an advert??.
27/12/11 artuk


Ok, you think adverts (xmas or otherwise) are a waste of money so presumably you don't like watching them?

Aren't you contradicting yourself?
25/11/11 Oi


All I can say is, 'Wow.' I think the real point in the gripe is about why X Factor and Christmas adverts in general are a waste of money, not a bickering rally about who likes or who doesn't like watching adverts...

Christmas adverts? Waste of money.
X Factor? Basically a kid's weekend show, also a waste of money.
25/11/11 Jebbie


seriously you should get out more lol thats all i can really say bout this waste of typing
23/11/11 kizzy


Stop watching adverts you silly troll. There's programmes on inbetween them you know.
21/11/11 Oi
Buster Brady

Buster Brady

Do big shops have a competition each year to see which one of them can employ the biggest cnuts for their Xmas adverts?

We have Jamie "Mongfaced Mockney Cretin" Oliver for Sainsburys, Brucie "Wiggy Big Chinned Coffin Dodger Twat" Forsyth for Morrisons then those X factor No Marks for M and S.

The Boots here comes the girls one is bloody annoying too but the blonde woman in it looks proper dirty and i bet she would take it up the bum.
20/11/11 Buster Brady


"What is so wrong with looking forward to a television advertisement?"

Good grief, do we now live in such a dumbed down world where this question needs to be asked? Congrats, you've just been disqualified for natural selection.
18/11/11 Oi
Just some Bass

Just some Bass

Why, yes Kharma... yes I do live with loads of cats -shifty eyes-
18/11/11 Just some Bass


lol @ Just some bass. Do you live with loads of cats too?
18/11/11 Kharma
Just some Bass

Just some Bass

What is so wrong with looking forward to a television advertisement? I look forward to seeing trailers at the cinema before my film starts. Each to their own. Oh, and that comment about the OP living with loads of cats - it would have been more of an insult to them if it weren't actually true about yourself. Ooooh, burn ;)
18/11/11 Just some Bass

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