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Christmas stress makes people miserable

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Christmas, it's a great time of year isn't it?  The shopping, the food, drink, the lights and all those things you've got to get done in a short space of time before that big day.  Is it really worth all the stress and agro though?  I just can't understand the lengths that some people go to and the amount of stress they endure for Christmas.

It's a particularly hard time of year for parents, particularly the wife or girlfriend.  I'm not being sexist there, I'm just telling it as I see it.  It's a lot of stress and heartache because of what's expected of them.  They've got to buy all the presents for the children and the family, get it all organised and at the same time run a household, you know - business as usual. Doesn't this remind you of a swan?  Everything's smooth and comfortable, but somebody's paddling like hell underneath just to keep it that way.  It's a juggling act that people probably don't appreciate, perhaps least of all the kids.  Men I think get off lightly at Christmas; carving a turkey isn't exactly stressful is it?  Hubby's probably not much help and leaves all the organising up to her.  No wonder she's a bit snappy today!

Christmas stress, is it worth it? Christmas shopping is probably a gripe in itself

I know the kids are excited about Christmas and we tell ourselves that they are the real reason we go through this every year - it's probably worth it just to see their faces.  But not until they're much older will they really appreciate what goes into making that 'special' day happen.

Christmas shopping is probably a gripe in itself.  We're all herded into this frenzy every year of buying, buying and yet more buying.  Sometimes it seems like we're doing it just for the sake of it.  'Because it's expected', and you haven't quite got the guts to do anything different.  The amount money we throw at the high street retailers at this time of year is a measuring stick whereby those in power decide how well the economy is doing.  Well they're almost certainly in for a shock this year because were not going to spend our way out of this recession!

Christmas stress, is it really worth it?  It's a hard question to answer or me because Im not really a fan of Christmas.  You see the look on a kid's face when they open up their presents on one hand, but at the same time you see others stressed out with money worries or running around trying to do everything and be everywhere.  Have a think about it; I'll leave you to decide.

Here are a couple of articles that may help reduce the effects of 'Christmas misery'.  Try shopping on a budget, or alternatively follow these tips to get your Christmas shopping done without getting into debt.

By: E. Scrooge

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I've also overspent a little bit this Christmas. Should I keep my new Hermes handbag or my new Chanel handbag? I really love them both. Tough choice.
06/01/14 Whitney
Fred E

Fred E

Maybe they are conscious of performance and fuel efficiency. The heavier a car is the slower it will go and the more fuel it will burn. It doesn't make sense to drive a car round full of fuel unless absolutely necessary.
06/01/14 Fred E


Nick, Where did the " 3 quid worth of petrol into a BMW X6" come from?
I think I mentioned big German cars coming onto my forecourt putting £10 worth of fuel in.
06/01/14 Nico


...someone putting 3 quid worth of petrol into a BMW X6 ? Are you kidding...
06/01/14 Nick


That's funny. Someone's mentioning China here for the wrong reasons. The problem with this country is people go out spending money they don't even have without due care. Why complain about Chinese products when you don't even have control over your own finances. You can buy French/Italian products if you like - they will only set you back by even more. If people could learn the Chinese way, i.e. always save up some money for the future, then this country would be in a much better financial status!
06/01/14 Nick


I've greatly over spent this Xmas and in a terrible quandary. Do I keep my superbly engineered German pose machine that I love with all my heart, or face the derision and ridicule from neighbours and work colleagues when they find out that I'm broke and not what I've tried to make myself out to be. I think I'll stick my head up my ass a little further and hope it all goes away.
06/01/14 Nico


Those who have overspent and imported far far too much from the likes of China will have sent this country to economic hell. Please triple the VAT on goods sourced from the Far East.
30/12/13 HellZaPoppin!


One guy I was behind put fourteen pounds worth in a beamer, what a twerp. Fur coat no knickers springs to mind.
28/12/13 boblet


I laugh my head off watching all those big German cars coming onto the forecourt after Xmas putting ten quids worth of fuel in cause they are so broke. Yes Anon, some people just wont learn their lesson about spending money.
28/12/13 Nico


Well Xmas is nearly all over, nearly time to face those credit card bills. Did you really spend that much? OMG how are you going to pay for all of that? Looks like another stressed start to the new year, but don't feel you are alone, there's loads of people just like you. And what with the threat of a mortgage interest rate rise, Oh you lucky people, will you ever learn not to spend money you don't have?
28/12/13 Anon
craig b

craig b

Drivers fighting over one parking space when there are loads elsewhere. Miserable Post-office counter staff. Holding shop doors open for people and they can't even manage to look at you, let alone mumble a thanks. Why do I feel I need to shop in Portsmouth just because it's Christmas?
24/12/13 craig b


Just back from a bit of Christmas shopping myself J. it was not to bad in bradistan. I just hope it is not me becoming immune to atrocious driving & manners of the farm yard in the shops.
24/12/13 boblet


Only had to go out to buy a joint of beef for Xmas dinner, the roads were full of cars, and that's to be expected, but the frenzy of bad driving, road rage, queue jumping at petrol stations and ignorant behavior in general was something to behold. If it's like this before Xmas day God help us when all those that are stressed out now have to face the bills dropping through the letter boxes and the credit card demands arriving after the holiday, and when they start to hit the roads on the way back to work, thats if you've all got jobs.
23/12/13 Jehro


I dont care what happens at Christmas, as long as I get my socks !
thanks son.
14/12/10 guitargaz


further to this. 'Christmas would not enter their thoughts' meaning that they would be too focussed on what they are doing to worry about christmas. Families are the ones that suffer more just thinking about it.
14/12/10 jury

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