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I have just started taking my youngest child to primary school, and what a eye opener it has been! I don't live in the nearby village where the school is situated; instead I drive my son there each morning and pick him up at lunch time as he is on half days.
School mums - I obviously don't belong in their clique
As I stand at the school gate with the other mums I have come to realise that I obviously don't belong in their clique. To be honest I think they are rude, unfriendly and even a bit arrogant.
I have often tried to smile and make conversation with them, but the very next day when I try to make eye contact I end up hitting the same unfriendly brick wall again.
It is so disheartening and I just can't understand what the problem is. I am nothing special, average in height, looks and weight. I'm not one of these "stuck up" mums with the 4x4 and an attitude to match. I am just an ordinary and I'd like to think, nice and friendly person.
I'd say I am pretty much resigned to the fact that I won't ever be able to break the ice with these particular mums. Fair enough I suppose, but life is too short.
One thing I know for sure, if ever I see a young woman on her own that may be just moved into the area or looks as much as a social outcast as I do, I will not be as shallow as these mums and ignore her!
By: Nice Mummy
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The fickleness of other mums never fails to catch me out. All smiles one minute and then cold shoulders & whispers the next. Didn't we all grow out of this when we left secondary school? Obviously not.
I am grateful to have 3 or 4 mum friends, that deliberately avoid the cliques, & arrive as late as possible without actually being late - all to avoid the vipers at the school gates.
Sighing along with you.
J x
Comments like how sad it is when people just can't live without the latest car, phone etc., how they're probably in debt to pay for them and so on, just loud enough for some of them to hear.
Give them a dose of their own medicine. I can't bear people like that either.