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Is it just me, or are eBay getting just a little bit greedy when it comes to the high fees levied at sellers these days? Also, I think that the final fees you may end up paying exactly obvious from the outset.
For example, if you want to sell an item and you want to make sure that you don't just give it away it is a good idea to stick a reserve or an initial bid on to make sure you get something reasonable. You are immediately whacked by a £2.00 insertion fee - and that's before your item has even sold!
Then there are the various listing enhancements. Okay, if you describe your item well and "design" the title you can probably forget most of the superfluous extras, but sometimes its a good idea to add a few photos and brighten your ad up a little bit as there is a lot of competition. You don't want to loose that £2 insertion fee now do you?
eBay's hefty fees... a licence to print money
Once you've sold (hopefully) your item, you get another nice surprise. The final value fees. These are often not considered by sellers, but it is seriously worth taking your potential final value fees into account when deciding on your reserve or initial bid as these fees are actually quite steep in my opinion. For a £300 item such as my example, you pay a flat £1.57 (for the first £29.99), then a rosy 3.25% on the remaining closing value balance. That takes your final value fees up to around £10.35
So there you go, you've sold your widget for £300 and you hand over £12.35 to eBay straight away. So what happens if the buyer decides to pay through PayPal? Yet more fees, that's what! With the number of people using eBay these days (let's face it, there isn't really a worthwhile alternative to eBay at the moment) they must be absolutely coining it in! eBay's hefty fees are practically a licence to print money.
By: Disgruntled eBay Seller
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ebasy is basically a hosted web-programme - I buy and sell precious metals and I am charged 0.5% which is fair i.e. ebay charge 18 times for the final fee alone - There are free on-line software auction packages and in 2014 I am adding one to my web site. OK I might not have the ebay sales audience but I don't care and I work toohard to be fleeced by these greedy incompetent rip-off monkeys
I have done some research and come across many people with same problem as well as others, high seller fees, ebay is hand in hand with PayPal and there are very scant alternatives provided by ebay, accounts behind shut down for no good reason, these are but a few of the gripes I have found on the Internet about ebay.
I want an alternative where I don't get charged absurd seller fees, where I get rewarded for being a trusted seller. I have looked into other auction sites and while there are many good ones (Ebid.net, bonanza.com), I am currently in the profess to make my own site. I want to get a better understanding of what people don't like about ebay, what people would change if they could even past disputes people have had with ebay. Please respond to this with any problems you've had, anything you don't like about the site big or small. My aim is to make a haven for people fed up with ebay and I thought the best place to start is with potential users.
watch out for tpcbay.com and .co.uk coming soon with NO final value fees!
Time to hit back at ebay i think :)
half red cockhitch
to link to where you really are selling your item
You will have to do it in a smart way to avoid ebays policy
twat high fee suity twats fuck off with your shitty commission. ebay wankers