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CSA deduction from earnings leaves me broke

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I was married 14 years and am now officially divorced.  When we initially separated we came to a verbal arrangement for me to give a fixed amount towards my daughters upkeep as she still lives with her mother in the family home whereas I moved out.

After about six weeks of this arrangement I received a letter from the CSA demanding 15% of my weekly wage which amounts to £140 a month.  My monthly wage is only around £800 so it's still a fair chunk.

I now have £14 to live on for the month...

I had a bad month recently and missed a payment, so now the CSA have taken £350 off me today and will take another £350 off me on the 10th August!!  I now have £14 to live on for the month after paying my rent.  How can they be allowed to operate like this, taking money from you whenever they please with no warning?

No money left at the end of the month My ex wife gets every benefit going and she works as I do, however I get nothing as I earn 14k a year and have been told by the Tax credit people I earn too much to qualify!  I earn £9.08 an hour and I feel like jacking the job in in and going on the dole because I'd probably be better off.

I see my daughter twice a week as I am a shift worker and I've ALWAYS given maintenance money for her in some shape or form.  The CSA will not listen to me and I basically feel like I've been found guilty without a fair trial.  I always thought you were innocent until proven guilty in England?  This madness that is the CSA must be stopped immediately as they are basically stealing money from responsible dads and they answer to no one as they are government backed...  I am in a very bad place at the moment as not able to pay my way... totally at my wits end!

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Mothers know best

Mothers know best

Don't have children if you don't want to support them. Sorry excuse for men!
02/04 Mothers know best
Baby mum hater

Baby mum hater

This mums dont realise clamining benifits for there kids on loads of dole money haveing bbq in summers goingnon forign holidays ect all on dole but us men go to work i have my kids 3 nights a week and still have to pay csa i had 20 quid to eat with a mounth now i have got to go court how is that fair who pays for the kids when they are with me 3 nights and 4 days
19/03 Baby mum hater


All the deadbeats hating having to pay for THEIR CHILD.. who raised vermin like u lot? Hm do you think us mums are left with. Bills food clothes days out school lunch etc.. most dont even pay that much. Put something on the end of it next time!!!
13/02 Realist


Now you know how us mothers do it. However were usually paying a lot more for our children and bills and food etc. u deadbeat dads need to get a reality check. If u was a good dad csa would never have been involved unless its a bitter bm.
13/02 Supermom


They are leaving me with 5 pound a week to live of as I make £370 before tax and ni after that it's 274.02 they want no demand I pay £269.25 so less than £5 a week still have rent etc to pay surely this ain't right
15/09/20 J35


I have 30.000 grands worth of arrears for both of my daughter's.
One of which I have always provided for and the other I have been told to never contact as I'm as far as the mother is concerned not her father.
I work 6 days a week to be able to afford the rent and usual bills that every man should be expected to pay.
In no way do I dispute that I am responsible for the financial upkeep of my children.
I earn 3.000 per month, my rent is 1300. Per month.
After csa I'm left with £64.00 p.m to live on.
I have a car but cannot afford to tax and insure it to make the effort to see my children.
Please let me know if you too are having your back side ripped out too.
10/05/17 Mickeyffs


I am in full-time employment, I earn £8:42 per hour. I am paid monthly. The CSA deduct £320 per month from my wages. I take home £880 per month now. My daughter, of whom I have shared custody, lives with her mother who has now moved over 100 miles away and as she is a single parent on benefits (despite moving away to be with her new partner) the court has deemed I am solely responsible for all travel costs. I have fortnightly contact with her and travel to collect her & take her to my home on a Friday night after work, then travel to take her back to her mothers house & return home on a Sunday evening, so I make 4 trips of over 100 miles, every fortnight. Despite repeated contact with the CSA, they still refuse to change or review the amount I pay or to send out any claim form for travel costs incurred. I have now stopped speaking to them on the telephone altogether and only deal with them in writing, so I have proof of all correspondence. I am at my wits end as I can now no longer afford to travel to see my little girl (she is 8 years old) because of the amount of money the CSA are taking from me. Shy of quitting my job and moving I don't know what to do, and if I quit I can't get benefits to live, and I don't have a job to move to, it took me 3 years on a recruitment agency job to be taken on permanent where I am. If possible, is there anybody reading this who could please point me in the direction of somebody who could help me when it comes to dealing with the CSA..? I cannot afford a solicitor or lawyer, I can now only just barely afford to eat, live and go to work.
22/12/15 Deadbeat
lost dad

lost dad

The new child maintenance dept encourage ex wives to prevent access. That way they get more money. My ex agreed shared parenting. She refuses to let me see kids. I have now got to sell my house and give up work because of impossible payments demanded by child maintenance. My view is this is theft by deception which is a criminal offence punishable by jail. The welfare of children is nowhere in this policy. It is a disgrace.
17/09/14 lost dad


a friend of mine is currently out of work - he paid cash payments regularly to his ex as maintenance, she claimed benefits - now says he didn't make the payments and CSA want £12,000 - he cannot afford re-payments, pay rent and eat. What is wrong with this government - if he can't afford rent bills and food whilst working cos of the CSA repayments and therefore he will not be able to continue working - catch 22! He sees his 2 children regularly but cant afford to take them out other than the park - feeding them when they stay is difficult. His girlfriend, my daughter is at university and has no income to support him - they will probably split up over their financial stress. He is a lovely man and his life is in tatters over the governments cruel and immoral treatment. This is heart felt as my daughter's father and I split after his previous partner said he hadn't paid maintenance - CSA took most of his earnings - he had to pay an ex and 1 child double what he, myself and our two children had left to live on - we went through financial hell - and went our separate ways - and who suffers ultimately? Yes - the children. This is just a form of theft from innocent decent people to claw back money lost due to poor management by government departments. The Government are employed by us to look after our welfare but they forget that they are working for us - lets put them on performance related pay and see how they cope when outgoings far exceed their income.
18/04/14 Aaargh!


My ex pays 3 pound per week for his two children through the csa and he works full time.
26/02/14 sel


As a single parent of 3 who the csa fail to make her ex pay maintenance for i can see both sides , the fact is it costs money to raise your child and most fathers pay this knowing that it is a fact you accept when you become a parent , you are financially responsible for the life you created , although i think this applies to both the mother and father , my ex has a good job hes a high earner yet takes contract work and makes the csa chase him by earning arrestment each month every time he jumps jobs but the way i look at it is if i don't get anything neither the children or i ever have to thank him for it .i just work and do the best i can. You can ask them to review your circumstances but the long and short of it is that they will expect u to have taken your financial responsibility into account before you decide where you live , lifestyle etc as for most parents do , they would also take into account if u have her for weekend s etc that you can ask for a reduced payment as you have financially provided for them when with you .....long and short of it ... Its idiots who avoid and pay nothing like my ex who make it harder for the ones who do pay
27/08/13 woo


Why don't u just stop working and get on the dole and start paying ur ex £5 a week coz that serves her just about right. Why allow her to sponge off you and live a high life?
26/06/13 Nick
Dave 34

Dave 34

I am a father of three. I love my children to bits, I can't be without them. however, I've been married almost 13 years and my wife is the most nasty, viscous, manipulative and vile person I know. I left in 2008 as I justajust couldn't take it anymore. after a couple months of a fair agreement of a percentage of my wages this was suddenly increased to a ridiculous amount forcing me into a bedsit, deep into depression. I couldn't see a way forward. nowhere decent enough to have my kids overnight, no money to do anything with them when I saw them at the weekend. eventually I chose to go back. keep my head down, keep quiet just so that I could be with my babies. it's now 4 years on. my wife has continued to be abusive to me and my children, I have involved the school's, social services, the police and sod all gets done. I am now at the end of my tether. I will not go back to how things were in 2008, the csa have made me so fearful of that. but I'm also tired of seeing my babies get abused and being abused myself. I can understand why nrp end up killing themselves, I fear I may be one of them. this is no life for anyone, and the alternative just as hideous.
27/04/13 Dave 34
fairytale theives

fairytale theives

they make up amounts of money you owe. they dont listen.they dont care.they must be from another planet with the demands they make.they spout shite on the phone. i basically got robbed by them.i nearly lost my driving license because of them.but to be fair the only person i ever spoke to and got any sense from was one of there money bailifs who said that they do what they want.also you cant do anything about wrong amounts they say you owe.he also said the money they say you owed was the queens money and the queen lets nobody off the hook whether your in the right or not.he agreed i was in the right but he said if its the csa its tough shit.
06/04/13 fairytale theives
sick of scum

sick of scum

I am a 21 year old student who has a father who has scammed me out of maintenance since 2005, and the CSA wont make him pay because he has all his money in his girlfriends accounts. THIS IS WRONG!!! If your old and mature enough to put your sperm into a woman and make a child then you should bloody well pay for it, its not right to run away live your dream life and scam your children, thats how the scum of the world live, so man up and be a father! And as for all of you advising him to transfer his money and make out as if he has none, you are scum. There are so many good men out there who love and care for their children, thats how it should be, do you know what it does to a child knowing your father, your own flesh and blood would rather shove his dick wherever he wants then just leave and not give a damn about you, infact would much rather spend time and effort doing his best to make sure you get nothing. Makes me sick
30/01/13 sick of scum

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