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Bullies on Internet discussion forums

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Bullying is when a person or group Bullying is when a person or group repeatedly tries to harm someone who is weaker.  Sometimes it involves direct attacks such as hitting, name calling, teasing or taunting.  Sometimes it is indirect, such as spreading rumors or trying to make others reject someone.  Forum bullying or cyber bullying has become a widespread issue throughout the Internet.  As a former moderator I've encountered it it's various guises many times.  As one of the powers that be, it was difficult enough dealing with the usual spammers and trolls, but that was nothing compared to having to deal with already established members with high post counts and years of knowing each other in that forum.

The term 'regulars' has gained notoriety over the years on all kinds of forums.  That's where the bullies are easier to spot.  To an outsider or a lurker, it can be a bit intimidating submitting a post as a newbie.  Not knowing all the ins and outs and who knows who, it can be a bit daunting.  The TOS (terms of service) or forum rules usually only serve to favour the regulars and bullies if there is some flaming going on in a particular thread.

To give an example, I posted a complaint on the my3cents consumer site last April regarding issues that I had with my bank, Chase.  After lurking on some of the forums on this site I knew which regulars gave out sound advice and which ones were there just to flame new posters.  So in response to my post I got four comments, three of these were sanctimonious and opinionated.  I posted back somewhat sarcastically with "Thanks for the pontificating, dogmatic, sage, etc. advice!" which resulted in 'full mod status' being put on my user account.  This basically meant from then on my posts had to be reviewed by a panel of administrators before being published.

Cyber bullying on discussion forums Anyway, being crippled by the powers that be, I could no longer fight back and watched as regulars were only civil to each and downright nasty to newbies.  The unwritten rules were that the newcomers had to endure these nasty comments without reprisal.  The bullies knew how to get around the censorship and avoided talking with you, or PMing you if you hadn't been 'broken in yet'.  I also became aware a certain amount of favouritism displayed by administrators from the start.  In any particular heated debate with a regular and a newbie, they would side with the regular and I noticed that they even let these people use various nicknames that surely must breach the guidelines.  I can't publish these here for obvious reasons.

Well, I can deal with bullies on forums, trolls and the like a lot easier if I didn't have to worry about the forum administrators protecting them!  That's the real issue here.  I get tired of myself and others being dismissed as oversensitive or censored when we fight back against these bullies.  So much for free speech!

By: xBicceyx

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The thing that gets me about forums are the mods who think they rule the universe.
I got banned from a motoring forum because one of the mods was a big leftie and didn't like when I called him out for it every time he censored my posts supporting Trump.
25/06 Robert


This happened to me on the UK Pet Forum. Those are some really nasty people there who gang up via mob rule when a new person doesn't bow down to them and conform on whatever it is they want you to conform to at the time.

I have been tempted to contact the police and make an official complaint and hold those responsible accountable for their actions.
25/06 Another1


Doesn't that just ring a bell, huh? This is what it's like on the Steam Community Forums. Even the former volunteer moderators, who probably once had a hint of dignity, are part of the sanctimonious group that has nothing to do but post on matters of little import all day and night, ganging up on new users or tut-tutting on each other's user profile pages about the latest folk they've deemed undesirable.

You think these 'regulars' are capable of self-reflection? Nah, they're too busy patting each other on the back for their snide remarks. Makes you wonder, don't it? Do these folks even have friends outside of their computers? Do they even have jobs?
16/05 Brian9824


Good post thank you
03/02/23 marguerites
Browne In The Pants

Browne In The Pants

I Left What Hi fi Forum Because There are elements of people that try and make you look so stupid. I left the TV forum for the same reason. The trouble is The people whom are trying to make you look stupid well could be a moderator your not to know.

Im Human and Quite like Adult Forums like Mr poll. i Like Spanking related Forums and discussions for my sins. There are people who actually use the same tools as I do and type the same words to find the forum of my particular taste. they go there purely To discredit destroy rubbish people fantasies. They do not like what they are reading and determined to rubbish it. But whats gets to me is they got there as I have. They have joined obtained a password got the password confirmed, they go through all that just to spoil and Rubbish it. Everyone aware its fantasies except them. why don't they go and find something they like.
14/08/16 Browne In The Pants


mean photos and comment. it makes me want to cry
29/09/14 sad


I understand the problems of cyber bullying, I myself am a chat room Moderator and after many years of protecting people from cyber bullying it has now happened to me, it is the worst thing to happen to anyone, my work is to protect people, not to ruin peoples fun, it hurts me when it happens to other people, but recently it happened to me, I also have the feeling of "Why me?" also nightmares, loss of appetite, I have been a chat room Moderator for 8 years now, protecting people from harm, little people behind big computer hey? I know how it feels, I understand how other people feel now, I was not there for "Look at her doing her work." I'm just the same as anyone else, just wanting to help people, cyber bullying is a crime, it hurts so bad too.
02/09/14 PinkCupCalke


@work ethic. Thanks for that. And maybe I should not have been upset at people tearing my character apart. I must have been an idiot to expect that an online forum of people would treat an individual with a bare minimum of respect.
The very first day I posted they clubbed together to tell me I was a male troll returnee because I happened unfortunately to have a member name that was similar to someone else's.

I despair of the human race quite honestly. People have lost something and are damaging others and themselves when they taunt, poke, provoke and bully. I used to think the internet had such amazing possibilities but social media has allowed people to show their worst nature anonymously and I think in the next five years or so there will be a massive backlash against social media sites.
16/08/14 Magnito


And what's the point of posting for exactly? Does it say in the forum rule-book it is for fools posting nasty comments over and over and over and over? if trolls just take a look at the people they are complaining about (religions sometimes) they will see that these users are going the correct way about posting and it is they (the maroons) who are being bullied. next time you're on the facebook say, and you are getting irate because a 'flamer' is nit-picking your way of writing, have a quick look at the forum rule-book and register that it is YOU who are in the wrong - not Collar.

the issue here is 'why don't others move aside for me because I'm more important?'
16/08/14 collar
Work ethic

Work ethic

@Magnito - I apologise for my previous post criticising your spelling, I did not realise how upset you were. I am thinking you are quite a young poster - under 30 - and rather sensitive. I agree with you, people on these forums can be unpleasant, but if you are upset this easily, it would be wise for you to avoid them or at least grow a thicker skin.
I wish you well.
16/08/14 Work ethic


@ work ethic. No. Spelling wasn't an issue . The post below was typed on my phone so apologies for the typos. I was rushing and probably a bit upset.

I was banned because I reported a number of nasty, abusive posts that were directed at me. Even though advice from mods had been to report posts and other posters were already commenting on the ganging up.
After I reported these posts I was banned and told that it was because I had made work for the mods by reporting five posts.
Despite this a thread was started making fun of me. It was closed by a mod after it hit the two page mark...but it wasn't deleted.
I posted over four months and the same few posters would regularly rip posts apart and become personal and abusive. I had a nasty experience with one particular poster who told me I was wrong to defend myself when I was sex**lly abused and went so far as to tell me I had " played the sex**l abuse card" because I had questioned their comments.
You join an online forum thinking you're joining a community where people will discuss ideas, give advice, help , be at the very least civil. But you learn as a new poster that you've walked into a den of power mad bullies whose only desire is to be seen and heard and you realise that online forums can show the nastier side of humanity. People become their lowest selves and there is nothing about them that is civil. The anonimity allows them to bully..Sometimes it's, because they dont want to hear a different view, or an alternative thought to theirs. Sometimes it has nothing to do with what was posted it's just done to provoke and antagonise. The forum I joined had a core clique of about ten posters who controlled this forum. Whatever they said was the only opinion worth having. Dont dare disagree with them because you will find yourself ripped to shreds and the mods will blame you for it. Then you get banned for reporting their bullying.

The amount of ganging up...intimidating behaviour. .name calling...questioning and quizzing...harassment. ..all became too much for me. I mean you just cant defend yourself over and over without it damaging you. So I decided to just leave. It's pretty clear that this forum I am talking about is not a community that wants to listen. It's a community full of people who hate difference. They shout about discrimination but they haze a poster who has a different, quite normal and acceptable viewpoint. This is done even on the most harmless threads.

I doubt I will ever join another online forum. It has been an awful experience. I can see how someone who already has problems could become very depressed at being bullied by other members. It's opened my eyes as to how nasty people can be for no reason to complete strangers.
16/08/14 magnito
Work ethic

Work ethic

@Magnito - Perhaps your spelling had something to do with the p*ss-taking.
Just a thought.
14/08/14 Work ethic


Thanks for this insight. I've been banned a from a very large online forum that was one of the first online forum ezinea.....reason given ...reporting bulling poata to mods. I waa banned by the owner of the site who told me my poating atyle was why I was being bullied. I had been so stupid aa to stand up to the bullying instead of thanking the bullies for their naaty personal comments. Some of the comments were do oit of order I was beginning to wonder if a lot of the posters were just plain nuts.
The last thing you expect when you join a forum ia to have your personality ripped to bits

It's very damaging.
14/08/14 magnito


I assume that you are referring to my remark that I made that the Welsh thread had moved into second place in popularity. I can assure you that it is not my aim to get the thread to first place. Any close analysis of the thread will show that far from repeating almost the same posts over and over again as you suggest, we are discussing a wide range of topics and citing the source of our information. As I said at the time, the number of posts merely reflects the popularity of the thread. I wish I hadn't said it now because it has somewhat detracted from the ideas that we are discussing in it.

There are many threads and many ways of looking for them and if a thread doesn't interest you, I would suggest using another approach to finding them. If you look at "most recent comments" then the most popular thread is likely to include the latest comments. If you look for "newest thread", however, that is what you'll get. If you want to suggest defaulting to "newest thread" then why not suggest it to the admin team and I'm happy for any number of filter buttons. Looking at the content of the different threads, however, discussions about Talk Talk are more popular than the Welsh thread in any case but the topic is split into many different threads.

For myself, my comment have often been strident and even outright rude and I'm sure that they have offended but if I wasn't myself offended by what the Welsh Nationalists are forcing on me and others, I wouldn't need to voice it in this forum. I take care to target policies not people (except in as much as I have cited what another poster has said) and have admonished posters who do including those who oppose Welsh Nationalist policies and especially those who suggest violence.

The calls to shut down the thread come from Welsh Nationalists who do not like having their policies exposed and I won't discount, of course, that you are one of them.
09/08/14 JFTB



They are just trolls and their intent - which one let slip once - is to make that gripe the most “popular” with the most posts. It’s just a game to them and they don’t give a damn if they kill off the site or stop other people from enjoing the WG in a normal way.

They have artificially , by repeating almost the same posts over and over again, bumped up the figures by several thousand posts.

When you post to complain on that thread you are helping them with their aim. It doesn’t matter that you are complaining - you are adding to the total tally of posts.

Please don’t post there. Please ask site admin to change the “Browse” tab so that total posts/most popular are no longer shown. They would soon lose interest if that happened.
07/08/14 EX POSTER

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