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Fed up seeing and hearing Facebook everywhere

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I'm sick and tired of seeing Facebook everywhere.  It would be nice to go a whole day without hearing a mention of the "F" word.  For example last night I watched a new BBC drama and what did I see, some girl checking out friends status update. If you go in to a pub in the high street these days you'll no doubt see it written somewhere "Join us on Facebook" somewhere.  There's also a lot of "Follow us on Twitter" these days but that's another gripe and although extremely popular, Twitter isn't quite everywhere yet.

I had a Facebook account once but shut it down shortly after the novelty wore off.  Besides, suddenly all manner of unsavoury characters from the past wanted to by my virtual friend.  People I hadn't seen or heard from in years and had nothing in common with wanted to hook up, presumably it was one big race to see how many friends they could claim.  Anyway, I decided it wasn't for me and it's never sat too well with me how cosy Microsoft and Facebook have become.  That's just a personal opinion though and I'm sure very few users are worried about that.  Maybe they should be.

Facebook is all around us now and where "Myspace" was word on the lips of many teenagers a few years back, "Facebook" is all you hear now.  If you're in a public place such as a bar or a shop, or even just walking down the street you can almost count the number of times Facebook is mentioned.  It's quite amazing how entrenched this site is people's lives and it's quite an interesting phenomenon.

Facebook everywhere... I choose to live my life without social networks and I do get the odd puzzled look now and again.  It's almost as though there's something wrong with me for not joining everyone else.  Most people just smile or shrug and then carry on.  I am finding that quite often I miss some piece of family news or other (yes, they're all on there too) because I'm not connected on Facebook.  I am truly an island it would seem.  It's almost as though these things aren't discussed in "real life" any more a huge chunk of socialising has moved from real life onto Facebook.  On those rare occasions when you meet up with friends in a pub or somewhere, they carry on a previous conversation and refer to photos etc. that presumably only exist on Facebook. It's very strange, interesting and yet tiresome all at once.

I suspect that one day I will be assimilated and HAVE to acquire a profile on FB again if I want to be part of society.  Sadly, it's becoming a prerequisite and is no longer you can use if you want to; it's becoming impossible be part of a group of friends without it. Actually, that may be a case of re-activate because I heard somewhere that they don't actually delete it anyway. 

So, have any of you out there tried to get by without Facebook and is anyone else fed up with seeing it everywhere?

By: No, I'm not on flipping FB!

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Fed up

Fed up

So glad I don't have a facebook account.

"Facebook admitted in April that the passwords of millions of Instagram users had been stored on their systems in a readable format - falling short of the company's own best practices, and potentially compromising the security of those users."
30/10/19 Fed up


"farcebook and twatter"

Sounds about right to me, strictly for the brain-dead great unwashed.

Meaningless chatter and crap.
25/11/15 Stalag14


Just spotted the typo; why do they only become visible after you've posted the comment?
24/11/15 grumpyoldwoman


I'm getting more fed up with farcebook and twatter every day. I just ordered some ink cartridges (that's another gripe, companies who boast about how green they are by cutting down their paper usage by making their custoemrs print their own invoices; but I digress).

The company I bought said cartridges from wanted me to "follow" them or "like" them. While I would give them a good review if they asked, why on earth would I "follow" them?

It also seems that every tourist attraction you visit these days wants you to do the same thing. Why?

Then there's Ancestry. As an enthusiastic amateur genealogist I spend many Sundays researching the family tree (mine and the's) and may find 10 or 20 new documents to attach to the tree. Every time I'm invited to "share my discovery" on one of these sites. I'd be up all night!
24/11/15 grumpyoldwoman


Reason for Facebook
Reason against Facebook


I manage to live my live without Facebook or Twitter. I use Skype. I have seen so many problems arise from the use of FB where people have lost their jobs and disgraced themselves for all the world to see. What is more sinister are the number of people who are no longer with us because of the Trolls and bullies. To me it is the most useless piece of software that brings so much misery to so many. I go to sites and find I am only able to interact or respond if I use FB. Not a chance and some people are losing customers for the reason that they do not want to communicate through FB.
09/06/14 Lekronik


Facebook is a snooze. I post on rare occasions. I don't feel the need to post about every aspect of my day.
18/04/14 Lidman


FACEBOOK: the most useless, time wasting thing on the planet, and don't forget TWITTER.

What the hell is wrong with people that they have to post the most inane comments and record their boring stupid life on Facebook, have they nothing better to do with their life?

Yes, I too have joined Facebook, amusing for about one hour then the boredom set in, and don't for one minute believe the figures for the number of Members, have you ever tried to delete your account? try it, your account is only suspended not deleted so you are still counted as a Facebook member.

Join Facebook, become one of the Gormless-Braindead Me, Me, Me, Generation.
06/04/14 Stalag14


The bittersweet 'reccomend this on Facebook!' Link after your rant must rile you somewhat...
24/03/14 pet


yes indeed, who's really interested in your boring lives maybe if you concentrated on your own you wouldn't want to know about anybody elses.
07/03/14 wombat


I’m an internet security specialist who works for the UK Government on internet security.

I recently showed a family friend how dangerous the web is.

Within 30 minutes I had obtained all his personal details including full postal address, his occupation, ordered a replacement driving license and a new birth certificate – all to my address and this was using dark search engines on the dark web.

I think he is very shocked.

I started with the information he had stored on Facebook and the rest went from there.

I recently tracked an eBay user who was selling something dodgy under a pseudonym, within minutes I had his works address, telephone number and even a picture of the van he used at work complete with number plate.

So my warning to you is, be very careful what you give away on any media site. The only thing stopping you having your ID stolen is there are too many users for too few criminals.
03/02/14 BigBrother.


@ Sainsburys Fairtrade Dark Chocolate.

Well said. Facearse is mainly irrelevant, but like lemmings everyone thinks "paranoia" and signs up to it.
11/12/13 Oi
Sainsburys Fairtrade Dark Chocolate

Sainsburys Fairtrade Dark Chocolate

FB has its uses but all too often it's employed by egomanics who think that everyone else is interested in what they're having for lunch and the rest of their day's agenda.

Get this you FB users - 99.9999% of the world is totally uninterested in you and your little life. And if you have ten thousand 'friends', only 1 or 2 would actually help you out in a crisis. They are not friends, they are reciprocal leeches.
27/08/13 Sainsburys Fairtrade Dark Chocolate


I completely agree with you on this! I'm not sure what it is like for adults but for teens if you tell somebody you're not on facebook their reply is always something like "Why" as if you'd be mad not to be on facebook! I did try it out for 3 months but it is just a complete WASTE OF TIME!!!
25/08/13 Teen


test from me test from me test from me test from me test from me test from me
30/06/13 test

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