The Weekly Gripe

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British Gas announce record profits as I sit in the cold

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It's February and were still in the grip of winter or so it would seem.  As I work from home I don't have the benefit of a warm cosy office to go to during the day to avoid the cold snap.  The local library has turned out to be a quite a sanctuary however, and an interesting diversion when it gets too cold to work at home.

Why dont you turn the heating on you may ask?  Well its quite simple really.  It is just too darn expensive and before anyone says it, no Im not a miser or a skin flint!  Im just aware of the extra cost of heating the home during the day when its only me that would benefit.

Our household runs on a tight budget and cranking up the heating for all those extra hours would make the electricity and gas bills soar.  Wev'e already seen our heating bill go up in the last year without adding more fuel to the flames... so to speak.  Our own heating budget isn't the point of this gripe, rather its the news story that grabbed my attention as I sat here with two jumpers on with an array of candles on the mantle piece (hoping to add some extra warmth!).

Turn the heating on British Gas profits jump to 571m

"British Gas profits jump to 571m" the headline said.  Well that little nugget of information did nothing to warm the cockles of my heart I can tell you!  I appreciate that companies have to make a profit, especially now that I am self employed.  But to rub our noses in it after all the increases in gas and electricity prices over the past year and a half, it's just downright callous.

All the energy companies are at it though not just British Gas, they're just the latest energy company to announce profits on the one hand and increase the heating bills for the consumer on the other.  Why can't they keep this information to themselves, because I'd really rather not know how bloated their coffers have become!

It just makes me so angry... especially when I'm sat here freezing.  I'm sure there are some folk out there a lot worse of than myself.  At least my heating will kick in a few hours from now and I'll be able to loose some of the layers of clothing.  Some people out there will be shivering for a lot longer and they're the ones the energy companies are really hurting.

By: Heating Bill

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Disappointed of NW6

Disappointed of NW6

Isn't it ridiculous. I have a dumb gas meter which measures in cubic feet, but I am charged for gas in KWhours. How can i easily manage my costs and usage. I don't want to have to go through complex calculations. The regulators should control the calorfic value of natural gas, and my meter should record in KWH.

Why am I charged a huge daily fixed charge for using no gas at all?
26/03/14 Disappointed of NW6


4 years on and the greedy sods are still ripping us off.
Well after 35years with BG I've ditched them for another supplier...... mind you they'll probably have a good go at screwing me as well!
19/10/13 electriceel


In winter I really envy the seals - they can swim in the icy waters quite happily.
18/10/13 Andy


m8, even if you don't turn the heating on you still got to pay the "standing charge". That's how BP sqeezes every penny out of your pocket. Shame on them!
18/10/13 Nick
Kenny (Site Admin)

Kenny (Site Admin)

Found it in cache (not backed up on the DB). Fixed it and reposted it.
17/10/13 Kenny (Site Admin)


With these huge price increases this winter is going to be even worse.

I think the important thing to remember here is that these companies make millions in profits and the government does nothing to help its people. The prime minister and his cabinet don't have to worry about their bills at all. To them the increase in prices is nothing in their mansions and big homes with their fat salaries. The millionaires and wealthy dont have to go cold. Have never had to be truly cold in their rich lives.

To many of us in this country not being able to heat our homes forces us to have to chose between buying basic food items or going cold. Because of these cuts that hit the poorest the hardest these new rises will be too much for anyone to manage whether they are in low paid work or not.. . Disabled or not.. Old or not.

By all means lets have the theoretical political discussion on whether to nationalise or not.... But let none of us forget.. Especially our politicians and prime minister that the huge increase in fuel profits kills people.

A cold reality indeed faces thousands of people in this country this coming winter. These terrible price increases and obscene profiteering makes the difference between illness and even possibly death from the cold.

Last year over 20,000 pensioners died from cold related illnesses

How many more will this happen to this year now this coming winter - with the cuts to benefits and the bedroom tax... And these extortionate price rises. How many more of us have to chose between heating and eating? How many more?

How many more have to die?
17/10/13 Sally
Fed up Pedestrian

Fed up Pedestrian

Kenny, I'm glad you didn't delete it deliberately.

Perhaps she will re-post it.

Either way, I agree that an increase of about 10% is gross given their profits and the decreasing real income of many people. I am going to find it very hard to find the extra and I expect many other people will too.

Labour has promised to freeze domestic electricity and gas prices if elected.
17/10/13 Fed up Pedestrian
Kenny (Site Admin)

Kenny (Site Admin)

Sorry - didn't mean to remove that, if it's genuine I'd normally just convert it to proper case but I used the wrong script! :-(
17/10/13 Kenny (Site Admin)
Fed up Pedestrian

Fed up Pedestrian

The most irritating mindless garbage gets posted here but Sally's gripe about British Gas gets taken off because she posted in capitals?

Did site management really take down a visially impaired person's post because of that?
17/10/13 Fed up Pedestrian


Me too! I can barely afford to heat up my 80 sqft bedroom only in winter - only for 2 hours a day. During those coldest days when I was sitting with my hands frozen, I just wish I had the skin of a seal. BG, shame on you!
14/06/13 Andy


British Gas are the most utterly useless, mindlessly incompetent and hopelessly pointless excuse for an energy company that the world has ever had to suffer. They actually aspire to be inept, which would be an improvement.
A collection of monkeys chained to a desk could do a better job than they do. The only company where, if all of their "customer service" staff were asleep, they'd do an equally good job.
However, this casserole of nonsense has one exception: their billing department. Regardless of what bills they produce, the billing department share all the delicate grace, tactfulness and diplomacy of a Panzer tank driven by someone with anger issues and a barbed wire seat. Had a bill for £50,000? Well, regardless of how many times you may challenge or complain about it, the billing department will roll on mercilessly to threaten court action if it is not paid.
One has to wonder how this company survives, let alone turns an honest profit! Oh wait.....
13/02/13 Oi


You'll find that, in fact, British Gas have not increased their prices at all in the last year and a half
25/11/10 SG
Gainsborough lad.

Gainsborough lad.

I see that Brittish gas have reduced their prices by seven percent today,

I bet that they are still the dearest energy provider in the UK.
05/02/10 Gainsborough lad.
Gainsborough lad.

Gainsborough lad.

Bumpkin, as you are a countryside dweller, I think it is time for you to move over to solid fuel, like a wood burning stove or a coal fire, also take trouble to go around the house and search out all those cold draughts coming in from outside, every one sealed makes your home warmer.
02/02/10 Gainsborough lad.


We live in a rural area 6 miles from the nearest town so there is no mains gas supply, our heating system works on 47kg propane gas bottles and we have four of them to run the central heating system. In august it cost £160 for four bottles which last around 3-4 weeks using it on a timer system just 4 hours a day, in November this went up to £196 then in January it went up again to £216 a bottle. We spent most of Christmas and January when it snowed without heating , we are a family of 5 on a low wage and just couldn't afford this amount every 3-4 weeks its absoult day light robbery! we are worried sick as we know next year its going to happen again!
02/02/10 Bumpkin

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