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Unable to buy White Stilton cheese

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Why am I not able to buy White Stilton at my local whitely store?  Thinking it was because there was no deli counter; I took myself to the nearest Tesco Extra, went to the deli counter and was told 'No because no one wants it'.

It seems ludicrous to me that I can buy White Stilton cheese with apricots or cranberries at either the deli or pre-packed and even rhubarb with champagne as pre-packed.  What's the point of duplicate items?  It seems you have lost sight of the basic cheese and filled your shelves knee deep in the others.  What happened to full choice especially at the deli counter?  Now I shall have to visit Salisbury's and while there do the rest of my shopping!

I've requested a basic White Stilton cheese over and over again at all my main supermarkets but to no avail.  I think this has more to do with the manufacturers trying to create a demand for the White Stilton blends instead.

Various cheeses - where can you buy basic white stilton? Personally I hate these blends - and I've tried a fair few in desperation!  There is nothing that can beat a basic White Stilton cheese served with fresh fruit.  I recently tried to purchase from a cheese manufacturer's website where they specialize in Stilton cheeses.  They produce White Stilton in various sizes and I thought I was onto a winner when I found they had an online shop for their cheeses.  Unfortunately they only sell their Blue Stilton’s and White Stilton blends here.  Aaaaargh!

By: Bella / Kathy

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Dave B

Dave B

A few weeks ago I happened to be out shopping in Tesco with my wife and noticed that they had a variety of cheeses on sale at 3 for £6. One of the varieties was White Stilton - my favourite. The taste took me back 40 years. It was in own brand packaging so I searched to see who made it. It it's the same firm as their blue cheese then it's a firm in Leicester. I thought it was beautiful and buy it whenever I get chance. I agree with you about cheeses with fruit and herbs added - can't stand them.
06/07/23 Dave B


So true, been searching everywhere in vain
25/04/23 Rover


I have just ordered a half wheel of white stilton (about 1kg) from The Online Dairy.
Reasonably priced but delivery was £6.95.
Total cost £15 ish, including delivery.
23/11/21 Lars


Morriston still stock it in Skipton branch so maybe others
03/07/21 Mike


I agree entirely. A lovely cheese best eaten unadulterated without other ingredients.
My local Sainsburys has stopped selling it (again no demand they say), My Waitrose stopped selling a long time ago. ASDA also. Tesco may resume after lockdown but withdrawn at the moment. Just what is going on?
30/04/20 Treerider


We are ha ing the same problem, Was a used to sell beautiful white stilton with a good shelf life. We went this week to be told No one wants it!
05/03/20 Phil3uh
Cheese Monster

Cheese Monster

I've seen white stilton around a lot more, pretty sure you can buy it in Tesco, Lidl and Aldi, especially at this time of year.
09/12/19 Cheese Monster


I can't find white stilton without all the horrible flavours that are added . WHY ?
07/12/19 Shirleywhirl


I'll second that. I found this while searching for somewhere in West Cork to buy white stilton. I had thought that I couldn't find it because I live in Ireland and people here have fairly unsophistocated tastes in cheese, prefering most things to be sweet but on reading your comment it seems to be the rule in the UK too these days. No wonder most people are overweight.
23/11/19 Hilly


I have also been trying to buy plain White Stilton, I originally bought it from Sainsbury but they no longer stock it. I have tried all the main suoermarkets but all are out of stock.
09/03/19 Ted


I'm with you on this. My local Waitrose have stopped selling it. I tried a specialist cheese shop in Didsbury (Manchester) and they don't do plain white stilton either. It's one of the few cheeses that doesn't give me migraine - and I don't want apricots in it. I want to make a cheese omelette. So frustrating.
22/02/19 Mon


I feel exactly the same. I would like just plain Stilton
23/12/18 Grumpy


Sainsburys have stopped selling white Stilton. What's going on
28/02/18 Nailer
David Prissick

David Prissick

I stock white stilton on my deli counter in the Budgens in Woodhall spa. I agree that the flavoured cheeses are awful. I stock flavoured wensleydales as they are popular and it is a business but I just love the purity of unadulterated white stilton.
23/01/12 David Prissick


totally agree with Bella/Kathy because we have had the same problem.. WHY?
Mary / Mike
21/06/11 Marymo

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