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Warwickshire council, in their infinite wisdom have decided to implement a "Part night lighting operation" to save money, reduce carbon emissions and reduce light pollution. Whilst in principle I applaud the decision, I do feel that this isn't necessarily the wisest choice and perhaps alternative solutions haven't been fully considered.
Apparently they have consulted with the Police, but I see an increased crime rate as something which is inevitable when this goes live (and it now has). The area we live has had it's share of burglaries recently, in fact we had a motorcycle stolen from our back garden a couple of years ago, and that was during a time when there were street lights.
Also, where do people stand if they end up falling over in the dark due to not being able to see? The pavements aren't exactly in perfect condition so I can see quite a few falls happening. The street lights are being switched off between midnight and 5.30am during the week, and then 1.00am to 6.30am on Friday and Saturday. Whilst there won't be as many people on the street then, those that are are at risk and I would imagine that people returning from pubs and clubs in the early hours would be even more likely to trip over and hurt themselves.
passing the burden from the council onto the police
I read in the local news that there have already been 2 burglaries in the last 4 days and I do wonder if any of those are as a direct result of the darkness. Also, if the police were consulted how could they possibly have thought that this was a good idea? It's all very well trying to save money, but if there is a chance that it could affect the crime rate surely it's not a good idea. It would be simply passing the burden from the council onto the police, who are already stretched thin.
Rather than turn the lights off, why don't they invest in LED lighting technology and newer designs that don't cause light pollution? I can appreciate that these lights are much more expensive, but if done on a street by street basis then the costs could be absorbed more easily and at some point in the future there will be a a saving with reduced energy costs.
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Just a rare moment of, this winds me up so must say something. People who post all in capitals - drives me nuts.
Working on another site just now, but I'll be coming back to fix this one so that you can post as a registered user (if you have a Google or Twitter Account). I know. Long time coming.
Plonker! Grrr...
Presumably, this will only be necessary at the early hours of the morning - hardly a time when many of us are out and about.
Long may this practice continue.
Kenny (site admin)
Just to reiterate, I will not be removing the anonymous posting facility, but I am aware that some regular posters would like to claim some sort of identity on the site. I built it things this way because personally, I don't like having to sign up and create accounts all the time, but I can see the merits of a sign in system too so with that in mind I'll be providing both.
It's common enough out there on other sites. Hopefully we'll have this and the new site design in the summer!