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Elderly person attacked and killed by thugs

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I read in the news today yet another story in the news today about a defenceless old lady who had been beaten to death in her house.  This kind of thing really turns my stomach.

It is absolutely disgusting to think that there are people out there that can actually carry out that level of violence on a frail old person who in no way could fight back or defend themselves.  Locking these thugs up and throwing away the key would be too good for them.  If ever there was a chance of bringing back the death penalty, then I think this would be the kind of crime that would probably merit such a severe punishment.

The lady in the news article I mentioned couldn’t even walk properly anymore.  She lived in a small community and was loved and respected by everyone, and yet these cowards saw fit to taker her life.  What kind of a person could do such a thing?  I'll tell you what kind of person they are, they’re scum-bags, nothing but degenerate lowlife and I would happily pay more tax if I thought more could be done to rid our society of these people.

Elderly person We need to spend more money on policing and protecting the old and vulnerable.  All too often you hear about yobs that attack the elderly, then get off scot-free and are immune from prosecution because of their age.  Their punishment amounts to a slap on their wrists and this is where the real trouble begins.  Children need to be better educated and taught to respect the elderly because we can’t go on like this.

We all have parents and grandparents and we’re going to be old and vulnerable ourselves one day.  Please let’s do something to stamp out this evil and despicable crime against old people.

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Mrs Sarcastic

Mrs Sarcastic

You are right Capital punishment isnt the answer, just keep on doing whats been happening just put the little darlings in a Holiday camp, sorry i meant Prison where they can watch Sky Tv, play on the X Box, smoke lots of weed and live in warmth and comfort for 3 to 5 years when they do kill a innocent pensioner.

Bless its a shame for the little Tinkers when they do get caught for murder its not their faut they are only young i blame the parents.
27/11/11 Mrs Sarcastic


Britain used to be a great place to live, but now it is an increasingly over-populated dump. Selfish people are everywhere - from the coffee shops to the pubs and, of course, the bankers - and their self-centred attitude is breeding another generation of the same ilk. Incidents like these - the old lady killed by thugs - will increase alongside the decrease in any sense of community, even national, identity.

We should be looking out for each other but that is a dream long gone, and a public school boy, millionaire Primeminister repeating "Big Society" all the time will not make a jot of difference. We need radical solutions to problems like these, including pulling out of the EU, devolving power significantly to the people, cutting net immigration to zero (to give communities time to consolidate those already here), a redistribution of wealth to give people a chance of a decent job and an end to the monopoly of power by the rich elite.

Capital punishment is not the solution - it is a step in the wrong direction and inevitably will mean a less compassionate society. Otherwise, radical, people-driven approaches are needed and these will not come from the elite who are members of that moribund institution called Parliament.
27/11/11 miserablemoaninggit


Ok, I can see what you mean here.

But... It's not OK for me to not offer my seat to an elderly person, but it's alright for an elderly person to purposely knock me off my bike, when I'm wearing a helmet, lights, and am on a designated cycle path? and his excuse was "You can't ride here" When clearly, I can.
21/02/11 Connor


How long before we have to leave our lights on to stop burglars from injuring themselves? Also,Jeremy,if an adolescent little scroat is stupid enough to climb through barbed wire,its THEIR fault,OK? Not the old lady's fault,not the manufacturer's fault,its THEIR fault,OK? Also,I understand that some of these have had bad upbringings(being a kid myself),but most take advantage of the courts to blame their trouble on someone else. Plus,regardless of their upbringing/age/gender,they should be PUNISHED appropriately,but idiots like Jeremy give them a slap on the wrist and punish innocent civilians instead because well...its easier.
28/11/10 DSG
Picasso's Mate

Picasso's Mate

I think a reduced form of electricution would be apt for those thugs. Give them a dose of what might happen if they continue. and if they don't change, they get the full monty.
25/11/10 Picasso's Mate


There is a saying what goes around comes around and one day if things continue as they are these thugs will be old and frail,and just with a bit of luck they themselves may experience what it is like to be a victim.
Just waiting for a member of the doogooder brigade to say well they probably wasnt breast fed as a baby or they were an only child, or they may have been abused in some way the list goes on.
This country must be the laughing stock of the world, get the birch brought back and lets get some spine take the country back from the thugs.
05/02/10 Gingerbloke



I would also like to see less anti-social behaviour and lower crime figures but I don't see how National Service would make any difference. Many criminally minded men went in and they still came out as criminals.

The Kray twins did National Service and they were not what you would call model citizens.

I think that by that age a person’s character has mostlu already formed. Teaching people respect and consideration for others needs to start a lot earlier.
30/11/09 kit


They should bring back the cane in schools to teach these unruly brats some discipline.And also restore national service too.Political correctness has just gone mad in this country.If I had cheeked my parents when I was a little girl then I was given a sound beating.It did me no harm.Neither it has with my young daughter either.
30/11/09 Cheryl


I've often thought that there should be a government department that makes rubbish who perpertrate this kind of thing 'disappear'. They deserve no mercy.
27/11/09 Howsoonisnow?
Uriah Heep

Uriah Heep

"The gallows it does well.But how does it do well?It does well to all that do ill."Hang the scum.
05/09/09 Uriah Heep
Mr Punch

Mr Punch

They should bring back public executions.My great grandmother was witness to such a spectacle way back in 1868 when she lived in the east end of London.It intilled fear in the community for generations.The people were poor & petty crime was as rife as it is today.But people had respect for each other & shared what little they had.Now there is no respect,no manners,or civility.Just incompetence,stupid political correctness gone mad,& idiotic pathetic do-gooders who argue for the rights of these vermin.No wonder the country is in the state that it is in today.These thugs should be hanged.
29/05/09 Mr Punch


Part of the answer is the death penalty. Handing out 3 month custodial sentences is derisory. The death penalty will only work when the police and judicial systems have their hands untied and are allowed to hand down meaningful sentences.

Until such time as that happens, and the sad reality is that that will be never as the death penalty has been outlawed by the people who run the UK, that's those bunch of bloodsucking incompetent corrupt politicos in Brussels, then Dr. Pepperfan's solution is the way to go.
31/01/09 MikeP
Manx  Hound

Manx Hound

Horrible to think that this happens in a so-called civilised society. My sypmathies to the lady's family and friends.

I have severe difficulty in recognising these sub-human creatures as fellow UK citizens. There is, of course, no simple answer to the problem of violence against anyone, let alone the elderly and other vunerable people.

Anyone who suggests that they have 'the solution' is foolish in the extreme.
31/01/09 Manx Hound
Dr.  pepperfan182

Dr. pepperfan182

I belive the best way to teach these lowlives a lesson would be big hard looking men with baseball bats go round in vans abducting the thugs and drive them away and beat the living daylights out of them until their black and blue , bruised and broken and dump them in the middle of nowhere so the vigilantes can't be caught
31/01/09 Dr. pepperfan182


"What happens if a burglar/intruder is caught on the wire and an artery is severed?"

Assuming it isn't a child going for a ball, then the scumbag that wants to steal your belongings that you've worked thousands of hours to earn, so that he or she can sell them or have them for themselves deserve to be severely hurt. That may be a deterant.
20/01/08 laughable

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