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Discussion forum censorship on The Daily Mail?

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I'm getting a little fed up with the Daily Mail website.  This is something that happens to me quite a lot and I believe it also happens on other discussion forums out there.  When I see an article that is of interest to me I'll often want to add a comment, but on some of the stories they are censored even though what I'm saying is a valid point.  Why does this happen?

One story appeared recently saying that there is research out saying chest x-rays are not always successful in diagnosing early stage lung cancer and that some patients may need to go back for further x-rays.

Did my comment on the forum get published?

Someone commented that this is yet more evidence that the NHS was a complete failure.  As an x-ray student I thought I'd reply and put the message straight.

I said that this is a piece of research which is pointing out that our current methods of diagnosing lung cancer are not always successful and should be taken on board so we can improve best practice.  Did my comment on the forum get published?  No, of course it didn't!

Normal Xray of chest. Heart in the centre. Personally, I feel that there is far too much censorship today and that otherwise valid, sensible and relevant points of view are being ignored.

I read a while back on The Daily Mail says that 'education standards are falling.'  Well, if they are going to encourage incorrect viewpoints on their website and not publish anything from anyone who looks like they know what they're talking about, I'm not surprised that people are lacking in the grey cells department!

By: James

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Miss Martha

Miss Martha

Why wasn't my comment posted on daily mail? It was not offensive in any way just a truthful acct of Campbell of the 49ers walking off of the field
17/12 Miss Martha
Me Too

Me Too

Yes totally censored all the time on that site even though they invite you to comment on articles. Even if you are within the guidelines they censor. Their latest tactic sees you type a comment and then not only does it not get published you are then slowed down on scrolling, unable to read or reply to other people's comments. I love how journalists are always baying for freedom of the press whilst acting like some wing of a c o mm ie country censorship committee.
08/12 Me Too


I gave up on the mail a long time ago. I don't know if it's to do with me not being subscribed or they just don't like what I say, nut none of my comments are published anymore.
You can tell their new editor is a woke twat, I clicked on a story's comments once and they an editors pick comment. It had about 250 up votes and 1400 down votes. This comment the editor liked must have been top of the worst rated comments.
At least I can comment on here and GB News.
23/11 Robert


Just testing ability to post.
20/11 Dalang150


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06/06 Scotty


Now that the DM have introduced a new comments section from a third party called Openweb. This is an AI generated moderation and censorship like nothing ever seen before on the DM. Openweb is anything but open, and it is going to drive a lot of people away from the DM. It can detect if a user has multiple accounts and can also cross reference the same user with a different provider using their same platform. They also collect information on users and share it with Facebook who keeps a list of people they have banned. When I saw Openweb, I got my DM pofile removed from the site, as I won't be sharing my data with Openweb.
27/03 Tony44


Ditto, it happens to me all the time too and I wouldn't mind but I see worse comments than I make and I don't put anything vile or abusive in there but if my comments are even remotely seemingly anti-woke or even if they are just opinions and not insults or anything like that then they are not posted. If an article has Meghan Markle in it or something wokey then not a hope any of my perfectly valid and politely put comments don't get posted. It's ridiculous. If a rag like the Daily Mail is censoring comments what hope do we have?
05/03 Banana


I can't stand that vile, anti free speech, gutter rag. Hopefully the editor and staff will be prosecuted one day
19/01/24 VileDM
Private Person

Private Person

They censor me all the time too. I dared reference a Ministry of Justice Report and United Nations investigation they clearly want kept quiet. The main stream media has an agenda. If your opinions don't match it, you're censored.
17/12/23 Private Person
Bankrupt the DM

Bankrupt the DM

Repulsive rag, full of censorship and disgusting bias. The dm sums up everything wrong with the uk
12/12/23 Bankrupt the DM


They shaddow ban me all the time. I'm not breaking the house rules so they can't ban me outright but instead they regular disable my comments for a few days. I take advantage of this to talk directly to the dm. I aim most of my comments to them. I out them for all sorts of shenanigins. For example their hatred of the xl bully breed. They kept calling them mutants at one point. I posted several comments on about have these dogs been confirmed by scientists as having genetic mutations? No? Then they can't use that word. None of those comments got published obviously but they suddenly dropped the mutant part lol. Then there's the speculative could, might, maybe articles that are passed off as fact to suit an agenda. They basically willingly print lies to manipulate the masses on a regular basis. They make insane leaps of logic if it suits their agenda. The reason they get away with this is because they declare it as speculative or opinion. Whenever there's a bad news day for the tories, they post multiple "speculative" articles about labour to get the masses off the tories back and back hating labour again. They are so manipulative. How the hell do they get away with it?
29/11/23 Digi99


daily mail is a rag not fit for wiping your arse with!
12/11/23 soton


This comment section is also controlled and censored, exactly the same as the DM
21/09/23 Truther


I was also deactivated by the mail online and I have NO idea why
22/08/23 Deedee
Scum mail

Scum mail

Hopefully the editor and staff will be jailed one day. They are everything that is wrong with britain today. Scum
21/08/23 Scum mail

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