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I was in charge of transport and national distribution of the MMR and HIB vaccine, six to twelve months prior to bad reports about the jabs hitting the tabloids.
I cannot name the company, but will quite happily slander the NHS for ignoring all my warnings and post reports, even after I left. As with all drugs and vaccines, there will always be a small percentage of people who will show negative side effects, we are after all different genetically.
There was nothing wrong with these vaccines initially (FROM THE PRODUCTION LINE). The problem was on our side. The company I worked for installed a new computer system, and shut down the old one, rather than run the two together in parallel to iron out any problems. This wasn’t a particularly good idea.
It basically resulted in mass delays of vaccine distribution to the clinics and surgeries, and most importantly the jabs were going out in NON REFRIDGERATED VANS to get rid of the backlog.
Please note these jabs HAVE to be in an environment where the temperature is strictly controlled, otherwise these live vials are death traps. Still, this company insisted that we send out the jabs in very warm vans. I was not happy with this situation at all.
Have you or any of your kids been affected? What do you make of this?
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Incidentally, my son received HIB and MMR jabs in 1999 and 2000 respectively and was diagnosed with autism in 2001. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?