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Cruel tradition that kills horses should be banned

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Having found out that a man drowned a horse in a river at Appleby Horse Fair this year, I ask myself WHY do we allow these cruel events to continue in the name of tradition?

The daily washing of horses takes place in the river.  Horses (including mares with foals trailing behind) are ridden into the water to be washed for the days trading.  This ritual includes dunking the horses head under the water.  The man in question rode the horse into deep water where he began forcing the horse under.  Well of course the horse drowned as a result!  This person then fled when he noticed how angry the crowd where.  I hope he does get what he deserves if he's ever caught.

How many other horses need to die?

This has not been the only horse death at this fair and will certainly not be the last.  How many other horses need to perish in the river before something is done?  Other horses are raced with carts at insane speeds along narrow roads missing spectators and other passing racers by merely inches.

Horses, cruel tradition As a horse rider myself who's horse has bolted with me on a tarmac road, I can tell you that horses can slip over very very easily.  So this kind of event is basically another accident just waiting to happen!  Some also tie a lot of their horses to barbed wire fences.  It doesn't take a genius to know what damage can happen if one of those horses spooks and pulls back.

I'm fed up with the usual argument of "oh, but you can't do anything about it because its tradition".  To hell with tradition!  We used to traditionally hang "witches", should we have carried on doing that?!  In cases like this tradition is NOT a good thing, and it is NOT an excuse to allow sick things like this to keep happening in what should be a modern civilised society!

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Spain: Man, 55, bleeds to death after being gored at bull running festival in Onda

This may not be the a right page but, At least the bull got some revenge for the human torture it suffered. Pity it did not get more sick twats.
31/10/21 Jethro


Its horrible and these fairs are all aroound the place the wickem fair is done round were i live and its horrible how they treat the horses there!!!
06/02/12 Horseylover


Bear baiting and cock fighting still occur in some parts of the world (illegaly,of course)
27/11/10 DSG


There are quite a number of 'pretend gypsies' those who have no idea how to look after or ride the horses they buy. It is all a status symbol. I use to go up to Appleby but now its all drinking and drugs and people riding horses into the ground. Once a horse was hit with a car and was ki11ed outright. Then some of these 'pretend gypsies' cut the dead animal up to eat. Real Romany's would not eat horse flesh.
04/07/10 Victim


some people are mindless idiots sadly. they do horrendous things to animals and other people. I am sure some are utterly genetically deficient or thing is to incarcerate them or put them down for the safety of society and decent people.
i think its a horrid affair and should be policed properly! the fact these 'dunkings' are meant to be tradition means nothing- what sort of tradition is that?! I know lets bring back bear baiting, cock fighting and all the other 'traditions'!
01/05/10 rider


A shame indeed, Gainsborough Lad.

Sadly, to many people, horses are just "horse meat". They are woefully ignorant of the fact that this nation of our's was built on the back of the horse.
05/12/09 Nikki
Gainsborough lad.

Gainsborough lad.

A shame really, the horse practically fed the nation a few hundred years ago.

And this is how some people repay them, if these people one day have a horse drawn funeral,

I hope the horse heads straight for a river and tips the coffin in.
04/12/09 Gainsborough lad.


This is true I heard of it happening recently and the local authorities pick up the bill, and nothing is done to protect the horses from these evil people.
04/12/09 G


What can you say about someone who could do this to a horse??? Pure evil!
12/08/09 anon


Haha it died.

RE: "Horses are so much smarter than us humans." - you're an idiot.
06/04/09 anon


I think that it should stop because there is no need in it there is no fun in killing horses that have not done anything wrong.
05/04/08 bekki


Not smarter A, but certainly a heck of a lot nicer
04/04/08 Nikki


WHAT THE CRAP? You people are freakin losers! I hate You people! Horses are so much smarter than us humans.
04/04/08 A


Iremember the film gremlins.That lad bought gizmo and was told "dont add water".wot did he do?.....nuff said.
26/10/07 agony


Bill: Then why read the post? You have the choice not to - the thread is entitled "Cruel Tradition that Kills Horses".

Thus, as you so intelligently have pointed out to us, this is "another horse post".
11/09/07 Nikki

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