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Binge drinking leads to vomit all over our streets

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Vomit! I'm sorry, but there it is... all over the streets every week and quite frankly I'm sick of it!.  Saturday and Sunday mornings the detritus of another night of binge drinking and kebab eating.  Haven't the British public got anything better to do on a weekend?

Last Saturday I set off for an early shift at work and literally had to pick my way around these disgusting puddles of vomit, now one week on these disgusting puddles have dried to nasty patches in the summer heat.  Some would say don't look down, but if you don't look down who knows what horrors you will tread in.  Who's to blame and who should clean it up?

I am dismayed that my local council are spending a kings ransome, gleaned from our council tax, installing a fountain in our town centre, which is a bit like trying to make a silk purse from a sows ear to be honest and guess what's going to be in the fountain every week?  Presumably more puke!  We can now look forward to seeing the stuff sloshing around in the fountain on a Saturday morning.

Vomiting after heavy drinking binge drinking associated illness...

How about some good old fashioned street cleaning?  In my opinion the councils don't clean the streets nearly enough to cope with deluge of binge drinking associated illness!  And to all those business owners who open their shop doors and don't seem able to wash the previous nights deposits from their front entrance, you'll understand if I don't spend my hard earned money in your establishment.

By: Magnolia

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Jetty Boy

Jetty Boy

Here are some of the things written on top of medical notes in Norfolk UK by doctors.

GPO: Good for Parts Only

NFN: Normal For Norfolk

GROLIES: Guardian Reader Of Low Intelligence in Ethnic Skirt

HANDBAG POSITIVE: Confused elderly woman lying on the bed but still clutching her handbag

DIGGING FOR WORMS: Varicose vein surgery

DEPARTURE LOUNGE: Geriatric ward

FREUD SQUAD: Psychiatrists

TTFO: Told To F**** Off

LOBNH: Lights On But Nobody Home

FLK: Funny Looking Kid

ASH CASH: Money paid for singing a cremation form

CLL: Complete Low Life

FOS: Full Of S***

GOK: God Only Knows

OAP: Over-Anxious Parent

PDE: Pizzed, Denies Everything

PFO: P*****, Fell Over

PGT: P*****, Got Thumped

PRAFTO: Patient Reassured And Told To F**** Off

SIG: Stroppy Ignorant Girl

TBP: Total Bloody Pain

WAW: What A Wally
03/03/19 Jetty Boy
Jetty Boy

Jetty Boy

Just thought you people living outside of Norfolk UK might like reading this report,

Top definition
Normal for Norfolk
(UK term, abbreviation: NfN)

"Normal for Norfolk" is a descriptive phrase used to describe an individual or action which is seen as so ridiculous it could only have been born as a result of the inbreeding supposedly commonly found in Norfolk. This can range from unusual local pronunciations and dialect to the incredibly stupid nature of many accidents in the region, or sometimes merely be a comment on how someone might look physically abnormal in a manner which cannot be prescribed to a specific condition.

The term was first noted to be used by staff at the Norfolk and Norwich Hospital, with relation to the number of accidents caused by the sheer stupidity of locals (See example 3). People who move to Norfolk from outside the region quickly pick it up and use it as a derogatory term. Norfolk types on the other hand use it affectionately to describe their own quirks. It is more commonly associated with rural Norfolk than those in the city of Norwich.

Not to be confused with the noun Redneck, although the act of shooting trespassers with shotguns among Norfolk types is just as common.
1) A thumb and five fingers on each hand? Normal for Norfolk.

2) He's on the ward to remove the coke can from his finger - He wanted to try and scrape out the last few drops so just stuck it straight in. Normal for Norfolk.

3) He tried warming up his bath by pouring a little petrol in and lighting it... Incident was noted to be Normal for Norfolk.
14/02/19 Jetty Boy
Jetty Boy.

Jetty Boy.

More than half of ‘county lines’ drug dealing groups targeting Norwich.

And from Norwich a large ammount of the drugs make their way to the area that's full of addicts, crackheads, whinos, and losers.....Great Yarmouth and Gorleston on sea. Once a great seaside holiday resort, now a total shat hole.
28/01/19 Jetty Boy.
Jetty Boy

Jetty Boy

The last of the tiny snails which hold the key to the prospect of the A47 Acle Straight in Norfolk being dualled have finally been moved . But now a five year study is needed to make sure they have all gone and are happy in their new homes.
I wonder how much longer it will be before the mungos living in Great Yarmouth realise the Government means to do nothing to this stretch of road and have been fobbing them off for years. They should think themselves luck they have a road at all.
16/12/18 Jetty Boy
Jetty Boy

Jetty Boy

Great Yarmouth Norfolk UK. Town councilers say they are improving the area!!!!! BUT,
Sprinkling glitter and perfume over a turd doesn't stop it from being a turd.
09/12/18 Jetty Boy
Jetty Boy

Jetty Boy

Local People ‘too scared’ to go out in Great Yarmouth town centre after dark.

Thinking of a holiday by the sea next year? Well make sure that you get behind locked doors after dark if you visit this place.

PS, The local hospital is about 20 minuets ride away if you ignor this advice.
PPS, Bring two wallets and a couple of wrist watches.
PPPS, Learn how to say"take it, please don't stab me" in a few other languages!!!!!!!!

Only joking folks, the local hospital is 15 minuets away. Mind you the wait in AE is paint drying time.
20/11/18 Jetty Boy
Friday Lunchtime

Friday Lunchtime

jobby :

"My daily existence is a toss of the coin - one side, fear, the other side, gratitude."

Did you mean :

"My daily existence is a toss"?

Because most of your postings imply that this would be the case. How's your eyesight? Have you got hair on the palms of your hands?
29/01/13 Friday Lunchtime


Generalist, you reckon that the life expectancy of this binge-drinking, loutish geration is going to be shorter than previous generations, well at least there`s some good news!
29/01/13 hairyfairy


These animals who puke in public are the best advert for genetic engineering that there is, it would be wonerful if we could actually produce a race of people that can take their drink without throwing up, fighting, or passing out & ending up in A&E!
04/10/12 hairyfairy


No,Generalist,Ben deserveS a W*nker of the Millenia award for trying to help "sustain" the local wildlife with his stomach contents.
15/04/11 DSG


Ah well that's the problem with alcohol, isn't it? There comes an ill-defined point where the drunk becomes poisoned to the point where she is no longer responsible...thus a very pleasant and civilized visit to the pub can become anything from an embarrassment to a crime scene. It has always been this way.

Puke on.
13/09/10 anon
Responsible Drinker

Responsible Drinker

I wish people would stop blaming alcohol itself and start blaming the individuals.

There are plenty of people who drink alcohol; not all of them behave this way, even when blind drunk.
13/09/10 Responsible Drinker
Rock climbing hero

Rock climbing hero

Cheap alcohol, 24 hour availability and many start at age 9 upwards - ignorant parents who introduce this drug bit by bit so by the ages of 15 , many are hardened drinkers.
Stupid parenting, stupid people, stupid government who support these idiots.
13/09/10 Rock climbing hero


Why not ban all alcohol for people under 25. Even if they are forced on to street corners they will find it harder to buy those big bottles of cheap cider. While were at it we might as well increase the penalties for any mindless vandalism that results.
08/09/10 Biscuitbum
Ga ga

Ga ga

Why should we waste our money employing poor people to clean up the mess this boorish, lager louts make? To hell with them! They can clean up their own mess and perhaps think twice about being such a vile and obnoxious person. We do not need them on this planet!
02/09/10 Ga ga

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