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Taxi drivers are quite useful sometimes because they get you to and from the pub and are a lot better than standing around in the rain waiting for a bus, that's for sure. However, in my opinion some of them tend to take liberties that they really shouldn't. I know this doesn't apply to EVERY taxi driver out there, but in the town where I live I have become increasingly aware of it.
First we have the guy who thinks he's on a race track. These taxi drivers will be moving off just before you shut the door and will usually take you to your destination driving at approximately 50% over the speed limit. These people don't care how pleasant the trip is and they don't care that you are flung around like a sack of potatoes in the back of the cab. They're on a mission to drop you off as quickly as possible so they can head back and get another fare. The chances of a bit of friendly banter from this taxi driver is almost zilch and you get the feeling he either doesn't like the job or would rather be doing something else. Well it's fine not to have a conversation, but please get me home in one piece and there's more chance of that happening if you actually stick to the speed limit!
Next we have the taxi driver who is quite obviously at home in his cab. He's got the windows open and the car stereo on full blast so that he can barely understand you when you tell him the destination. He somehow always gets you there though and at least doesn't break the law. However, he's in HIS home and since that is the case then it is obviously alright to smoke there, regardless of the fact that technically a car is an enclosed public place! He's a bit of a cocky jack the lad and will think nothing of organising his personal life en-route either on his mobile or by yelling out the window to people he knows.
Finally, let us not forget the taxi driver who knows best. Yes I'm sure some of you DO know the best way to get from A to B and for that I am grateful, but I also know the town in which I live very well, so if you don't mind I would rather you took me home the way I WANT to go instead of deciding for me. By the way, when I said "Somewhere along here will be fine...", I actually meant somewhere along here and not half a mile further down the road! I know you need to pull over somewhere safe, but anywhere along this stretch of deserted road would have been fine! Oh hang on a minute, you needed to make sure it rounded up to the nearest tenner!
Maybe I'll take the bus. Oh hang on a minute, I can't, because there aren't any buses after 10.30!!
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Who needs a taxi-driver with the "knowledge" when the world has satnavs? They are obsolete, and should go into extinction.
London taxi drivers are a scam. They have a monopoly. They operate a protection racket: protecting their wages and taxi rates, which are outrageous. They are parasites haunting airports, and London railway stations and streets. Anyone with a SatNav now has the "Knowledge" necessary to go from A to B in London, efficiently and minimum cost.
Their union operates a kind of Crony Capitalism with the local governments of London.
There is no competition. I should be able to haggle at the railway station for my ride.
I have done this on 6 occasions. I would rather be safe and happy.
They do u turns in the middle of busy roads,they stop at traffic lights when on green to pick up a poor sucker, they stop on red lines,they stop on double yellow lines,they cut you up, they block roads by parking each side of the road,they pull out without giving a signal. I saw a car beeping at a cab cause he pulled out without signalling and the cabbie done the finger jesture then the next thing I saw another 2 cabs block this poor guy in so he couldnt move as they were so close to him I reported the numbers to the hackney company but nothing got done these cabs think they own the roads I HATE BLACK CAB DRIVERS