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This week I have a gripe about Sky. At the start of 2008 Mum received a phone call out of the blue from Sky asking her if she wanted to take out the £69 yearly insurance on her Sky+ digibox. Mum hesitated but then relented because the nice lady at Sky said the cover was "immediate" which was handy as the said box had not been recording properly for quite some time.
The "nice" Sky lady, however, failed to tell my Mum that all repairs, etc are carried out by a sub-contractor, in this case System Guard. Upon ringing their expensive telephone number Mum got into a state about the "procedure" she had to do when she reports a fault, so she got on to me about it.
I then rang System Guard myself to receive more detailed instructions, then rang Mum up with them. Unfortunately, the switching on and off of the box, resetting it, blah-de-blah did not work...so she rang them again.
Promising to bring a box round, then not bothering
I won't bore you with the rest because it gets complicated. However, what has become clear in the past month or so is the fact that Sky have been naughty in "selling" Mum insurance she really was not sure about and System Guard seem to think Mum has taken out said insurance so she can get a new box. In fact, it was their own Engineer (on one of their rare visits, usually they fail to turn up) who said Mum needed a new box. On three occasions since then my Dad has stayed in the house awaiting the Engineer who "promised" to come round with a new box. No sign. Then Mum gets stressed upon returning from work to find her shiny, new Sky+ box has not materialised! It is the ringing up "promising" to bring a box round, then not bothering that really gripes me. My poor Dad is a virtual recluse waiting for these people. It's just not on!
Over the years Sky has made a fortune from subscriptions that - quite frankly - are a rip-off. I reckon it is about time we got something back...like a new, shiny box that replaces the old, faulty one. And how come they think we are all technically-minded? It is so annoying! This is the reason Mum got a Sky+ box in the first place, because she hates Video Recorders! It's been a godsend!
I have emailed both Sky AND System Guard (even the name sounds "dodgy" to me) and I have threatened them with "if this is not resolved in the next week you may as well take the box out."
These big companies make me sooo angry! Quick to take our money but not that quick to sort a minor problem out! I hope my email works!
By: Jane
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We experience this situation a lot. Many of our customers are fustrated that they are paying for a service that they never recieve. they are missold policies, and never fullfil their end of the agreement.
Its a shame that you all are going through this situation with Sky, and their sub-contractors. I would really suggest that you try some of Don't Get Done...Get Dom! tricks and keep on calling and email both Sky and the Sub-contractor till get to the manager/boss of the company. Sky may not directly be responsible, but if you are a unhappy customers they may want to correct that.
how may times would you need to call them out
if you pay 10.00 for instace for the cost of a repair that equals 120.00 per year
its only 65.00 for a service call aand if they cant fix it it would be replaced
Friday came and there was no repairman. I rang them and they said that they rang Friday morning and there was no answer, so I told them that I had asked to be rang on my mobile as the house phone is not always audible and my mobile is always in my pocket. So they took my mobile number again and he booked it in for today (Tuesday). I just got off the phone to them and they told me no such callout was on their schedule list, to this I said well check the call records and that will show you that I'm not making it up. I gave them my mobile number....again and told him to listen to the call I made on Friday and call me back. I'm now booked in tomorrow but to be honest I'm at the end of my tether. What shall I do, is it worth reporting them? I know that I'll most likely cancel with them as I can’t be dealing with this again. I’m interested to find out if anyone else has had problems with the company Systemguard in past? Appreciate any feedback.
Sky charge you £49 for a box and some vouchers to spend in Marks and Spencers and you all think it is wonderful.
Now read the small print
1. You get charged either £30 or £60 connection fee.
2. You pay £678 per year to watch HD Channels
3. You have to pay out for a TV capable of recveiving HD Channels.
Not good when your all being ripped off by the UK Government!
£800 per year to drink water
£1400 per year to your Councils
Subsidising Mr. Fred Goodwins Pension and contributing funds to MPs to do their homes up.
Paying out £888 per month in HP Charges to drive a 4x4 that does 12 miles to a gallon and paying out £2088 in fuel costs over a distance of 20 miles per day for a year.
Getting double glazed windows for £3300 and paying back £8600 ( I saw this on a TV Advert in very small print)
You need to look at all of this as this is why your all in debt.
Welcome to Rip off Britain where the Government walk all over you.
Take care my children
I wouldn't bother with those insurance companies.
£95 per year is rediculous.
With all these HD Channels coming out, these types of boxes including Sky+ will become obsolete.
Between Sky TV and Santanta Sports it costs £678 per year to subscribe to watch sports channels.
£520 per year for Sky Sports. (Maybe higher for their HD Channels and set up charges)
£158 per year for Santanta Sports. (Plus a £20 connection Charge)
The UK allows this to happen because OFCOM are failing to aqddress these issues.
I've had enough and am going to ask the Citezens Advice Beureau to look into this as I feel it is a complete scam.
Sue - Mid Glamorgan