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Kids who ride quad bikes on public land

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This gripe is about kids on quad bikes.  After years of saving and thousands of pounds of borrowing I have bought my first house.  I work hard, pay my taxes and abide by the laws of the land.

This is why I get so annoyed when there are so many criminals getting away with absolutely anything.  Near where I live, there is a council estate, now don’t get me wrong because I am not having a go at all people who live in council houses.  Unfortunately however, there are a select few that feel the need to ride their stupid and probably stolen, quad bikes on public land.  I wouldn’t mind if it was land that was for set aside for such pursuits, but it is not in this case.

They ride these quad bikes on footpaths, over private drives, people’s lawns and pretty much wherever they like.  The police have been called on so many occasions by a number of people, but nothing is ever actually done to stop this crazy behaviour!  These kids aren't insured they don't care if they damage other people’s property!  The way things are going I suspect it won’t be long until someone is seriously hurt or even worse, killed by one of these things.

Kids on a quad bike menace England is growing to be a country with a bit of a thug culture because we are too soft on criminals.  They don’t care that they are breaking the law.  They don’t fear jail, because it’s nice and cosy for them when they get in, and then of course when they get out it’s nice and cosy with their benefits that we pay for.  I think we should have more of a say in what the tax is spent on, I certainly wouldn’t want it spent on criminals.

I personally think we should bring back National service to get these kids off the street and get them doing something useful.

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Jeez, let the kids enjoy themselves.
Bunch of curtain twitchers.
28/07/21 Noggin


so I'm a child, where can I drive my quad
29/10/15 joe


Jazz, could I interest you in a full stop or a paragraph?
18/08/13 anon


Iv worked Iv been out of work Iv payed taxes Iv lived council houses and Iv owned my own I own my own property at the moment and to be fair wish I hadn't bought the bloody place because all Iv found is I had more freedom in a council property than I have in my own bought and payed for property when I lived in a council house icouid have a BBQ I could throw a new years party and yes my kids had a trampoline and a electric quad bike wish all the kids in the street wouid take turns on under adult supervision I have very fond memories of the time I lived in that little cul de sac what I found now since owning this property which I bought 4 years ago is a load of miserable busy bodies with nothing better to do the stick there noses in every one else's business not once have I invited or been invited around for a chat and a cuppa my kids playing in there own back yard on there trampoline gets told not because they may not can but may be able to see into my neighbours garden no Xmas party's no one celebrates anything can't have a BBQ complaints about the smoke and to top it all off most of my neighbours all come from council houses and didn't mind a BBQ or Xmas party then I'm a home owner and as long as no 1 bothers me or damages my property I really don't give a crap just because I own my house wish I also worked hard and pay taxes for don't mean I own the flipping street and to call a child a criminal for ridding a quad bike is ludicrous what about the yobs hanging around drinking and swearing at passers by vomiting in the streets and children's public parks I'd call that criminal behaviour what about those ppl who pick on tell off and target young children for simpley playing calling then criminals calling the police on them isn't that also bad behaviour only in my mind unless a child is a acturley doing something wrong why get them into trouble unless your an uncaring old so in so who think because they own there own two bed semi it makes them a flipping god I'd call them a criminal for picking on inisent children and giving us home owners a bloody bad snooty name !
18/08/13 Jazz


Stalags dustbin, what's wrong with a trampoline? I live in a mixed area and the ones who have trampolines in the garden are the better off who don't bother anybody and obey the law. The ones who cause a nuisance are the ones who live in the council houses and they have very little in their gardens.

I used to live in a beautiful area that was completely ruined by kids on those motor bikes. The police could never catch them and it became a game for them. They caused untold damage to property and cars.
04/06/13 Acai
Stalags Dustbin

Stalags Dustbin

Definately a Chav, (slim shady) beer bellied, tattooed, foul mouthed, slob, mobile phone in one hand, a packet off crisps and fag in the other and I bet the husband-partner is even worse.

Typical person that buys one of their many offspring a quad bike to annoy everyone.

Bet they have a trampoline in the garden as well.

Oh the fun they bring into my life
22/04/13 Stalags Dustbin
Stalag 14

Stalag 14

Who said intelligent debate was dead when Jobby departed, we have a new kid on the block.
22/04/13 Stalag 14
slim shady

slim shady

hahahah omg now im really scared. You obv need to grow up you mad nutter and grow a pair of balls mate. you obv have nothing better to do with your time. You obv have issues with yourself and your own health. pop to the docs mate and have a word with yourself. your far from ex forces as they dont act the way you are. grow up kid.
21/04/13 slim shady
Friday Lunchtime

Friday Lunchtime

"Stalag14 talks to me as if I am stupid or a CHAV, is there any thing I can do?"

Yes. Stop acting like a stupid chav.
21/04/13 Friday Lunchtime
Stalag14's Dustbin

Stalag14's Dustbin

Stalag14 talks to me as if I am stupid or a CHAV, is there any thing I can do?
21/04/13 Stalag14's Dustbin


You have the same mentality of our cousins in the U.S.A who "teach" their six year olds to use guns, bloody STUPID

Quad bikes are dangerous! and should not be used by minors unless very very closely supervised.

Do we teach minors to drive cars?

There is a difference between a motorised vehicle and a non-motorised vehicle, one is safe one is not.

Read the aforementioned reports on the safety of quad bikes and come to the sensible conclusion, they are not worth the risk, unless you are an adult and can make an informed asessment of risk versus pleasure.

Unless you are a CHAV of course then I may as well talk to the dustbin
21/04/13 Stalag14


"And whoever you are Stalag14. ...........probably you was moddy coddled as a baby and could never be trusted. Never mind one day you may grow up and be let loose in society lol."

You must be new to this site or you would be aware from my past posts that I am ex armed forces and retired skydiver-base jumper so no more of your inane crap please.

I know all about risk and subjecting a child to the risk of using a quad bike is STUPID
21/04/13 Stalag14


Ref Anonymous
Yes i agree quads can be dangerouse if used incorectly. So why sell them in all sizes if their is no where to use them? Shall we just not purchase anything for our children anymore that could harm them ? Absolute crap. I would never let my children go on anything that i felt was unsafe or they could not control. I personally rode on the back of this quad for hours with my son until he was confident he understood it was not a toy and it could harm him if used incorectly. So please save me the speach on it being a toy. And if thats the case are you telling me its mature then for adults with no licences to be driving mates cars on a beach at high speed and throwing them all around the place. and for horse chariots to be racing up and down the beach ? OMG how dare they !!!! Could that not be misconstrude as dangerouse ???? noooo because they are adults lol Whatever save me the speach and grow up. And whoever you are Stalag14. Sorry but you were obviously brought up wrapped in a blanket. Its obvious you could never afford a quad or your parents never let you have the big boys toys as they were called. probably you was moddy coddled as a baby and could never be trusted. Never mind one day you may grow up and be let loose in society lol.
21/04/13 Slimshady


Anyone that considers a quad bike a toy must be insane, likewise mini motorbikes, the scourge of council estates throughout the country.

Crush 'em all is what I say, too dangerous, too noisy. and too often used on public roads (illegal)

I am going to make as much noise as I can and f**k the rest of you, is the attitude of many quad bike, mini motorbike users, a CHAV badge of honour I think.
21/04/13 Stalag14


@ Trekkie, You must be as old as me, I saw that one its really old. I can see what you mean though, just wait until next year when Bulgarians start to flood into this country.
21/04/13 Jethro

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