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Well you can call them what you like, tree huggers, soap dodgers or hippies but they all amount to the same thing and that is a bunch of crazy people who would quite happily leave our country defenceless! I refer of course to CND and the Greens that are currently camped out at the Faslane naval base in Scotland.
They are there apparently to 'highlight the hypocrisy of the UK Government over weapons of mass destruction' but I think they've completely lost the plot this time. Yes it is may be true that taxpayer money has been spent in the search for weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in Iraq.
Also, it is true that a lot of taxpayer money is currently spent on protecting the country with the Trident nuclear submarines. But they are two completely different things!
On the one hand we have an Arab country ruled by a sick dictator and home to all manner of fanatics and terrorists and on the other hand we have the United Kingdom not exactly ruled by a sick dictator but still it would seem full of fanatics and the odd terrorist or two that we let in from time to time.
Personally I feel that we still need a nuclear deterrent and to abandon this key defence strategy at this time would be very foolish indeed. Whilst it is true that many of the worlds nuclear states are in the process of dismantling or reducing their nuclear weapons stockpiles a notable few are actually increasing them. It would of course be wonderful to live in a world where such destructive weapons didn't exist, but sadly that is not the kind of world we live in today and this scenario is unlikely to become true for many years to come.
There are an estimated 20,000 nuclear warheads scattered around the world today and of that number we have approximately 200 of them, a small price I think for a little bit of security.
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Who are they protecting us from exactly? They whole homo-economic game of 'don't attack us you vodka slurping reds, cos we've got big missiles too!' argument really went out with the Cold War, when peace was apparently maintaned by each side having a balance of nuclear power.
So, who does Trident actually protect us from?
Rogue nations who support terrorism? Well, thats a load of pizzle cos we're quite happy to trade with them if theres some oil in it for us.
Terrorists themselves? Apparently theyre the great threat out there to our illusion of peace and democracy, though you have to admit a great big missile isnt much good against a suicide bomber or some biological release in a public area.
How about countries with WMD's? Well, sadly, the only people with WMD's are us and most of the members of Nato. (or the 5 permanent members of the UN security council if you prefer) OR anyone we sell them too!
The truth is that they defend our country from....no one!
Theyre totally useless.
Oh theres always alien invasion, but lets face it, there always is. But one look at our weather, our food and the general miserable apathy that pervades our nation and the little green men will wander of to somewhere more interesting.
The bottom line is, if we kept the useless things, lets be honest, IF the bombs started dropping, the actual ability to fire back wont really be of much use to you and me, cos we'll be dead anyways.
The ultimate turd on the apple crumble here is in the same week that the government mumbled on about spending £70 billion on upgrading the pointless system, the CBI stated that students should pay more for their education! So, tax payers money is fine spent on Trident, but not our children?
It's very annoying that these blinkered deadbeats with a puny plan are right here in the UK. They are not British as far as I'm concerned.
Why don't we just collapse all our defence barriers? There are men and women out there fighting so you can sleep well at night and arise the next morn.
They have not one ounce of integrity in their worthless body.
These degenerate deadbeats are the ultimate insult to all those men and women that gave their lives for the land they walk upon. Young and old, fighting overseas to preserve their future. Such ingratitude.
They are an absolute disgrace to all those men listed upon the Menin Gate and the surrounding cemetries.
How do they sleep at night?
I am still really ok. The thing is, how do your actions sit on your shoulders. Life is hard, it can be tough, can you be real. p.s. I hated hairdressing
Of course we need Trident like a hole in the head. It's not necessary to our economic position: of the G7 nations, only 3 have weapons of mass destruction (US, France, UK). What does the original griper think they are useful for in this post-Cold-War world? Are they any use against suicidal terrorists with suitcase bombs? Does 'mutually assured destruction' work against ideologues like Bin Laden who want to provoke conflict? How does having them prevent WMD proliferating? The less plutonium in the world, the less there is to be stolen. I suspect that depending on US WMD means that all UK foreign policy and defence decisions also really depend on the US, including the decision to renew the missile. Previous defence secretaries including Michael Prtillo and Malcolm Rifkind have spoken against retaining Trident.
The protesters just can't win, they're out there trying to make a difference and then get moaned at by you lot who refuse to see the bigger picture. so what if there is a little disruption along the way!