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Air fresheners and chemical smells are toxic

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People are obsessed with chemical products and seem completely oblivious to the fact that they are toxic.  They enjoy breathing these noxious substances in and spraying them all over themselves, regardless of who is in the vicinity.

The other day, I found myself shocked and outraged when a woman used her hairspray even though she was standing right next to me.  It caught me completely off guard and I had to refrain myself from shouting obscenities at her and her vile habit.  I am also sick of all those who reek of perfume or cologne. It simply isn't right to force others to smell products they did not chose to apply.  A complete lack of courtesy for the comfort and well-being of others!  I am heavily annoyed with those who pour fragrant lotions all over their bodies to conceal their natural odours.  For the sake of those who have to live and work with you, simply take a shower on a daily basis and you will find it isn't necessary to pour on these pungent potions!

Artificial fragrances make me sick - fed up with toxic chemicals I am equally fed up with the national obsession with air fresheners.  The offices that use them are simply trying to disguise the unpleasant effects of a poor ventilation system.  Air fresheners have also grown increasingly popular in private domiciles.  The most sensible way to achieve a nice smelling home is simply to keep it clean. Buy an air purifier if you must, but please spare your guests from enduring nauseating bursts of artificial fragrances.

No one seems to realize that these products are harmful to human health.  My co-workers were sniffing floor cleaners.  They marvelled at the so-called apple and orange fragrances.  One of them approached me with an open bottle and insisted that I take a whiff. I flat out refused and backed up in disgust.  My colleague then had the nerve to ask me why I did not want to smell it.  I simply responded: "I don't like chemical smells".

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Couldn't agree more; I like your style oh griper above! My own personal gripe is washing hanging on your neighbours' lines on a hot summers day gently wafting chemical fragrance into the air, not to mention the smell being discharged into the drains by washing machines using these things.. the smell of shower gel, shampoo, soap and spray leaking out of toilet and bathroom windows - takes the fresh right out of air! cough wheeze.....grr.. I have used scented products, perfumes (never air freshener), candles and such at home and I have sprayed hairspray, deoderants and perfumes in toilets in the past, but I have come to realise that by doing so I could jeopardise the health of a person such as Julie who us allergic, so I never will again.
14/05/19 Bones


If there were`nt so many dirty, smelly people around, there wouldn`t be a need for air fresheners.
24/08/13 hairyfairy


Oh I agree so so much. I guess I should say that if this is the worst I can come up with to moan about in my life then it's a very good life, But really, I don't want to sound petty but I HATE all of these noxious smells and chemicals with a passion. I truely truely do. I would much rather smell someone's B.O. than put up with their perfume etc. I would rather smell the after effects of poop than be in a toilet with over-powering air freshner. And I also can't stand fragranced wash-powders/fabric softners etc.
Yes I whole-heartedly agree most defintiely! This is one of my pet-hates.
25/05/11 Critter


I have been in the factories of these large cosmetics companies.if people knew the toxic chemical shyt they were spraying in the air they wouldnt use it! now my frikin neighbour insists on smelling the entire block with his scent. im so peed off cos im allergic. I even bought him a plnt based spray as a gift but he denies its him. cnut
06/04/11 mk


There are better ways to enjoy life than to spray chemicals on you, eat and drink chemicals,.
people would prefer to spray this rubbish on their bodies,hair, armpits and in their homes ... and then blame the sun, sea and sex!
12/08/10 Cat


Agree with you. The nasty chemicals in sprays for body, hair, room etc. contain chemicals like anti-freeze, plastics and other nasties that react on the skin when exposed to sunlight.The molecules are so fine that they absorb into the skin - just like those medi-patches for headaches or smoke patches - all absorbed into the bloodstream.
Skin cancers, allergies and other illnesses are just some of the real problems created by the beauty and home products.
12/08/10 David


People are so squeamish these days. Where's the "never did me any harm"?
25/07/10 Terry


omg,you are you smoke,drink sodas,cofee,bottled water,beer, wine,eat hot dogs.the levels of birth control in city water is higher than you you use deoderant?there are so many things out there that cause so many health problems.the levels of pestiside on our vegitation,the hormones in meat,milk and eggs.the science in playing god with genes in our you know they add a gene from fish into the tomato plant to make shelf life longer?what are the effects on the human body? fake sugar sweeteners cause a buildup in the human body that causes health concerns especially in the elderly.regular shampoo's for your hair in retail stores if a bottle breaks you have to hasmat it out because its so toxic...these are just some things to think about next time someone in the elevator smells nice or your friends home smell like a spring frebreeze.,,,you are going to get high blood pressure......oh bye the way do you take prescription pills?????????????????????????????
14/06/10 M.AKERLEY


I forgot to add if they do that to animals what the hell are they doing to us!!!!!!
03/05/10 lofty


if people realised the way animals are subjected to horrific torture testing these products they might think twice about using them
03/05/10 lofty


Aaaaand "disgusting" and "nice" in terms of smells have changed over time.

Smells that are sharp, stinging and overwhelming to the point of diminishing your sense of any other smell are considered "nice".

Anything else remotely natural that isn't a food or flower is "disgusting".

No prizes for guessing why.

Also, I notice whenever I am exposed to hairsprays, perfumes (against my own will I might add) I can not smell anything else for hours after - except the smell I was exposed to! Even after it's "gone". On top of feeling sick and getting headaches.

"Oh, they haven't hurt me and I've been using them for years"

1) Subtle, long-term changes to brain and body function are often hard to detect. They probably have hurt you but you're too drugged and suppressed off the toxins to notice.
2) Denial - you probably have noticed something wrong but deny it in order to remain in your cosy little bubble.
2) There are some people who are more sensitive than others, more sensitive than you, and who can have very adverse immediate reactions to it.
30/04/10 Fred
Health First

Health First

You missed the whole point Perfumist. The products don't smell flowery. They smell like toxic chemicals, which is what they are.
28/04/09 Health First


well do you prefer to smell disguisting smells rather than a flowery scent?
27/10/08 Perfumist


I used to work at tesco, and everytime I had to work on the detergent aisle, I would sneeze, my eyes would run and I would struggle to breathe, Not good
08/10/08 pete
Legs Pointing Skywards

Legs Pointing Skywards

From once corpse to another please don't put flowers on my grave. I used to have hay fever and other allergies, and your unkindness is what killed me. Also those of you in the upperworld please don't visit my tomb if you have so much as perfumed your bodies even with as little as a single drop. I can no longer stand it anymore. We are very sensitive. Down here in the soil the odour is already bad enough with the putrefaction of one's own phenotype, but, in the end, you get used to it, and eventually it goes away. At least it is natural and organic, and the bluebottles, pretty creatures, love it. You stinkers are just plain awful.
27/09/08 Legs Pointing Skywards

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