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A friend of mine told me recently of the dangers she has encountered with cyclists, especially when crossing busy roads in London. When the traffic lights turn red and cars have to stop to let pedestrians cross, there is nearly always a cyclist who rides through the red light and almost hits these pedestrians. My friend who has difficulty walking has almost been hit by some of these people. It is almost as though they think its their right to go through red lights and not think of those who are crossing. Some of them have no patience either with pedestrians.
cyclists do dangerous and silly things
It is not just at crossings, but also on roads I have seen cyclists do dangerous and silly things. Firstly, on very busy roads they take their families of very young children to cycle. Personally I think this isn't safe as its an accident waiting to happen. Some cyclists have their baby/toddler strapped in front of them. Isn't that illegal and shouldn't the child be seated on a bike? Also, I once saw a cyclist spit on the road whilst cycling along. Absolutely disgusting. Then there are those that seem to think its okay to make rude gestures at those who drive cars for some misdemeanor.
There is a cycle lane near my house which has the purpose of providing a place for cyclists to cycle on instead of the main busy road running parallel to it, but some of them use the road instead which defeats the whole purpose of the cycle lane and it makes it difficult for those driving as they have to slow down to get by them.
Some cyclists don't use lights when cycling in the dark. So how is anyone meant to see them and avoid hitting them at night? Once a cyclist hurled abuse at my mum when she was out driving one night saying that she should read the highway, even though he was actually the one at fault for not wearing fluorescent clothing at night and making sure he could be seen!
In Richmond Park, when I was with one of my friends we were almost ran over by a guy riding his bike and he was so rude to us saying we were in his way. When they are in Richmond Park theyre supposed to use the roads which makes it difficult for drivers to get anywhere in the place, not to mention how dangerous it is when there are lots of cyclists in the area. They slow the traffic down as well.
I understand that cycling is a green alternative to get to places but it is not that safe in my view. I have never ridden a bike because of bad experiences. I'd rather use bus, car, train or even a horse to get to places. In fact, if people REALLY want to be green then they should ride a horse to wherever they are going - provided there is not too much manure left on the road of course!
By: Angry Autistic Female
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Why not answer the questions?
As for the waste of road space, if a car is 100%, how much space does a bicycle use?
Since when did Whales need or have a road system? Whales swim in the ocean and have migration routes, but roads?
'Cyclists and their bicycles must be registered and insured for third party accidents.' Absolutely, and get these wretched individuals paying their share of road-tax too - When they are not on the pavements terrorising vulnerable pedestrians, they are enjoying our roads scott-fee.'
Why? What evidence do you have for any of this?
The registered keeper should be automatically identifiable and punished for such actions of being not identifiable else it makes a mockery of the law. Their vehicle could be a bike or a car, it is nothing to do with the driving just so the keeper can be identified.
Does this mean push 'cyclists' will get points or punishment if they don't buy a road fund licence disc on their vehicles?
It looks like this was all thought up by the road people in the government Elite who decide such things and not before time. This will make driving society fairer and make everyone adhere to road laws and be polite with each other over trivial matters while they continue their daily driving.
Goes right thru two people when green man is on
Hits the girl
Then says “ you need to look where you’re walking ... innit?”
Then mounts the pavement
Still convinced he is some kind of victim
What you have said is clearly not what someone calling themself reclaim the pavements would believe.
Grow up and have some manners.
I am hoping admin will remove your post.
I do think that cars should have priority on the road except for fixed crossing places. I also accept that sometimes it is prudent for a cyclist to be on the pavement for their own safety. I guess we all need to try and get along and accept that occasionally the boundaries become blurred for good reason.
Not always.
Highway Code: Using the road - 170
"watch out for pedestrians crossing a road into which you are turning. If they have started to cross they have priority, so give way"
This applies to cyclists as well as drivers of motor vehicles. It's a part of the HC that they all seem to forget the instant they pass their test, as you have... ( not that cyclists have to pass a test, more's the pity)
"When they are in Richmond Park theyre supposed to use the roads which makes it difficult for drivers to get anywhere in the place, not to mention how dangerous it is when there are lots of cyclists in the area. They slow the traffic down as well."
I thought that autistic individuals were supposed to be particularly careful about accuracy, you seem to make numerous false claims.
Richmond Park has a 20mph limit, it is intended as a destination in itself, it is not intended as a rat-run to go somewhere-else. The roads are liable to blockage by herds of deer (it is a deer-park BTW).
There is not sufficient speed 'headroom' for motorists to overtake most road-cyclists without the motorists themselves speeding, although that doesn't stop some from trying. It sounds like you are one of the speeders, I hope you get ticketed.
Bicycles are not restricted to the roads, which you should know, if you've visited the Park.
Park map, showing cycle paths.