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Motorcyclist weaving through traffic at high speed

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I saw one of the most dangerous manoeuvres by a motorcyclist I have ever seen in my life whilst driving home along the M40 one Sunday evening.  Had I witnessed the same thing on any other day and at a much lower speed I wouldn't have thought anything of it, but on this particular evening it was more than a little bit risky for all concerned.  This kind of motorcyclist doesn't just ruin the reputation and image of bikers (although he certainly does that), but more importantly, he risks the lives of those around him.

It was at that time of night when street lights flick on and the sky is kind of dark blue.  Cars have their headlights on but it's not quite bright enough to illuminate the road.  It's a very awkward light for driving at the best of time.  Add to that plenty of lashing rain and some spray off the road and you're creating quite a tricky scenario where absolute concentration is required because the visibility is so poor.

Make it more interesting by filling two lanes of the motorway up with lorries all trying to outrun each other whilst travelling a few inches apart.  This brings out the idiots who HAVE to get past them undertaking anything and everything, only to brake like hell when they realise they can't see a thing just as they overtake the lorry.

Are you getting the picture?  Good.  Now bear in mind that we're all actually travelling at around 50 to 65.  You can't really go any faster because it would be VERY stupid due to the road conditions.  Did I mention the fools who decide to turn their fog lights on just to make sure you really can't see what's going on around you?

Rain on the road at night Anyway, this idiot was on a motorcycle and he obviously has no regard for his own life or that of anyone else around him.  Don't get me wrong because I don't have a dislike of motorcyclists, in fact most of my time on the roads has been on a bike since I passed my test in 1992.  It's only been in the last couple of years I have had the opportunity (and a licence) to drive a car.  We all do stupid things from time to time and I'm no exception to that, however I don't think I've ever ridden as dangerously as this lunatic.

He can physically get the bike through the gaps okay as he weaves in and out very rapidly.  But he's not considering the possibility that the cars won't see him due to the poor visibility and conditions at the time.  He was extremely lucky not to have a spill right in front of me as a couple of cars decided to change lane just as he squeezed past.

Luck runs out eventually though.  I'm assuming he made it home safely that night because I didn't hear anything about an accident on the radio and thankfully it didn't happen right in front of me.  I dread how many casualties there could have been.

It's only a shame that all the nice motorcycles seem to be wasted on the most reckless and undeserving bikers!

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All better now.

All better now.

After spending time in hospital with an infection in my broken wrist, I was in a bed next to a young BMW driver that had a high speed crash which was his fault through speeding. After listening to his crying, whining, pain filled agony I must admit that my condition improved dramaticlly as I laughted at this morons stupidity. It was at this point that a consultant pointed out to me that young drivers brains are not devoloped enought to realise danger and that is why so many are killed each year behind the wheels of cars. If this is the case, why let young people learn to drive so early in life?
18/03/19 All better now.
Alf Red

Alf Red

OK, this motorcyclist was a nutter - and he was probably young, inexperienced and indestructable. He probably thinkst it can never happen to him, like young car drivers seen to think. I once had a motorbike, in fact I had 3, but the last one was seriously quick, even for the 1970's. I was about 21 and I was indestructable as well. I did some mental things on my bike, mad overtaking, riding at well over 100mph. We are all nutters at that age, the we gradually grow up, mature and realise that we are not immortal and that losing a bit of skin hurts and that we are lucky to be alive. I haven't ridden a bike since then, but I'm always looking out for bikes in my mirrors and have never had one pass me without me seeing it first. Being a young rider / driver goes with being a bit of an idiot, it's fun and it'll always happen and the rest of us just have to keep an eye out for these people and save them from themselves, even if it annoys the hell out of us.
07/02/11 Alf Red


I live beside a beautiful London Common where some of the paths are signed 'No Cycling' whilst others allow cycles. I am fed up with cyclists who use the pedestrian paths as it means that I cannot enjoy a walk in peace. I am very nervous about cyclists sneaking up soundlessly behind me and usually I encounter several such miscreants on any given walk. If I ask them to get off the bike and and walk I am accused of ignorance (that's rich coming from someone who has just blatantly cycled over a no cycling sign in foot high letters!) or worse. My worry is that nothing seems to be done either to educate or sanction these law breakers who are making my (and other people's) recreational life a misery. I have written to my local MP about it but no response so far. Does anyone have any suggestions for positive effective action?
20/02/10 Ruth


I don't think they are particularly aimed at car drivers as such, although as a biker myself It's a good thing I think, they seem to be positioned at spots of danger more to the biker than car.
Before side road junctions where a car driver hasn't seen you coming and pulls out.
On approaches to bends where it is more severe than it looks.
On roads where it looks ok to overtake, there might be hidden dips or blind driveways/junctions to be aware of.
They are there also to remind the biker it's dangerous to ride like a lunatic here, and be aware of what could and probably will happen if they don't slow down and ride with care

Having said that, I cannot condone the actions of some bikers for the way they choose to ride there machines, gives us all a bad name agreed, but don't forget, most of the biking accidents that occur are caused by the lack of concentration/inexperience of a lot of the other forms of transports on the road.
Yes, I mean bikes as well, they can have a head-on when two prats are on the same road overtaking.
22/11/09 Ceetee


Have you noticed all these "Think Bike" posters going up at the side of the road?

Presumably they're aimed at car drivers who should spend their whole journey on the lookout for motorcycle riders?

Well, wouldn't it be a much better idea to think of a sign aimed at the lunatic motorcycle riders? Maybe if they slowed down and didn't ride their bikes in such an irresponsible fashion they would end up splattered across the road like they do.

I'm thinking of taking some new signs round with me to replace THINK BIKE with THICK BIKERS!
17/08/09 rizzer


The town I live in has a mayday festival that attracts a lot of bikers, and most of them drive like nutters. I saw one car trying to drive who was completely boxed in by motorcycles. I think being in large groups made them all go a bit nutty.

I have a motorcycle, and I drive as safe as I can. I'm fully aware that not a lot separates me from the road, and I ride accordingly. Anyone who doesn't is waiting for death.
18/06/09 Tallulah


I've driven cars, vans and lorries. I've ridden motorcycles, trikes, scooters, bicycles and horses. I've even flown gliders. Whatever the form of transport, you will always get the fool who thinks the world revolves around them and b*gger everyone else. You will only ever notice this fool, rather than the other drivers/riders who skillfully flow past you without a hiccup. Just relax and let them go their merry way; there's really nothing you can do about it.

Karn n Linda - what are you banging on about? Are motorcycles invisible to speed cameras or the rozzers? No. And you can overtake a police bike or car if it's safe and legal to do so. So why don't you? And why so angry?
01/06/09 dobbo996


if the police are going under the speed limit, then you can overtake them providing you DONT break the limit. im sure they wont take it personally.
16/04/09 Dan
Karn n Linda

Karn n Linda

I'll tell you what gets up my goat.... is motorcyclists getting away with speeding at ridiculous speeds without getting stopped or charged! As law abiding motorists, car drivers - sticking to the speed limits as best as we can, in a moment of lapse of concentration, are condemded for going not one but two miles over the speed limit. I find this to be an absolute disgrace when the police drive at slow speeds aggravating the average motorist to sit behind and never overtake for fear of also being condemned and charged of speeding!!!
12/04/09 Karn n Linda
Laughable's long lost cons

Laughable's long lost cons

Laughable, you seem proud that you've knocked 7 kids off their mopeds. Yes they may have made stupid manouvers, but are you telling me that you couldn't have avoided any of the accidents? Did you not think for one moment that there are actual humans on those hairdryers on wheels? Or did your wisdom from your whole "5 years of driving" tell you to "keep going, you have right of way so feel free to not bother thinking about the inexperienced kid who made the wrong decision (although I'm sure in your 5 whole years of driving you've never, ever made one of those), has just killed his shiny new moped, has to tell his parents that he's had a crash causing all sorts of worry on their behalf, being screwed over by their insurance company because do get any sort of affordable insurance he'd have to agree to some ridiculously high excess charge, and they'd have trouble getting insurance from now on because they already have one accident to their name, oh and now they've got "the chap you just cut up with a 1 tonne vehicle, 5yrs driving, 5yrs nclms that now wants to rip your head off for booting his car" venting at them.

Tell me do you also claim points depending on who you run over? For example, 10 points for mopeds, 20 for the elderly, 30 for a small child, 40 for someone in a wheelchair and 50 for a neighbour's cat?
07/02/09 Laughable's long lost cons


you shouldnt drive whilst on a mobile phone it can be very dangerous and couse a accident
16/12/08 anonymous


Biker Boy
“Without condoning dangerous motorcyclists, may I suggest you refresh your memory of the Highway Code. It is only illegal to overtake at a ped crossings if the vehicle has stopped to give way to pedestrians (Rule 167).”

Except Biker Boy, you are incorrect in several ways.

Rule 165 [not 167]
You MUST NOT overtake
the nearest vehicle to a pedestrian crossing, especially when it has stopped to let pedestrians cross.

Note: Just because you can't see anyone, there might be a child, a short adult, or someone in a wheelchair on the crossing.

There is a blanket prohibition against overtaking where there are zig zag road markings, which are found on the approaches to all poedestrian crossings. See: 'The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002'
21/10/08 Cyclist


Is it legal for bikes to overtake on the left (on motorways)? I have never ever seen a bike wait behind other vehicles to move over and overtake on the right which is why I wonder - are there different overtaking laws for bikes?
06/03/08 Car


Mickey Mouse: Unfortunately and very sadly, there are a FEW motorcyclists who think they are God. I was very unfortunate to meet one of these whilst out riding on my horse on a lovely sunny evening just over 4 years ago. The police estimated he was travelling around 120 mph on a minor B-Road.

I am not going to go into what happened, as I have related the sorry story on here many times, and have caused several people to suffer a moment or two's very inconvenient boredom (oh dear, poor darlings).

I don't understand why these cretins have to treat what is little more than a country lane as a speed track, why they don't trot along down to Silverstone, Goodwood, Snetterton, or some other race track beats me. I used to own a fantastic MGA, a beautiful little car. I used to race her OFF road at car club meetings at Goodwood which was quite close to where I used to live. I had a huge amount of SAFE fun. It is neither safe nor fun to plough into a couple of horses and their riders on a quiet country B-road.

If you don't believe me, ask the motorcyclist.
04/02/08 Nikki
Mickey Mouse

Mickey Mouse

Motor bikers and Cyclists

Why don't you just get a car for God's sake. Many of you are suicidal and then moan when you get hurt or injured. I nearly ran a motor biker over today (not on purpose) because the idiot was going 90+MPH on a small B-road.

I'm not moaning about the sensible bikers but those that put themselves in danger.

Very nearly had an accident today. Very shaken!! So, bikers, be careful and think how a driver would feel if they knocked you over because of your stupidity.
04/02/08 Mickey Mouse

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