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Hello everyone! This is my first gripe - so be gentle! Its a gripe about schools; in particular school materials and a lack of attention to detail when it comes to homework handed out by teachers.
My daughter (Aged 9) has returned from school this week with some new spellings to learn.
Teachers - a list of eight words, two were spelled incorrectly!
There's nothing unusual about that (or the fact that the instructions consist of a page photocopied from a Teacher's Book); what IS odd is that of a list of eight words two were spelled incorrectly! (Before anyone asks, I have double checked using the Oxford English Dictionary).
A primary school teacher is the last person I would have expected to hand out such sloppy work. Don't they at least run their texts through a spell checker before copying them and handing them out to the children?
So my gripe is: How on earth are kids supposed to learn correct grammar and spelling when their books are wrong and even the teachers haven't noticed - or worse, perhaps can't actually see - the mistakes!
School teachers, particularly those that teach English should have a handle on spelling and should have complete control of the coursework they are using.
schools are churning out illiterate kids these days
No wonder the schools are churning out illiterate kids these days! Bad grammar and spelling drive me insane. Am I now to suffer at the hands of my own progeny?
By: Anonymous
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I am judging you in the context of your general behaviour here so it seems to me to be a convenient lie. You have no sympathy whatsoever for vulnerable people such as the disabled and elderly. I think it was your post.
Why do you use the word spastic as a term of abuse?
Do you think that disabled people are a lesser form of human life?
You have said before that you have children. Any parent who teaches, by example, these attitudes to their children is a low life piece of excrement. Cerebral Palsy is a medical condition, not a joke or an insult. What a nasty excuse for a human you are - no surprise that you make excuses for the bullying of the vulnerable by pavement cyclists.
*Your*, not 'you're', which is a contracted form of 'you are'.
"You're point refers to ........"
Whichever way one looks at your (not you're) misuse of English, you have no reason to criticise others. Glass houses?
That's English? Bad is an adjective not a noun.
You should think before you get on your high horse!
That said, I do believe that there is an element of truth to his posting, for one has only to read what he has written? His english teacher may well have let him down to some degree, but by the beginning of his last year of schooling his grammar should have already been up to standard. 4.75 years later, now that is a good example of the written word, is it not?. "Master Young", whatever spare time you have had during this last four years and nine months, it would have been better spent swotting up on your grammar instead of inciting disrespect and ridicule. But then you will quite probably go through your entire life thinking that you are a "Clever Little Dick" or should it be "Dickhead"
Although I have left school, after 4.75 years, I have continued to get pupils, still at school, to poke at him and ask on my behalf "Brendan wants to know if your spelling has improved". I was told when one person did it, he ran down the corridor screaming, and another told me he got disciplined/given a detention when he did it, but that he would continue!!! I have even got another teacher to start poking fun at him.
everybody makes mistakes.. stupid woman