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Dazzled by rear fog lights and brake lights

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Everyone knows that when it gets dark, you need to use the lights on your car so that other drivers can see you.  Simple?  Well perhaps not as simple as you might think.  Living in the middle of nowhere, I cover a lot of miles (30,000+) during the course of a year in all sorts of weather.

Today, for instance, it's foggy.  Driving on a main road with not much traffic requires the use of your rear fog lights so that anyone driving up behind you can see you from a good distance.

However, you don't need to dazzle this driver when he or she catches up with you by leaving the fog lights on.  Turn it off when someone is driving directly behind you!  I've lost count of the amount of people I've seen today driving through a busy town centre with rear fog lights on.  It serves no purpose other than to dazzle and enrage the driver behind you!

stuck at a junction or in a jam and being dazzled by the numpty in front

A foggy road While I'm on the subject of dazzling drivers behind you, when stopped at a junction, please take your foot off the brake.  The brake lights on the cars of today are often rather bright and there's nothing more annoying than being stuck at a junction or in a jam and being dazzled by the numpty in front!  You should ideally use the hand brake when you are at a standstill for any length of time.

My final gripe - side lights on cars.  What is the point of them?  As I mentioned earlier, it's rather foggy in these parts today and these people have made a CONSCIOUS DECISION to put some lights on, but not quite managed to get as far as putting their dipped headlights on.  Please could someone explain the purpose of side lights to me because it's something I'm struggling to work out!

By: The Young Meldrew

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Sidelights are useful for when driving in built-up areas with street lighting as dipped beams can still dazzle, especially when parking on the wrong side of the road or pedestrians walking on the pavement. Some dipped beams are so bright, it's sometimes difficult to tell exactly how far away they are, which can be dangerous. They are more about being seen than seeing. They are also useful for when your car is parked on the side of an unlit road at night time.
09/11 FredFlintstone


Coming home from Northampton early morning hours a few weeks ago , Audi type car with front fog lights ,headlights and L shaped top lights all blazing comes up behind me. Very distracting dipped my mirror still causing vision problems overtook a Fed Ex artic to escape and the Audi follows ,in the end I signal and pulling ,he and the artic goes by . Then for the next 3 miles he proceeds to drive at 35 mph holding up the lorry and me with his rear fog lights blazing,. At the Warrington roundabout he speeds off . I was trying to get the plate number either VG or TG61VXR. Watch out he is a menace and should not be on the road. Why do it?
09/09/13 Nigel


"Drivers who use fog lights at night and sit with their foot on the brake at night in queues are particularly obnoxious, and present a menace to all other road users"

Totally agree, but look next time you are in a queue waiting for the lights to change, and see how many people won't use their handbrake, preferring to sit with their foot on the brake all the time. 90% of them...brainlessness is apparently endemic. How do you educate them over something so basically simple and thoughtful?
11/05/13 Oi


The rules are clearly set down in the Road Vehicles Lighting Regulations 1989 plus amendments.

Irrespective of what some people seem to believe. Drivers who use fog lights at night and sit with their foot on the brake at night in queues are particularly obnoxious, and present a menace to all other road users.
Bullies who intend to intimidate and dazzle, although most drivers who do this are probably just plain incompetent.
To those who use such lights improperly, which are you?

Road Vehicles Lighting Regulations
27. No person shall use, or cause or permit to be used, on a road any vehicle on which any lamp, hazard warning signal device or warning beacon of a type specified in an item in column 2 of the Table below is used in a manner specified in that item in column 3.


(1) (2) (3)
Item No. Type of lamp, hazard warning signal device or warning beacon. Manner of use prohibited
1 Headlamp
(a)Used so as to cause undue dazzle or discomfort to other persons using the road.
(b)Used so as to be lit when a vehicle is parked.
2 Front fog lamp
(a)Used so as to cause undue dazzle or discomfort to other persons using the road.
(b)Used so as to be lit at any time other than in conditions of seriously reduced visibility.
(c)Used so as to be lit when a vehicle is parked.
3 Rear fog lamp
(a)Used so as to cause undue dazzle or discomfort to the driver of a following vehicle.
(b)Used so as to be lit at any time other than in conditions of seriously reduced visibility.
(c)Save in the case of an emergency vehicle, used so as to be lit when a vehicle is parked.

These acts are against the Law, they are also clearly described as such in the Highway Code. I don't know what the penalty for such a breach may be, but expect points and a fine.
25/03/13 FreeThinker


Hi, my name is Harish Kandavel and I am a Grade 11 student from Middlefield Collegiate Institute. For my Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology, and Sociology course, I am conducting a survey to research and learn about how bullying is created and its impact on society. This survey is 100% anonymous and the results will be completely confidential.The only people that will be looking at the results are Ms Zissopoulos and myself. This survey will only take a couple of minutes. Thank you for taking your time to do this survey.
28/11/12 harish
ms jobbie

ms jobbie

Might be. 'Square crisps'. is that a euphenism or a medical condition?
28/11/12 ms jobbie


As a Christian woman I can speak my mind and will continue to do so when the time arises.I may be out of line here, but need to say something and I am sorry if I am out of line and will leave.
28/11/12 Donna


Oi, Yes I would agree with you at Jobby attitude with this site some of the comments that Jobby is good and others are very very negative towards people, as a Christian person for a very good reason I might add to this, I was offended with what he said when I posted something about Friendship and took him down with a comment like you. I don't care if he sees this because I will be doing it again. As I think most of the people here don't like some of his comments as I have noticed.
28/11/12 Donna


M. Stop tailgating & your problem will disappear, easy peasy.
28/11/12 boblet


Keeping a car at rest with your footbrake is not only inconsiderate when you have drivers behind you, it's simply bad driving practise. I've seen people parked up on the roadside chatting on their phones, with the car brake lights on. Honestly, it would be simpler and safer to put your handbrake on surely? And to the simpletons that say if lights dazzle you, then you need your eyes testing, I think you need lessons in basic physiology and logic.
28/11/12 Michael


Completely agree with this gripe.

Most irritating habit of the inferior drivers.

One is often inconvenienced by these creatures.
29/04/12 Congo
slip kid

slip kid

I always leave my foot on the brake if some little twot has tail gated me and we stop at traffic lights .I look in the mirror and there some 12 yr old spotty faced little kevin, music blaring, mc jzee ,and his girlfriend munching on mc donalds , saxo, corsa, drivers I luv em.
01/04/12 slip kid


"Agree with Happychris 20/2/11
If you are dazzled by brake lights, get your eyes tested.

iPost - 19-May-11 15:18"

Troll - get your brain tested. Be quiet.
07/11/11 Oi


"They can be irritating but I think you're being a over reactionary. Brake lights don't dazzle people with normal vision at any distance. If they do you should probably get a sight test
Happychris - 20-Feb-11 21:40"

Well, aren't you clever, speaking for everyone about what you think "normal" is? No, you're an idiot. How do you know that brake lights being on for some time don't cause discomfort for the driver behind?
Ok it doesn't bother you - well done. It's likely to annoy and bother others when it could all be avoided by the small action of putting on the handbrake.
Stop being selfish.
07/11/11 Oi


Agree with Happychris 20/2/11

If you are dazzled by brake lights, get your eyes tested.
19/05/11 iPost

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