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Be prepared to face up to the astonishing truth that nearly everything you see and hear is entirely without scientific evidence to prove that it is true. Scientific evidence allows us to be alive. It allows us to enjoy TV, radio, the Internet, motor cars and refrigerated food.
Unfortunately there are many who feel science is untrustworthy and warrants ever vigilant suspicion. There are many examples to base this idea such as coffee is bad for you when 2 weeks later its good for you.
Scientists can be just as fickle with chocolate, real butter and wine. I suppose eating and drinking most things in moderation would surely do us no real harm, but what does harm people are the charlatans who peddle their wares extracting huge amounts of hard earned cash from us. These people and big businesses should warrant more suspicion than any scientist you care to mention.
The following are products and services that have no scientific basis to support their effectiveness therefore they don't work; they aren't true and should be avoided at all costs.
Homeopathy, hypnotherapy, counselling, crystal therapy, magnet therapy, dowsing, acupuncture, ghosts, UFO'S from alien worlds, Bermuda triangle, God, religion, angels, clairvoyants, tarot cards, astrology, ESP, spoon bending using mind power, improving eyesight without glasses, cancer caused by overhead power lines, passive smoking and the list just goes on and on.
If you seriously believe any of these than you need some one to explain to you that Father Christmas does not exist and neither does the tooth fairy.
By: Phil
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Get ready for even more drastic changes on the planet Earth. The human race may think they are in control, but Mother nature will have the last laught.
"We think we are intelligent and yet we know very little. In reality we are trapped on a planet with nowhere to go. We cannot survive in over 90percent of our Earth's environment (includes atmospheres and oceans) and half the world's population believes in sky gods."
A gripe I have is so called "Paranormal Investigators", "Mediums" and the like, who charge people to rid their places of residence of evil spirits and to contact deceased relatives.
This should be illegal as there is not one bit of Scientific evidence to prove there are Ghosts, Spirits, Poltergeists etc. However, if people are prepared to ignore this and throw money down the drain then that's their look out.
This is the same paper that is obsessed by Cheryl Cole and Pippa Middleton publishing the unbelievable trite nonsense about them. Hardly qualifies them as having the journalistic quality of an objective look at scientific evidence.
I've been hearing on the radio today that they now think that injections hurt less if you watch the needle going in instead of looking away.
They have forgotten one very important factor in watching the needle go in: the possibility of pain incurred as you gently slide off your perch and fall to the floor unconcious!
With your poor spelling I am extremely worried that you may not know vital facts such as the difference between the prefixes "hypo-" and "hyper-". Confusion of the two could produce fatal results.
MikeP, you are perfectly right about the attention and advice given to patients by homeopaths and other non-conventional practitioners. Similarly, I have three basic family medical books in my library; two are on allopathic medicine and one on homeopathy. I always find that the last one gives the best and most detailed advice, even if that advice is to consult your GP!
knowing how they are made, I cannot see why homeopathic medicines would work but I cannot deny that people I know seem to find that they do.
This is a strange gripe that mixes up too many subjects to either just agree or disagree with. Lumping tarot cards in with counselling is just silly; I have a friend who is being helped enormously by a counsellor. Of course the counsellor needs to be a good one who has been professionally trained.
(I meant to say on another thread by the way that I am really sorry you can rarely drink coffee anymore, especially the Klingon variety!).
Study was carried out by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature
Findings were presented in Madrid at the global UN Climate Change conference
Climate change and pollution were named as the main causes of oxygen loss.
One foot dangling over the chasm of extinction, and the human race just cannot change it's greedy, self obsessed ways. Maybe this was always destined to be.