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Too many heavy school books to carry

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I am no stranger to the aches and pain some students experience in their hectic life at school.  On average I will come into school with up to 3 text books, 2 notebooks, a planner and my lunch in my backpack.  OK fair enough I have a locker, but this does nothing for the weight I have to carry on my back to and from school.

I wish to stay as healthy as possible in my life, I eat healthy meals regularly, do not smoke, do not drink and exercise as much as possible.  This includes walking back home from school at least four times a week, this walk takes me on average 50-60 minutes depending entirely on the amount I have in my bag.  Sometimes I will even walk to school which can sometimes take considerably longer as it is mainly up hill.

When I have a dozen or so heavy text books and note books in my bag, not only does my time getting to and from school increase, but also the amount of back and neck pain I experience.  So much so that by the time I was 15 years old, I had to sleep with a special pillow that is mainly used by people with arthritis!

Too many school books to carry I am sick and tired of people telling me that this can be solved by taking a bus or getting a lift home.  I am not replacing something that is free and healthy with something that will either cost me money or make me wait around my school for an extra 2 hours for someone to pick me up.

Teachers need to be more efficient with the work they set and the books they hand out.  There have been occasions where I have had to leave books in my locker when I need to take them home for homework, and in some cases I have had to walk an hour up to my school to collect books from my locker only to walk back 5 minutes later.  I know I want to stay healthy, but walking nonstop for 2 hours sometimes in the rain and cold is ridiculous for some books.

Teachers seem to completely ignore that fact that the students in their class have other lessons, and other lessons mean other text books.  Some teachers may even give their students up to 3 textbooks for one topic.  All of which we have to bring to one lesson.  Something needs to be done before we have a generation of people with chronic back pain.

By: KP

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My sister and I also had to carry heavy bags as children. There was not money for a bus and our dad used the only car for work, so it was a 2-mile round trip. This continued in my case through university, and there was still no money for a bus, and now a six-mile round trip. My sister now has back problems and I have problems with my pelvis. Carrying heavy loads is not good for a young person with growing bones. People need to get out of the mentality of 'it hurts, so it must be good for you' and 'I had to suffer and survived, so it won't hurt you'. Why can't the textbooks and worksheets be stored in Google Docs for the child to access at home, and a cheap, lightweight laptop be provided?
12/09/11 Zyrcona


Thank your lucky stars you are not a poor Indian girl of 5 or 6 who has to carry 3 large pots of water to and fro to her shanty town home. You are young. It won't kill you. What do you think generations of school children have been doing before you??
31/10/10 ajp
Tom Arto

Tom Arto

I get so many books that I have to take to school every single day - and we don't even have lockers in our school! So we just have to lug them around while walking to different classes. Oh, and along with our laptops that is compulsory for us to bring to school too. And the teachers would mock us if we complain about it - "oh the pain, having to carry an extra textbook to school, oh the agony!"

That was funny at the time, but having to carry, say, 3 textbooks in your hand or in your bag plus a laptop is just cruelty. I agree with SilverWolf, it's unhealthy and needs to be addressed. Back pain, shoulder pain, stuff like that, can turn into something more serious as you get older. Let's see if teachers can get through at least a day with 15kg on their backs and hands without complaining.
19/10/10 Tom Arto


I agree about the books. If I was flying then I would be paying a lot of for the extra pounds. Its horrifying how many books they give them. Im a veteran and no slouch, but if I wanted to put someone in coma, swinging my daughters bag into their head would accomplish that easily.

And if the schools are big sometimes they cant stop at their lockers since they are given 7 minutes between classes to get to the next one which means if their next class is in opposite direction of their locker then all the books have to go with her. Bicycles are the way I use to go, but I only had 4 text books and a notebook that sat nicely inthe back spring holder. Baskets would be good but have you ever tried to avoid a collision with a lot items sitting weighing on your handlebars? I wiped out many times as a kid trying to avoid running something with my books or other things in a front basket when your load shifts on you. And lest face it. The bikes they have today are wimpy compared to the wheels we had as kids.

My daughter who has been walking to summer school to better her math grade, her idea, she wanted to better her grade point average and turned a C into an A. I wanted her to continue the 20 minute walk to school and stressfully she begged to for time being give her a tramp back and forth. I tried not to be Dad the pushover, but when I picked up her book bag I got so angry that the school push all this healthy nutrition stuff and dont say a word about the ergonomics of the book carrying scene. I thought she had robbed somebody, I just could not believe the weight.

Its no joke nor is it mollycoddling. The forced transport of over 5-6 textbooks even between classes is cruel its unhealthy and needs to be addressed. Either put the textbook online or something but those who think its just a lot of whining let them put 10 building bricks in a bag and see how far they get thru the day comfortably.
Thats my peace thank you.
16/09/10 SilverWolf


my back hurts a lot all those book and paper hurts if I keave them at home I get a 0% dont tell me about all those "how tos" use a back tell the teachers to assign less homework I can sew them if I go though surgrey I gonna make I difference and im gonna do it now TELL THOSE TEACHERS MY VOICE IS NOT GOING TO BE COVERED!!!!!!!!!!!$%#@(*
27/08/10 yern
hacked off at the education sy

hacked off at the education sy

I always get to many books to take home from my boarding school
31/10/09 hacked off at the education sy


Hi I think that some school should get smaller assignment notebooks because ours at our school are way too big. they are like notebooks but a little smaller. what do you guys think...?
07/10/09 anonymus


My school does not allow book bags. This REALLY bothers me. My back is aching and my arms are sore! GOOD GRIEF! TOO MANY BOOKS!
23/09/09 Molz
Mr Hicks

Mr Hicks

I have just read my last comment.I wrote "there books" instead of "their books".I thought it best to point this out myself as someone else was bound too.
05/07/09 Mr Hicks
Mr Hicks

Mr Hicks

When I was at school in the early Eighties everybody walked to school with there books(in carrier bags in those days)It is only in the Last ten years or so that almost all children are carried there in Chelsea Tractors.Keep it up young Lady,You will develop toughness.
05/07/09 Mr Hicks


I totally agree. It is scandalous. I am by no means the kind who thinks children should be mollycoddled. BUT I am a mum. My daughters both did eight subjects in their fthirf and fourth years of high school. They also played instruments and took Art (portfolios). On the days when they had Portfolio, instrument and the schoolbag, it was phsyically imposible for them to walk to school. I could barely pick their schoolbags off the floor. If any adult had to carry that weight around their entire working day, their employers would have Hell to pay when taken to court!

Seriously, I would ask all adults to try picking up and carrying around the average high school pupil's bag. Something needs to be done. There are definitely going to be long term spine issues for these kids.
04/07/09 meg
Youthful Griper

Youthful Griper

When I was at school, there was a campaign about wearing back packs correctly. Back packs are usually supplied with 2 straps but kids didn't see this as 'cool' so 1 strap was the norm. This had an effect on kids backs becoming out of alignment or whatever.

Wear your back packs correctly and you won't get back ache from uneven weight distribution on your spine. Oh and load your bag/back pack correctly and evenly instead of just chucking stuff in- it's not great having a text book jab you in the back every time you walk.
02/07/09 Youthful Griper


oh dear. some kids dont get an education, some kids need to get a grip, and some kids need to help fight the increasing childhood obesity trends by carrying more books. diddums.
01/07/09 Phadreus


The things that school kids complain about these days. Too many books to carry? Are you serious?
01/07/09 AngelCake


I have quite a severe RSI from my exams that still plays up, and a slight spine curve the doctor has put down to 'weight strain at a young age'.

Enough said, really.
27/06/09 Lucy

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