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I have tried to use Love2Shop gift cards online with Argos today, but no joy, even though it says on their help pages that you can. I have clicked on 'Gift Cards' when trying to pay, but it says there is something wrong with the number.
I checked it really carefully and the expiry date and security code and all was correct. Still the same problem though, something wrong with the number. I tried a second card, but got the same result.
I used their online chat facility to try and get some support, and after about 25 mins or so, the helper said I would have to use it in store instead of online. I was going to have someone pick up the item for me in any case, but if I gave them my card and they used it, could this not be seen as fraud because they are not the owner of the card? I would have thought some proof of ownership would be required. Perhaps this may be a failing on behalf of 'Love2Shop'.
If you phone customer services at Argos they can only deal with current order numbers, so you must have an order number, which I don't have because I can't pay for my purchase online using 'Love2Shop' gift cards.
I just feel that a company as big and as famous (or is that infamous?) as Argos, could have a better online purchasing system and that they should have a far better Customer Service department. Surely you should be able to phone about any issue that concerns difficulties in purchasing goods through their online system?
By: merc1172001