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Excessive salaries paid to UK charity bosses

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I recently discovered the list below of the charities with the highest paid staff in the country and it makes for very distressing reading. As a matter of policy, the Ten-Percent Foundation will not be donating to any charity in future that pays a CEO or equivalent more than £75,000, which we believe is a reasonable wage to be paying a decent manager or director involved in a non-profitable and charitable venture.

Consumers' Association £300k-£310k
Marie Stopes International £260k-£270k
Save the Children International £261,309
Cancer Research UK £210k-£220k
British Red Cross Society £180k-£190k
Age UK £180k-£190k
Shaw Trust £180k-£190k
National Trust £170k-£180k
Royal Mencap Society £170k-£180k
Crime Reduction Initiatives £170k-£180k
Alternative Futures Group £170k-£180k
British Heart Foundation £173,300
Leonard Cheshire Disability £160k-£170k
Macmillan Cancer Support £160k-£170k
Marie Curie Cancer Care £160k-£170k
NSPCC £160k-£170k
Addaction £160k-£170k
Turning Point £165,000
Save the Children £162,220
Charities Aid Foundation £150k-£160k
Barnardo's £150k-£160k
People's Dispensary For Sick Animals £150k-£160k
Sense, The National Deaf blind and Rubella Association £150k-£160k
Royal Horticultural Society £150k-£160k
Zoological Society of London £150k-£160k
Historic Royal Palaces £151,037
Action for Children £140k-£150k
Salvation Army £140k-£150k
National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux £140k-£150k
Royal National Lifeboat Institution £130k-£140k
Royal British Legion £130k-£140k
Royal National Institute of Blind People £130k-£140k
Scope £130k-£140k
National Autistic Society £130k-£140k
St John Ambulance £130k-£140k
Alzheimer's Society £130k-£140k
United Response £120k-£130k
Dogs Trust £120k-£130k
Voluntary Service Overseas £120k-£130k
National Schizophrenia Fellowship £120k-£130k
Catch22 £120k-£130k

Charity boss salary excessive When did all these charities sell out to the corporate world and the excuse of 'independent salary review experts' determining salaries for their CEOs? How many international accountancy firms have been involved in plucking figures from mid-air to determine how much the RNLI fork out to a paid head when most of the people involved are volunteers? These days all charities with a certain income must disclose the salary being paid to the highest paid member of staff.

This means that the public can see where part of their donations and spend with a particular charity is going.

In the past 14 years, the Ten-Percent Foundation (the charitable trust receiving the Ten-Percent Legal Recruitment donation - £66,000 to date) has donated to a number of charities including some of those below - The British Red Cross and the CAB, which seem to have been paying out salaries in excess of £140,000.

However, for Cancer Research to be paying someone £210,000 per year, the British Red Cross £190,000 a year, Save the Children to be paying £261,309, Age Concern (or AgeUK - did someone get a bonus for this change of name?) to be getting £180,000, is quite frankly obscene.

By: Ray Freeman

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I never give to charities because of this issue, it needs to be put out there,ha,recently to mind is unicefs tv ad to help in yemem,sure those terrorists that are no throwing rockets at ships in the gulf
12/01 Despondent


It looks like CEOs have joined some sort of club where they can be paid these princely sums on the basis of if he/she gets it why shouldn't I)
10/11 Kenniff


Stopped giving to greedy charities
09/11 Djrbabe
Jo Jones

Jo Jones

Am speechless I will never support national charities again
11/06/23 Jo Jones


I will never give to a charity again CEO greed
01/06/23 Joseph


The bosses of these charities are certainly not charitable taking massive salaries.Also they were collecting for Africa when I was a little boy a d they still are.
14/11/22 Hanleigh


Local charities only, far too many noses in the troughs of big charities.
01/11/22 pickles


Had a leaflet through the door asking for furniture that the BHR will collect so filled in the form then had a email asking for photos, I don't think so if they have enough money to decide whether my donation is good enough for their shop then obviously I not interested in donating anything. Then decided to check what pay the ceo is on £189k so they can go do one.
10/12/21 Jush


This is crime disguised as commerce. It is time for taking up corporations for their crime will never be unveiled, give it a little more time. Tracy Roofing Pros
26/11/21 Mycris
Jackson Steve

Jackson Steve

The charity racket in this country is a disgrace that ought to be legislated against.
03/11/21 Jackson Steve


There are more and more charities appearing and it's for everything from A to Z, it seems that anybody can set up a charity for anything, and then wait for the cash to come rolling in, I agree that anything over £75,000 a year is pure greed, how can they justify getting paid 2 -3 times more for running a charity than the PM gets for running the country.
I think it is about time these so called charities were reined in and had a complete overhall, the RNLI are asking for donations then sending money to other countries, if they want lifeboat stations in these counties then let their own government pay for it, and not the generous public in the UK
27/09/21 Frodo
a citizen

a citizen

Charites and the pay scales of their CEOs...we are oxyMORONed!
13/09/21 a citizen


Amazing ..what you learn if you dig deeper .
Even Cameron & BJ ., can do what they like .
Not to forget big corporates .. big bucks & less tax ?
Choice .. Democracy .. How to strike back.. !!
07/04/21 Vincbir


I used to work in the Age UK back office as part of work experience programme run by DWP. Noticed interesting things. Elderly lone people are charged £16-17 per hour for cleaning services, supplied by AgeUK own agency staff, also leaflets were distributed to those elderly who do not have family but have fully paid mortgage - to roughly spkg hand in the keys in exchange for lifetime care services. I could not believe my eyes, and run off out of this work placement. This is crime disguised as commerce. It is time for taking up corporations for their crime will never be unveiled, give it a little more time. They say, society is changing - no. It is the corporate capitalism is a leach, govt, banks, pharma backed up by police and military are all in it together. Zombi apocalypsis is here.
21/12/20 Anichka


I agree with your concerns...I have received solicitation from ageuk to donate L10... I’d prefer donating my time as a retired RN and senior myself, but nothing in the form let’s me do that...It is scandalous that CEOs get paid over L80,000. Just like in the USA. I won’t give money if CEO salaries are extravagant..
10/11/20 Jane

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