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I have the dreaded crackles on my phone line and it gets so bad that I can hardly hear the other person speaking whilst on the phone. So far my ISP by the name of Zen have been very helpful and have done all they can possibly do, but as for getting the problems sorted out, I would have more fun if I were to try to extract my own teeth.
This has been going on since the 21st of July so far four engineers have called and two of them have found faults. Yet BT still deny there is a fault on the line, one engineer told me that replacing the whole aluminium wire with a copper one would be the only thing to fix this. However, BT will do everything in their power to stop this happening as it costs to much.
It's strange how BT seem to have forgot all about the line rental I have paid in the last 30 years and the money they had from ISDN when I used it. Let us not forget the money they get indirectly from my 5 years of broadband, but when it comes to replacing 60 meters of aluminium wire with copper wire its a no go!
This has left me very disgruntled and I resent having to pay for this shoddy excuse of a phone and broadband service, whilst they fumble around looking for excuses to get out of paying up for the costs to replace my phone line.
I can't believe that the UK gave birth to this monopoly and that we paid for this as a nation, yet get so little in return when asking for help.
By: Suffering BT customer
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The most ironic thing is, the counties main BT exchange is 50 meteres away, and the external wiring is the oldest and most shoddiest I have ever seen.
We complained before, and all they did was replace the plastic cover of the junction box (wow, thanks guys!)
It's shameful, that in the 21st century, and with the high broadband speeds available, more than a few of us are living in the internet stone-age.
Please can you tell me the number that you got from ofcom, we have the exact same problem as you. If you dont have the number anymore, can you tell me how to get it? Thank you
I would be interested to know what you would have proposed instead of BT.
I reported a line fault (in addition to the original and unresolved broadband fault).
BT OpenReach Engineer came out and agreed that the line was noisy. He replaced the master socket and swapped it to use a different set of wires to the exchange.
Since then no line noise. Broadband now solid and reasonably speedy.
Rubbish aluminium wiring from the late 1970s (copper prices were high then) decaying and causing snap, crackle and pop - and stuffing up my broadband connection into the bargain.
I remember the days when you could just call 151 and a proper engineer would call you back. Fat chance nowadays. We get Shritty reading from her script. A very nice lady but no use at all when it comes to diagnosing line problems.
BT should be broken up. It's a monopoly and offers shoddy service.
And by the way, you will have to write to them in order to file up a complain....they dont really trust their own lines, do they
I thought I would give them a chance this year (2014) but they wanted about £130 to connect me up when the line was already there.
Again, because of money-grabbing I decided to go another way.
I don't like BT for their money-grabbing attitude.