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Why does the boss get a longer lunch break?

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Why is it that managers and people who work locally, can get away with taking long lunch breaks when those of us who commute can't.  If I'm out at lunch that little bit longer I get the "angry eyes". You know, that dissatisfied look from the boss, with a glance at the clock and a small sigh...  Surely everyone's lunch break entitlement should be the same?

Where I work, we've got fairly strict working hours, i.e. 9:00 to 17:30 with no flexi-time.  So when a girl here showed up at 9:03 she got a "Good Afternoon" comment from the boss, but of course he'll be running his errands as much as he likes.  There's absolutely no consistency around here.

For example, right now he's gone to pick up his car from the garage, combined with a business lunch of course.  Woe betide the foolish employee who strays from his or her desk for an extra five or ten minutes though!

Lunch time, on time, looking at the watch ... one rule for management and another rule for the rest of the slaves.

It's always a case of one rule for management and another rule for the rest of the slaves.  I wish I could say that it's just the company I work for now, but it's actually the same story with other companies I have worked for.

Companies and I guess management really need to be a bit more consistent in their approach to staff lunch breaks.  Lunchtime is quite often the only time available to get some things done such as go to the bank, pick up a present or drop off some dry cleaning.

They need to be more flexible, but it needs to be across the board.  The same rules and degree of flexibility should apply to everyone who works for the company, not just a few individuals.

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because they have to pop into a posh restaurant at lunchtime and have a three course meal
31/10/13 Nick


Bukowski is right in majority of cases employers do act as though you are worth less as a person as you get paid less than your boss.
If they will steal your time away from you like that then steal some back by taking longer than necessary over some tasks and inventing errands that require your absence from the desk and hence actual work whilst still getting paid.
Remember time is money so make the most of your time for the usually crap money compared to costs of living that most employers pay
10/08/13 ahforfoulkessake


Please all remember,
Employers are scum, especially the management who have been put in charge. They will use you in every way they can (before dropping you) and yes, the management will disappear for hours if it suits them. My advice is to get back at them in any way you can (you can come up with your own inventions) as a revenge.
06/12/09 Bukowski


It's actually like this in the office where I work as well. We're turning into a nation of clock watchers and the rules on flexible lunch breaks apply only to the managers. It's okay for them to swan off and have a business lunch but god help you if you are five minutes late back from yours. One rule for them, and quite another for us. Oh well, I guess I had better go back and row with the other slaves then.

Happy lunch break!
30/01/07 Matt



And teacher has the NERVE to complain about my spelling.
31/05/06 Willy
Attila the Mum

Attila the Mum

Will, you're terrible!
You ahould look at the article 'Teachers who can't spell' - I think you'd appreciate it. (Although Teacher probably won't).
30/05/06 Attila the Mum


Do you fink teecher wud give me a gold star for my speling.

29/05/06 Willy
Attila the Mum

Attila the Mum

Teacher would be proud of you, Will!

As for getting up earlier - I've waited 7 YEARS for my youngest kid to reliably sleep through; I'm not about to spoil things for myself now!
Ah well, there's always next year...
28/05/06 Attila the Mum



Try getting up earlier, you'll catch it then.

Spelling checked, for the sake of TEACHER
28/05/06 Willy
Attila the Mum

Attila the Mum

WHAT summer? Is it happening before I get up? Am I missing it? I think I should be told! :)
28/05/06 Attila the Mum



Correct I can't sleep a lot these days. Up early bed late. Oh well, at leastI see the dawn and dusk of these LONG summer days.
26/05/06 Sly
Attila the Mum

Attila the Mum

Sly, given that your post was submitted at 4.48am I would assume you are either an insomniac or keep somewhat irregular hours yourself!
25/05/06 Attila the Mum



Does it matter how it's spelt?? Does it matter IF there's a full stop or comma.??

I could UNDERSTAND what Willy was on about.

ANYBODY who say's they can't have a break, or they HAVE to work all hours in a day, is in my opinion SAD.
25/05/06 Sly
Attila the Mum

Attila the Mum

I'm sorry your boss sets such a poor example for you. My husband is a company Director and would love to work set hours. He'd also love to have a lunch break! His usual hours are 8am to 6.30pm, with 30 mins for a sandwich at his desk at lunchtime. I know this doesn't help you personally - but at least it shows there ARE some hard working bosses out there!
22/05/06 Attila the Mum


You get a life and learn how to spell and how to use English. Ever tried 'they're' and 'you're'?

Ever heard of an apostrophe? No, it's not a 13th century religious reward for piety.

Maybe YOU'RE the monkey.
22/05/06 Teacher

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