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Rich people with a very poor attitude

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My gripe is mainly about rich men who have money, and yet are always the last to pay their bills on time.  Another issue I guess, is their attitude to the people in their life and the complete disrespect that they show others.

I was in the market town of Ripon, North Yorkshire on the afternoon of Friday 25th of Feb, 2005.  A very well known northern businessman whom I cannot name for privacy reasons, but who I have also known for a while had just had his haircut and was walking across to his BMW X5.  His car just happened to be parked right next to mine so I met him and he asked me to join him in his X5 and have a friendly chat, which I did.

Rich businessman - I have sewn her up good and proper

Very rich men who don't pay their bills on time As we talked, he bragged to me about a confidentiality agreement he had made his long term ex mistress and again can't name names for reasons of privacy.  Anyway this rich and powerfull business man looked at me and said, ‘That girl can’t do anything anymore, I have sewn her up good and proper and did you know in that agreement, she can’t set foot in North Yorkshire until me and my wife are dead?’

He then went on to tell me that his life wasn’t going in the direction he wanted it to and that the “country was going to the dogs”.  I have to say I don’t have much sympathy I have my own life to live.  It would help if this man, who is in the top one hundred rich list would pay outstanding invoices that he has owed me for months, some people with so much money get away with anything!.

Shaun from Leeds

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Niranjan Kariyawasam

Niranjan Kariyawasam

The People who become Rich without having a good family background or Sound educational success, they think they are the people in the society. They don’t know that they bring smile to others.
They are very poor on attitude. Just because of that they are most likely to be neglected by educated people and their society.
Then those rich people got only uneducated or poor people in their company/ life. Then they do everything to be famous in their society. Good luck for them.
11/05/12 Niranjan Kariyawasam


This is quite a fascinating read!!! Rich people seem to get away with things they shouldn't.
05/03/12 Lidman


I'm guessing his/her email address is the username Congo!

I hate people who leave this type of begging comment, it's almost as bad as the ones you get in your email inbox. If you're genuinely in dire straits you don't waste time whinging about it on a website, you get your @$$ out there and do something about it!
14/06/10 AngryMom



You forgot to include your email address.

Judging by your novel use of the English language and the overt begging, presumably it is a Nigerian one?
14/06/10 Congo

I’m 21years old and I live with my sister (26years). We have no place to live, just because our parents are divorced many years ago, we were living with our mother, are dismissed from our home, when my mother married with my step-father (4years ago).
My father died after a big financial defeat, and now we live in this great country.
My sister studied in the field of genetics and worked in the connections of computer hard wares, but we feel we’re changed to someone that doesn't serves someone’s purpose cause of the conditions we have, I feel dejected more and more day to day, and our connection breaks off from culture and technology.
We seek your kindly and Urgent helps, I’m waiting for your hopeful answer.


Ah, if I want money the rich people have, I just beat the crap out of them and take it off em. Its really quite simple. Violence is a very good method of attaining money from rich dudes. They are quick to part with it when their life is on the line.
Anyhow, there are plenty of poor people whom only have to think murder to become better off.
I say kill the lot of em and take their money. A few people have the money and many are poor. the rich are vain selfish gits and the poor and dumbed down. Do them in and take it off em
14/12/08 AnnRkist


If he owes you money, beat him over the back of the head and take it off him. Or rather enact British Law magna carta law and kill him and take all his money.
14/12/08 Johhny5


When I was younger I believed that money is everything. Now that I am older I know that it is.

You can't get very far without it, this you must admit to.
17/01/08 Charlie


Bang on the money Chris (pardon the pun!) Money and riches are indeed the route of all evil and man (or woman... and probably more likely) will kill his best friend for financial gain. It's all very sad and it basically points out how we have not really evolved at all!
17/01/08 Flatcap


Update to comment below, sorry Dominoes in Derby, not Hull. This businessman should be in Jail! Slavery was supposed to have been abolished exactly 200 years ago - 1807!! What are our politicians doing!?!
31/07/07 Chris


The vast majority of us will live our lives with anything between nothing and just enough to live on. One thing is for certain, absolutely none of us will be taking anything leftover with us, once we leave this planet!

All of us spending seemingly all of our lives just in the pursuit of money have lost the plot. There was a time in late 17th century Europe when anyone and everyone went in dogged pursuit of Tulip bulbs! It sounds completely daft now, but it's true nevertheless. How long will it take before our successors look back at us and think how daft we are for our singular pursuit of money. It will happen.

What matters is peoples behaviour. Look at the Dominoes Pizza scandal, (in Hull?) it's just outrageous, but typical of this type of businessman!
31/07/07 chris
We'll have their backs aga

We'll have their backs aga

There's only one kind of good old hard work. That's the kind a coal miner used to do. Hard digging all day long. So called captains of industry or city-slickers pulling in bonuses of £1 million, or people who have acquired £300 plus million, these people haven't really earned their money by hard work at all, but only by wheeler dealing and probably cheating.

Their wealth is nothing but greed.
30/07/07 We'll have their backs aga
uk girl

uk girl

to sadeque: you are a stupid lair....your story is so fake.
30/07/07 uk girl


Sadque... obviously you're not a very good business man really if you let all that happen.... Now, nip down to the local dole office and claim every benefit they can offer you... either that, or p**s off!
27/04/07 jinx


I don't think that I had better respond to the post below. I don't think my blood pressure would come down for several months if a started. Poor dear, have you never heard of bankrupcy?
27/04/07 Freddie

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