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Mobility scooter danger to pedestrians

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I've just come back from the shops and not once, but twice had a lucky escape having nearly been run down by one of these mobility scooters you see all over the place these days.  These things are a becoming a real menace to pedestrians and one of these days someone is going to get hurt if they haven't been already.  I'm not sure what the top speed of these things are but some of them move very quickly indeed.

he very nearly mows me down with his mobility scooter a couple of times a week...

I'm all for the old folk having their freedom to get out and about, go shopping and do the daily errands that we all take for granted.  I'm sure for them the mobility scooter is a godsend but I just wish some of them would remember that they're not on a race track and it's not cool to come tearing down the pavement at breakneck speed forcing pedestrians onto the road.  There's one particular old gentleman who lives near the town centre and when I go to the shops a couple of times a week our paths inevitably cross.  Or should I say, he very nearly mows me down with his mobility scooter a couple of times a week.

A mobility scooter going down the pavement He regularly comes flying around this blind corner and you have to move - very quickly.  No attempt is made to slow down or move over and woe betide anyone who stands in his way!  Has he got Deep Purple's Highway Star blasting out of his hearing aid or something?

Now don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want the old dears to drive their mobility scooters on the road, that would be plain stupid when you consider how crazy a lot of car drivers are these days.  Actually, I recently saw and old woman on the road with one recently.  I'm not sure about the legalities of that but I'm pretty sure she shouldn't have been doing that.  All I would like is for them to take a little more care when driving their electric scooters on the pavement; show some consideration for pedestrians and take the foot off the throttle!

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watch out for that nun that creeps up on you unawares, blasts here horn, and gives you a gob full!......then has the audacity to say "bless you my son"..... Crackers!
17/06/14 electriceel


This is dreadful injustice! Pedestrians have no rights! I have been badly injured by a person in a mobility scooter who came up behind me as I was walking down the road. She was going at a speed and gave me no indication she was approaching! I have sustained very bad wounds on my legs and have been using crutches. The police said that nothing can be done about it! I am furious!
Please help, justice needs to be done. Pedestrians are in real danger. The injustice is startling. How can this be allowed to go on?
22/04/13 DT
raging kiwi

raging kiwi

The maximum speed for using a mobility scooter near pedestrians is 4 mph. And scooter users MUST give way to pedestrians. Not try and run them over. The other week I was nearly run down on the pavement by an old lady on a mobility scooter going like the bloody clappers. She had no intention of giving me the right of way either, the dozy cow. SLOW DOWN!
26/12/11 raging kiwi
raging kiwi

raging kiwi

Fred E
You are talking out of your ar*e! the pavement is for walking on. NOT for cycling on! Doughnut!
30/11/11 raging kiwi


Just in from Shameless. Best stop digging Freddie.
06/11/11 Boblet


Well now you do know somebody that has been hit by one, me! I've never been hit by a cyclist though!
05/11/11 Freddie
Fed up Pedestrian

Fed up Pedestrian


"I do think you are far more likely to get hit by one of these on a pavement than say, a bicycle!"

"I think you should need a medical certificate to use one ....."

I think cyclists should have to pass a training course, have insurance and registration plates to identify the vehicle.

I know people using these scooters have caused accidents but I don't personally know anyone who has been hit by one, I know many people who have been hit by cyclists on the pavement, including me.
05/11/11 Fed up Pedestrian


I'm not making any assumptions thank you.
I am absolutely certain that these people exist because I know a couple myself. I don't doubt there are some people that have put on a lot of weight since first needing a scooter but don't tell me that is always the case because that simply isn't true.
I don't make assumptions about people in these scooters and you've only 'assumed' that I do. So please don't do that as you don't know me!,that really showed me didn't it! Tw*t
05/11/11 Freddie


Well said Terri. I did say time would tell for twerps.
05/11/11 Boblet


Freddie, unless you know the person you cannot just assume that the scooter is needed because they are overweight....i know someone who was very fit and slim until an inherited lung disease meant he had to take steroids or die... he ballooned up enormously.

He still works and does not need a scooter but if he gets sicker and has to use one, someone like you would make judgements about his eating habits...
05/11/11 Terri


Nonny, yes it was clear! It is down to the user to use the speed limiter when riding on the pavement.
05/11/11 grumpyoldwoman


"I seriously doubt these things would do much harm but I do think you are far more likely to get hit by one of these on a pavement than say, a bicycle!"

Then you are out of touch with reality on both subjects.

The mobility scooters do 4 mph and tend to go in a straight line or at least are unlikely to be found jinking in and out of pedestrians so they present less danger than a fast moving cyclist who is doing so. On the other hand, the scooters are pretty heavy and could do damage if they hit someone.

As for the rest of your posting, yes, you are probably right.
05/11/11 MikeP


To add my two penneth to this. I seriously doubt these things would do much harm but I do think you are far more likely to get hit by one of these on a pavement than say, a bicycle!
I think these are a good invention that give mobility to those with disabilities and enrich their lives by giving them more independence. I do get annoyed when I see people using them who's only disability is not being able to say no to yet another burger and slice of cake! I think you should need a medical certificate to use one and I don't think being fat is an illness.
04/11/11 Freddie


MikeP, I'm not his alter ego and we are definitely not the same person. Get Kenny to check if you want.
04/11/11 Freddie



I am hoping that it was clear that the idiot I was referring to was myself and not you!

I believe that the Dept for Transport is planning to introduce a basic driving and eye test, and also to make it compulsory for at least third party insurance to be taken out before someone can use one of these scooters.

I think most people want to strike a balance between not restricting the independent mobility of elderly or disabled people while still doing something to keep everyone safe.
04/11/11 Nonny

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